Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

12 weeks post today. I usually relax at 9 - 10 weeks, but I have been wanting to switch up my relaxer and I am not really sure what I should go with. I use Precise no-lye, and have used it prob for the last 15 years...ggeeesh...last year I tried switching and used ORS professional no-lye. I don't think it agreed with my hair because shortly after my hair started to take a turn for the worse so I went back to using Precise. But now my hair is under processed in certain areas of the length. I just want to find a relaxer that I love and since I am so uncertain right now on what I want to switch to I have been holding out relaxing.
I'll be 35 weeks post tomorrow and still have a minimum of 9 weeks to a maximum of 17 weeks to go before my next texlaxer. After my next texlaxer, I think I'll do one once every 6-8 months instead of once every 10-12 months. I don't know, maybe...not sure yet though.
13 weeks post and pushing it till 20 weeks post. I am loving the fullness of my hair after doing a roller set today. One of the best ones yet. At this point in my stretch I have to do roller sets every week to keep this new growth under control.
I'm about 9 weeks post. I usually have a hard time with this b/c I don't typically count weeks. I relaxed about mid-November and I plan to relax in March. Not yet sure when in March I'm going to relax; depends on how my hair is doing. Hoping to keep it straight more in order to help with the stretch.
9 weeks post.

I kinda get the feeling that Imma relax right at 12 weeks. My newgrowth seems denser and more tangled this go-round. :confused:

I still want to at least go to 12 weeks and see.
I thought this was cute: hair can grow too

What I Hear on The Daily about Relaxed Hair
Your hair is relaxed? Wow, you must hate your culture”


“You must really hate yourself if you put chemicals in your hair”


“You just wanna be white”.


“You gonna end up bald if you keep relaxing your hair”


“Why aren’t you grateful for what God gave you?”


ANDDDDDD, last but not least…

“Relaxed hair is unhealthy and can’t grow long. Why’d you waste your time?”


I have nothing against natural hair. I think its gorgeous actually. Just not on me in particular. So I don’t hate it, I love it. Just didn’t love mine and it was difficult to handle. Ladies, wear a weave or wig if you want to. Rock your natural hair if you want to. Pull out yor ‘creamy crack’ if you want to. Its YOUR hair, YOUR decision.

Oh, and this goes out for one of my old friends who said something similar to the last post above…




Yeah, you were sooooo right. Relaxed hair IS unhealthy and can’t grow. *inserts annoyed eye roll*. True, ONLY if you don’t take care of it. By that, I mean don’t jus throw a relaxer on it and call it a day. Start a regimen, and take care of it.(Making one similar to Natural hair to just so people can understand I ain’t bashing natural hair)
I'm 9-weeks post at the moment, but I think I am going to relax at 12 weeks and do a corrective, because I just feel like this wasn't the level of "straightness" I wanted. IDK, honestly, I have (accidentally) in the past stretched relaxers for 6 months and transitioned to natural so I know I can jut go forever and ever without one lol

I want to make FULL MBL this year AND get my texlaxed hair to a texture I like, so I am trying to weigh my options.
Oooh chile, I will be 38 weeks post tomorrow and truthfully, I think I'll end up texlaxing at 40 weeks. I don't think I'll make the whole 12 months this time around.

My hair is super thick and getting harder to manage by the day. Thankfully I keep it plait in celies under wigs because if I didn't, it would be one big hot mess right about now:yep: This may be due to doing inversions, exercise and my vitamin regimen.

Plus my big tub of Affirm Fiberguard mild lye relaxer is only good until October 2018. That might seem like a long way away but I dont relax often enough to use it up before the expiry date. Soooo, I'll mildly texlax every 4-5 months so I can use it all up in time. This way I can henna my hair more often too.
16 weeks and one day post..this morning I bought the relaxer and everything I need to retouch..but I'm still thinking about it.