Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

WOW have not been here in a while.

I will be 7 weeks post I am doing 30 weeks-

Well, the next relaxer will be done by my SIL
I just had silk elements done 7 weeks ago and my hair was overprocessed and my stylist done this.

So, what am I doing?

Protien treatments every 1-2 months

Sealing ends in JBCO/baggy


leaving NG alone. I do not like Silk Elements b/c I cannot see or feel the NG with Affrim I can see it within 2-4 weeks.

also, wearing my hair in a braided bun.

Washed last night and applied some Lacio Lacio and my hair came out so shiny.
I was supposed to get my hair relaxed today but I woke up feeling awful, so had to cancel my appointment. I think I am going to try and stretch it out a little longer. My last relaxed was on May 14th, so I'm almost at the 3 month mark.
Well ladies I've held out as long as I can and I've decided that the appt I made to just get a roller set and roots pressed next weekend is actually going to turn into a relaxer. I'll be 2 days shy of 17 weeks..which is good for me since before LHCF I relaxed every 9-10 weeks...It was a hard decision and we all know as a woman I have the right to change my mind but for now I am relaxing..........I think, LOL....I'll post after the appointment.

wow...well needless to say I didn't relax, and I'm now at 32 weeks, but I'm definatly going to relax either myself tonight or my neice will do it tomorrow....I can't wait!!!
I'm keeping my thirsty roots moisturized with a spray bottle of water, and leave in conditioner twice a day. I'm heading into month 8 :yep: of my stretch, and my new growth accounts for about 1/3 of my hair strand length. So far root management is not too bad, because my relaxed ends are super straight. The straight ends help keep knots and tangles at bay. The longer the new growth gets, the more finger detangling I'll have to do daily. I have learned that each and every day my hair needs to be moisturized-once in the morning, and then again before bed. My hair won't have it any other way!! My mane is taming me to give it what it needs!!! I wonder if I've 'spoiled' it?:look:
Going into my 20th week post, I am halfway there! I am hoping I can go for 40 weeks, which would be my longest stretch, ever! After this stretch, I am contemplating going for a full year. My mind changes often, so we will see.
I was just convinced by another member that I need to stretch in order to nurse my edges back to health so Im already 5wks post and my goal is til my birthday on 9/11, LORD HELP ME!
I read about S-curl alot on here can anyone tell me what its for and how can I benefit from it with stretching. TIA
I was just convinced by another member that I need to stretch in order to nurse my edges back to health so Im already 5wks post and my goal is til my birthday on 9/11, LORD HELP ME!
I read about S-curl alot on here can anyone tell me what its for and how can I benefit from it with stretching. TIA

I know it is just a curl moisturizer that people who texturize use their hair on their hair. I don't use it so I can't say for sure how well it works. Perhaps buy a small one to see if your hair likes it before getting a large bottle of it.
7 months post checking in.. i can't even do straight styles. i just wash it, braid it, and put on my curly half-wig at this point.
Ladies i need some help. I was goin for an 8 month stretch, but i'm considering cutting it short. I can handle my hair any more!:wallbash: I only wash once a week but now i cant co wash at all because it takes out to much hair.:nono: In 2 days i will reach 5 months post and thats when im considering throwing in the towel, relaxing, and starting a 3 month stretch (so i can look good for my b-day in december:grin:)..... Should I go ahead relax so I wont lose as much hair or should i tuff it out?
Hey fellow stretchers! I am fourteen weeks post (I usually stretch 12). I would really like some braids, as I exercise and sweat heavily daily. But braids are so expensive now... why? Right now, I'm trying to find some young person in the area that could do them for a discounted price (child slave labor).

I have a new regimen. I do not co-wash anymore, and I use a lot of natural things now (with the exception of my relaxer and neutralizing shampoo).

1. Detangle and oil hair with coconut or olive oil.
2. "Wash" with Kitty litter or Bentonite Clay mixture. Sit for 20-40 minutes and rinse.
3. Apply Aubrey GPB Conditioner and condition for 15 minutes.
4. Use black tea (Bigelow Vanilla Chai) as a final rinse.
5. Airdry or roller set. (I actually don't need moisturizers but sometimes I use a natural butter or lotion).

There have been times where I have gone several months without a touch-up. My advice is to co-wash, wear loose buns, or just leave your hair alone. HTH

Hold on... kitty litter? :spinning: What does the kitty litter do? Not going to do this but wanted to ask anyway. I'm learning a new thing everyday.
Ladies i need some help. I was goin for an 8 month stretch, but i'm considering cutting it short. I can handle my hair any more!:wallbash: I only wash once a week but now i cant co wash at all because it takes out to much hair.:nono: In 2 days i will reach 5 months post and thats when im considering throwing in the towel, relaxing, and starting a 3 month stretch (so i can look good for my b-day in december:grin:)..... Should I go ahead relax so I wont lose as much hair or should i tuff it out?

