Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I am currently 3 weeks post my last texlaxer. So it's still fresh with no issues. I have 3 months and 1 week to go for 16 weeks. I probably already know I will be going at least 20 weeks but I'm concentrating on only 16 for now.
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Next week will probably be my last week before touching up. I cannot wait to feel my scalp :cry3: I was attempting to wait as close to Thanksgiving as possible because this relaxer needs to hold me over until January.

It's time for a new relaxer schedule but what frequency? :scratchchin:
@SuchaLady I'm right there with you!

I'm counting the days until I relax. If I have time on Sunday, I'll do it. Otherwise I'll have to wait until next weekend. :(
@sunnieb Do you relax as needed or on a schedule? I just go as needed but I'm thinking about relaxing every how many weeks (no fewer than 12). Sometimes I'll be 6-7 months post and not realize it :look: Which is fine but I end up dreading the entire process then put it off more :lol:
It's time for a new relaxer schedule but what frequency? :scratchchin:

I'm changing mine up as well. I used to stick to an every 4 months schedule but I'm changing it. I've decided to relax every 3 months in March, June, September and December starting next year.

That'll allow a variation of 12-16 weeks depending on when in the month I relax but not too inflexible for my mood/schedule.

I also think those are good transition months for a fresh relaxer. March is beginning of spring when I can do more braidouts. June is beginning of summer when I'll do more WNGs or wet styles. September is Fall when I'll be rocking straight hair more often. And December is holiday gatherings/parties, EOTY photos for challenges.
I will be 4 weeks post my last texlaxer tomorrow. I'm planning on stretching for at least 14-16 weeks. I'll see how my hair is behaving when I reach that point, whether I'll stop there or go longer will depend on how well she is handling the stretch. My last stretch was surprisingly long - 32 weeks (8 months) :eek:
I'm changing mine up as well. I used to stick to an every 4 months schedule but I'm changing it. I've decided to relax every 3 months in March, June, September and December starting next year.

That'll allow a variation of 12-16 weeks depending on when in the month I relax but not too inflexible for my mood/schedule.

I also think those are good transition months for a fresh relaxer. March is beginning of spring when I can do more braidouts. June is beginning of summer when I'll do more WNGs or wet styles. September is Fall when I'll be rocking straight hair more often. And December is holiday gatherings/parties, EOTY photos for challenges.

Those months do work well for the reasons you have listed. I thought about January, April, July, and October; however, even though those months are spaced equally they seem so far apart :oops::spinning:

I want to be sure of these months because it takes awhile to switch up relaxer schedules but I'd also just go get a blowout if I was pressed to need my hair look that amazing and it wasn't time for a touch up:look: Ugh to all of this lol.
Speaking of relaxers and such, a half inch - inch high area of my nape (measured upwards in the direction of my ear and from ear to ear) is a hot mess. I'm gonna have that trimmed really well when I get my hair straightened for Thanksgiving. It was processed too heavily for my liking about 2 years ago, so during subsequent relaxers that area wasn't relaxed as harshly since it relaxes easily. I don't think the drastic differences in textures played well together. It's nothing very visible nor does it contribute to much of my length back there so meh.
I honestly don't know how many weeks I am. My scalp issues have been diagnosed as eczema and the last time I tried to relax I burned immediately and the lady had to remove the relaxer at once. I have so much growth, when I try to wash it my newgrowth becomes matted and my hair breaks.

My friends have advised me to go natural and I simply refuse. Have any of you ladies ever had the eczema of the scalp and how did you treat it?

That sounds frustrating!

From my natural days, I remember ladies using ACV and coconut oil (not necessarily together) to remedy their scalp eczema.

Do you use a lye or no lye relaxer? No lye is supposed to be better on the scalp.

Also, what do you use to base your scalp? Maybe you can try something petroleum based. Vaseline and Blue Magic grease have been good to me.

I hope you find something that works for you! GL! :)

That sounds frustrating!

From my natural days, I remember ladies using ACV and coconut oil (not necessarily together) to remedy their scalp eczema.

Do you use a lye or no lye relaxer? No lye is supposed to be better on the scalp.

Also, what do you use to base your scalp? Maybe you can try something petroleum based. Vaseline and Blue Magic grease have been good to me.

I hope you find something that works for you! GL! :)

Thank you @MzSwift,I am frustrated. I use the ORS No lye in regular. I was basing my scalp with a jamaican black castor oil mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. That made it worse. I will give Vaseline a try.
Thank you @MzSwift,I am frustrated. I use the ORS No lye in regular. I was basing my scalp with a jamaican black castor oil mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. That made it worse. I will give Vaseline a try.

OMG, yes! That tea tree oil probably had your scalp pores open and vulnerable! If it's something you use to help your scalp, you should stop using it at least a week prior to your relaxer to be safe. It's like those of us who use(d) sulfur, we have to stop using it about a week prior. You can go back to using it after your relaxer though.

How long ago was your botched relaxer? I think you can do a corrective after 6 weeks or so. Hopefully the real experts will come in and confirm that. If it's been that long, maybe you can do a corrective using grease/Vaseline to base your scalp instead.
Whoah! I'm 20 weeks post! Yowza!!!

I messed around watching the Cowboys play last night and didn't relax (totally worth it though - GO COWBOYS!!!). I did do my usual clarify/shampoo/dc and my hair is still doing great. :)

I'll relax this weekend at 21 weeks. Longest. Stretch. Ever. :eek:
I honestly don't know how many weeks I am. My scalp issues have been diagnosed as eczema and the last time I tried to relax I burned immediately and the lady had to remove the relaxer at once. I have so much growth, when I try to wash it my newgrowth becomes matted and my hair breaks.

My friends have advised me to go natural and I simply refuse. Have any of you ladies ever had the eczema of the scalp and how did you treat it?
Get some hydrocortisone cream from Walgreens, Walmart, etc... start applying that on the areas that need to be treated. Once you get that under control, base your scalp with petroleum jelly. Castor oil was not thick enough to use as a base. And get a moisturizing spray to soften the new growth. Shea Moisture coconut and hibiscus spray is a good spray and won't irritate your scalp. My stepson has psoriasis and I have him to use that. I have eczema too.
I decided that Im going to give myself a full year until I do another touch up.
Reason being I went through a very tough, stressful 6 months and my hair suffered. Did a major trim to what looks like barely bra strap and im just going to pamper and PS until spring. Winter here is too harsh anyway.

When I do relax Im thinking of maybe silk elements...thats what Ive been using before. But Im thinking of stepping it up to something higher end like affirm or phyto. I have time so we will see.
OMG, yes! That tea tree oil probably had your scalp pores open and vulnerable! If it's something you use to help your scalp, you should stop using it at least a week prior to your relaxer to be safe. It's like those of us who use(d) sulfur, we have to stop using it about a week prior. You can go back to using it after your relaxer though.

How long ago was your botched relaxer? I think you can do a corrective after 6 weeks or so. Hopefully the real experts will come in and confirm that. If it's been that long, maybe you can do a corrective using grease/Vaseline to base your scalp instead.
It was definitely more than 6 weeks ago. I think I will take @shortdub78 's advice and buy the cream and use it on my scalp before relaxing. Thanks my ladies.