Relaxed Hair Thread


Were you doing protein and moisture DCing weekly? Did you do any touch up flat ironing during the week? How were you styling your hair?

I’m asking because I’ve been considering weekly or biweekly presses like a lot of ladies did while I was growing up. I’m trying to understand how they retained and grew long hair while using heat weekly. Most of them wrapped their hair at night and just combed it out in the morning — that was it! Knowing what I know now, that’s pretty much low manipulation. Some of my friends wrapped and scarfed as soon as they got home and their hair stayed around BSL and MBL.

I’m trying to figure out why we have become so informed about hair but can’t seem to successfully KISS like that. Lol.
Man I don't even know. It's like there more I care for it the worst it gets. When I was relaxed the first time I went to the Dominicans who used a lot of heat with no heat protectant, barely moisturized, barely trimmed. Yet though my hair was thin it didn't have half the issues my hair does now. Now I shampoo and deep condition, protein treatment, use a higher quality relaxer, heat protectant, moisturize and seal, trim. And my hair is.littered with issues. I'm currently wearing it out and I'm embarrassed by how raggedy it looks. I don't get it
Thanks for sharing, sis. I'm planning to PS until I get back to MBL. And then I'm going to rock that out in a weekly or biweekly press. There has got to be a way to do that. SMH

Exactly! Just like with my natural hair, the more I did to it, the worse it was. But I'm definitely not going back to SSKs, had to keep trimming off my progress. I'm gonna stick with texlaxing. Now I just have to find a way to rock my press. I'm researching incorporating keratin treatments or blowouts to stretch my relaxers.
I think you can do it with consistency in your regimen. You will have to stay up on your moisture-protein balance. But I don’t think it’s impossible or complicated. It’ll take some trial and error to find the techniques and regimen that works for you, but once you get it, I’m sure you can maintain it. :)

How did you self relax (half and half vs all at once, bone straight vs texlax)? Have you been consistent with a cleansing and conditioning regimen?

I'm gonna try it to see. I DC weekly and airdry. Never flat iron but I either bun or bantu knot. It's thick at the roots but started shedding. I was fine until I self relaxed bone straight and all at once. I was going to try the ORS at next relaxer. The last relaxer I used was Dr. Miracles.
Thanks for sharing, sis. I'm planning to PS until I get back to MBL. And then I'm going to rock that out in a weekly or biweekly press. There has got to be a way to do that. SMH

Exactly! Just like with my natural hair, the more I did to it, the worse it was. But I'm definitely not going back to SSKs, had to keep trimming off my progress. I'm gonna stick with texlaxing. Now I just have to find a way to rock my press. I'm researching incorporating keratin treatments or blowouts to stretch my relaxers.
Me too! When I was natural my ends were riddled with ssks and mid-shaft splits and I had no idea why. I had to constantly trim off progress. I was stuck at 17 inches for 2 years. Now I'm relaxed and I still have mid-shaft splits and split ends. Though my method has completely changed. I'm tired off cutting off my progress.
Me too! When I was natural my ends were riddled with ssks and mid-shaft splits and I had no idea why. I had to constantly trim off progress. I was stuck at 17 inches for 2 years. Now I'm relaxed and I still have mid-shaft splits and split ends. Though my method has completely changed. I'm tired off cutting off my progress.

Yes, I was stuck in MBL land for 3 years! I just cut back to around BSL in January. I realize now that I manipulate my hair less when it’s straight. Theoretically, it should mean less mechanical damage from combing as there are less snags. I’m gonna keep it wrapped up at home , I have serious HIH. Lol. Hopefully that will lead to less splits. I’m hoping to wear it pressed straight whenever I’m not rocking a PS.

I hope you can find a regi that helps you with your splits. Do you think you need to increase your protein? I know it’s old school but I rub in Infusium 23 before I M&S and scarf up at night whenever I want to add more protein without doing a full protein tx. It seems to help.
Me too! When I was natural my ends were riddled with ssks and mid-shaft splits and I had no idea why. I had to constantly trim off progress. I was stuck at 17 inches for 2 years. Now I'm relaxed and I still have mid-shaft splits and split ends. Though my method has completely changed. I'm tired off cutting off my progress.
I'd suggest looking at your combs. if they arent seamless, run your fingers where your hair pulls thru. if its sharp, its the combs causing the mid shaft splits. i'd suggest the hercules sagemann line of combs
I think my hair thrives with regular trims and a good relaxer. I have started stretching but will do 12weeks instead of 16weeks and will do a smaller trim with each relaxer. I will only flatiron twice during the 12weeks. I have been on this journey for quite awhile, but I am learning a lot.

I also don’t think my hair likes to be texlaxed. It just seems to make my hair drier. And most of the videos of ladies I see that are texlaxed one of two things happen: they experience major shedding or breakage and lose length or they use it as a way to transiston to natural. Props to my natural sistas, but going natural is not a goal or interest of mine. Plus I meet people all the time that “brag” about being natural, but their hair is flat ironed, or colored, or cut in a style but you going on and on about how your hair is in its natural state . In my opinion, its your hair and do what works for you and what is best for you and leave other people alone, LOL
Is it possible to finger comb relaxed hair?