I say go ahead and relax. What's the point in stretching longer and end up with having long stringy thin hair? That's defeating the purpose of achieving long, beautiful, thick hair. Save your hair and relax it if you are losing too much.
I'm entering week 14 of a 16 week'er. It looks a mess,:blush: but it feels great.:grin:

I plan to relax Labor Day Weekend. Next stretch will try to go 20.:look:

I've been Co-Washing Weekly with a Protein Conditioner i.e. Millcreek Keratin etc...and using a reconstructor weekly as well. Followed up with something Uber Moisturizing with My Steamer. A good, creamy, moisturizing Leave-In and a Vial of Fermodyl 619.

Keeping NG Well Moisturized.
Last week, I hit the 8 month mark of this looooooonnnnnnnnggggggg stretch! Trying not to think about how every day and evening I have to get up in those roots and moisturize in order to make it to the next day. Yes, its a lot of work, but now that I know what my hair needs, it's my responsibility to make sure it gets it each and every day. If I miss a day, my hair will let me know it. Now I just sorta look at it as one of those normal routines we have to do every day like brushing our teeth, and breathing. The key word in this hair stretch is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize !:spinning:
Last week, I hit the 8 month mark of this looooooonnnnnnnnggggggg stretch! Trying not to think about how every day and evening I have to get up in those roots and moisturize in order to make it to the next day. Yes, its a lot of work, but now that I know what my hair needs, it's my responsibility to make sure it gets it each and every day. If I miss a day, my hair will let me know it. Now I just sorta look at it as one of those normal routines we have to do every day like brushing our teeth, and breathing. The key word in this hair stretch is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize !:spinning:

WOW SB! 8 Months!:notworthy You are doing great. And here I am half-way "complaining" about 4 measley months:rolleyes:

But you know you right. Moisture. Moisture. Moisture. And for me, keeping that Protein in there too. To keep everything strong. Yet Balanced.

Girl, Thanks for Sharing that.:yep:
Hey ladies I am about 4 weeks away from my 57 week when I will be taken out the braids and DC in prepration for my self relax. I am excited and a little nervous cause I will be doing it myself. I have a plan so I am hoping everything will go well. I want to be bonelaxed but not overproccessed and I know there is a fine line between the two.

Any suggestions?

I GAVE IN! at 10 Weeks. I pretty much "tex-laxed" because I didnt want my hair super straight but it is MUCH MORE manageable. I couldnt do the naps and not being able to wear my hair in the wrap lol
I was just convinced by another member that I need to stretch in order to nurse my edges back to health so Im already 5wks post and my goal is til my birthday on 9/11, LORD HELP ME!
I read about S-curl alot on here can anyone tell me what its for and how can I benefit from it with stretching. TIA

Let me co-sign on this... I can see my edges growing in... but I need to wait to relax until that fuzz starts to really sprout or out they will come. I am TRYING not to relax until December 18th which will put my at 22 weeks post.
This past year, i've been aiming for 12 weeks for each relaxer, no less than 8 but my last relaxer was really bad for some reason, i had some incredible burns, the worst i've ever had and as a result i'm shedding. Not a terrible lot of shedding, i dont have bald patches or anything and my hair doesnt seem any much thinner but i can tell that its shedding when i wash or just comb my hair, so i've decided to do whatever it takes to stretch until the shedding stops, if it takes a year, i'm stretching for a year.

I'm switching to texlaxing anyway, the last 2 times i texlaxed so if i let it grow out, that will be a good way for me to transition. So far i'm just at 8 weeks post, i'm going to make some garlic oil to apply to my scalp so hopefully that helps. If the shedding stops then i'll probably texlax at 12 weeks again.
I am at 4 weeks post now (no biggie haha) and I am attempting to stretch for 18 weeks so, Thanksgiving weekend I would like to relax. Hopefully I make it :). Actually, I won't have a choice since my trusted stylist is back in LA but I'm still hoping I make it.
I will be 7 weeks post, my new growth is coming out now, and i can nto keep my hands away from the curls!!!!i am ALWAYS catching myself .
I am not sure how long i will be stretching this time around.... last time i went 16 weeks. I know i can go 18, its all about will power, hopefully i can go longer?maybe till December?
will have to see