Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

A couple of days shy of being 5 weeks post. Just clipped my ends and my hair is looking pretty good. Trying to make it to 20 weeks this time so I'm going to do a lot of cowashing, deep conditioning and oil rinsing to make it
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

20 weeks post here, and just too lazy to relax. I flat ironed for a length check last weekend and was shocked to now be BSL. I've usually only gone 10-12 weeks, but braidouts have made this stretch a little easier. What concerned me was wearing my hair out everyday, but it seems that isn't a problem with proper maintenance.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm just about 4 weeks post relaxer. My hair is def texlaxed and it's kinda interesting dealing with the different textures. I'm hoping to hold out to 12 weeks, protective style w/ a sew in for 8 weeks and then my touch up should be when I'm between 20 - 22 weeks post.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

8 weeks, I think...I took my ticker out of my siggy and now I'm lost :ohwell:.
I think I'm about 8 weeks post. Trying to hold out until December 21st to relax my hair again.

Excuse the typos but i'm on my iPod touch
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Brittster - I am 4 weeks post also and trying to hold out till 12 weeks. Do you have a relaxer buddy?
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

8 weeks 4 days. Before I learned better, I relaxed every 6-8 weeks.
Now that I'm newly relaxed the right way and have tons of know-how now, I'm shooting for 17 weeks...which should be a breeze considering I didn't have a relaxer for 2 years while natural!

I think I'm gonna find a ticker to keep track.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Rozlewis, hey... I don't have a relaxer buddy. I got my hair texlaxed at my last touch up and now there are certain areas that feel like they weren't really relaxed and I see to have a lot of more new growth but in actuality the hair isn't relaxed fully in some areas. So while I'm only close to 5 weeks post I feel like I'm further along. I'm going to try and stretch it out to 12 weeks so that I can weave it up for a good 8 weeks.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

How many weeks post relaxer are you right now? 4 weeks

When is your next touch up? February 17, 2013

What relaxer will you use? Phytorelaxer Index I - switched from Index II because I want texlax hair instead of bone straight.

Are you going to a salon or will you self-relax? Self relax
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

@ Brittster, we are having the same experience. This was my 2nd time relaxing my hair myself. The first time I did not do a good job at smoothing the relaxer so I feel like my hair was not relaxed at all. I was only able to stretch to 8 weeks between relaxers that time. This time I relaxed but it was really more of a texlax. I did a lot better but still not as good as it could have been. I desire to go to 12 weeks but not sure if I will last that long to be honest. However, I recently purchased a wig and I am hoping to wear the wig to help get me there but the wig was custom made so it takes 8 weeks to get it. I ordered it on October 15 and it is not here yet. Anyway, long story short I may not make it to 12 weeks either but we can be a support system for each other.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I think I'll be 15 weeks post tomorrow. I don't feel like counting....
Almost 12 weeks post, 3 to go! Phew! My longest stretch is 13 weeks, but i'm not losing anywhere near as much hair this time as my comb only sees the light of day once a week. Thank God there are no cute boys here cos lord knows I don't look great right now -__-
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm at 19 weeks and am starting to get antsy. Trying to make it to January.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

8 days away from 52 weeks :lol:

I think I will relax and get a cut close to the end of Dec.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm 25 weeks post. I'm trying to hang in there for two more weeks so my hair will be freshly done when I visit my family for Christmas.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

la mosca, still doing your long stretches huh :lol:. Are you still relying on rollersets mostly? Do you ever use heat to help you stretch? What's your hair type?

@Rozlewis, I'm thinking of getting my hair relaxed a little straighter next go around, we'll see. I'll see what my hairdresser thinks.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Brittster, :lol: I'm still at it. This next relaxer will mark 2 full years of 6-month stretches. I always forget how hard it is at the end.

I'm still relying on air-dried rollersets. I shampoo and DC under the steamer about twice a week. Once I hit week 21, I began using a flat iron set at about 240 degrees F to smooth the new growth from time to time (special occasions). Basically, I don't flat iron the roots when I don't mind looking like Frederick Douglass. :lol: My hair type is 4 a/b -- predominantly 4b.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

@Brittster, :lol: I'm still at it. This next relaxer will mark 2 full years of 6-month stretches. I always forget how hard it is at the end.

I'm still relying on air-dried rollersets. I shampoo and DC under the steamer about twice a week. Once I hit week 21, I began using a flat iron set at about 240 degrees F to smooth the new growth from time to time (special occasions). Basically, I don't flat iron the roots when I don't mind looking like Frederick Douglass. :lol: My hair type is 4 a/b -- predominantly 4b.

la mosca LOL! I just got a visual of Frederick Douglas when I read this. How do you wear your hair then? I hate rollersets w/ big puffy roots and straight ends.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

13 weeks post. Relaxing at 16 or 17 weeks post.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Brittster, yes, that looks terrible. :lol: I cut my hair into an angled bob, and I set my hair on big rollers so it comes out with a slight bump rather than curly. What helps me is that my previously-relaxed hair has some texture, so it blends with the new growth better than it would if it were bone straight. But at this point in the game, it's hard to get around looking a HAM.

I'm seriously thinking of relaxing three times a year rather than twice next year. I feel like I was looking wonderful until Week 20. :lol:
What do you do to keep it from shedding and breaking that so long!?!?


Im not a big manipulator so breakage is minimum. I can't do anything about the shedding. Its normal so I embrace the shedding cycle. LOL. My hair stays in box plaits under my wigs until wash day. This far into my stretch I go at least 2 weeks for my next wash.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Brittster, were you texlaxing previously? I am having trouble with the stretches and purchased a wig which I do not like. I am now thinking about getting a sew-in. I have to do something? Also, I may not be able to stretch to 12 weeks yet. I might be trying to rush it. I probably have to ease into it by may going to 10 weeks, then 12 weeks, etc. I was traveling this week on business so I did not get to co-wash on Wednesday like I usually do and I can feel it. My new growth is screaming. For people who can stretch 14 weeks and up I wonder if this was something they had to ease into. I stopped going to the salon because they were destroying my hair and I can't seem to find anyone who will take care of my hair right.

Brittster, you mentioned relaxing your hair straighter next time. Why?
5 weeks still debating on whether I will relax on week six because I'm underprocessed and it hard to comb when dry and since ironing I washing every two weeks
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

5 weeks post and I'm planning to relax around February 1st, I'll be 14 weeks post. I might go to 16 which is the longest I'll ever go due to having fine hair and super tangles. I'm playing it by ear.
16 weeks post today.

Things are going well, so I should easily make it to my December 22 goal.

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