I know you didn’t ask me, :blush2:, but I do. It’s one of the techniques I transferred over from my natural days. My hair is too fine for constant combing or brushing. So I use my fingers to separate my strands 90% of the time. Even detangling under running water is difficult for my hair. No matter which tool I try, they all lead me to splits and breakage. The only time I use tools is if I’m getting ready straighten or to remove shed hair before washing after a long PS. That’s why I’m looking at primarily rocking straight styles when I’m not PSing.
So I’m still trying to get past the fumes, watering eyes, sore throat and all the other adverse side effects of BKT — even those without formaldehyde. I’m going to hold off on it for now. I ended up purchasing a CHI “thermal set” and some Aphogee products including the green tea and keratin reconstructor. I’m hoping these items will help me maintain straight hair for a few weeks at a time.

What do you use to moisturize when your hair is straight?
I haven't straightened in a while and I worry that if I do, my glycerine based moisturizer will cause reversion.

The last two times I’ve rocked straight hair, I copied Sistawithrealhair’s technique of using product on the ends only — serum lightly at first and then grapeseed oil after the first week. Let me see if I can find her videos on that.

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I remember Domin/LHDC2011 (RIP) used to only wash her hair once per month too. I think those ladies are onto something. As my hair gets longer, I’m feeling their low-maintenance regi.

And when I’m PSing, I keep the style in for 3-4 weeks without washing so I’m hoping it’s not a big stretch to do it on loose straight hair.
PrettyWitty77 recently transitioned and BC'ed. Its a wonder that she never over processed with relaxer; she has nearly no curl in her natural hair.

Yeah, I used to look at her new growth during her stretches. That’s when I realized my texlaxed hair was not gonna look like hers. Lol. I think she has coarse strands, they seem thick. I wonder if that’s why she didn’t overprocess, maybe thick strands are more resistant.
Flat ironed my hair today for work.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Didn’t hold up well at all. Texas had a heat wave warning today, and I completely ignored it. So most of me sweating and the humidity made my roots all puffy.

This was also my second heat pass, meaning it was my last for this year, which I’m okay with.
My hair gets weighed down easily too, but I didn’t mind. Still looked okay.

I wish I was maybe like 3-4 inches taller, because my hair still looks unreasonably short to me. Oh well.
I do as a gloss. I've mixed henna and other powders into my condish for my daily moistuizer and into my cowash condish. I haven't done a true henna paste since 2010 and my hair (both natural and relaxed) still benefits from it. I don't do it to color though, just for the conditioning benefits. HTH! :)
It does- thank you!!
I completely understand that.

It’s kind of part of the reason I don’t want to make a YouTube Channel because there’s going to be a slew of people trying to make the assumption that my hair is damaged.

Or that without a relaxer, my hair density would somehow just double or triple. Regardless of if I’m natural or not, I do not have thick individual strands. I just don’t.

When given a chance to fluff up on its own, it mimics really thick hair just because my overall density is quite a bit, but I decide to straighten my hair, or silk wrap it, it will compress down quite a bit. So I said screw a YouTube channel.

I’d like to be an inspiration too for other fine haired ladies. Even with fine hair being extremely delicate, it’s extremely beautiful when it reaches long lengths and is able to flourish, and my favorite plus side of fine hair, is how virtually weightless it is, even at long lengths.

That’s one reason why I’m still on the fence about a channel. Maybe once I trim my ends, and do some maintaining for a while after hitting my goal.

This is a big myth - that density and thickness changes when relaxed or natural - it doesn’t! it stays the same!

If people think they experience “thicker” hair when’s natural then maybe it was just damaged when relaxed...
The last two times I’ve rocked straight hair, I copied Sistawithrealhair’s technique of using product on the ends only — serum lightly at first and then grapeseed oil after the first week. Let me see if I can find her videos on that.

Thank you for this video. She literally drowns her hair in oil. I feel less bad now for the amount I use.
OK y’all, I’ve been researching and stumbled on this thread about silk protein and relaxing:

It reminded me why I came over to LHCF from BHM. There were so many long haired relaxed ladies (before everyone went natural, Lol) and the ladies here were discussing the science behind hair care practices.

I appreciate learning the science because if products become discontinued, it’s easier to find products with similar chemicals or have the flexibility to mix the ingredient into any product you already use. That’s why my hair care regi has been primarily mixing my favorite ayurveda powders into a cheap conditioner instead of spending $$$ on products where the company might change the formulation one me.

So now I’m off to learn more about silk proteins, amino acids and keratin. I’m trying to get my princess/barbie doll hair. :gorgeous:
This is a big myth - that density and thickness changes when relaxed or natural - it doesn’t! it stays the same!

If people think they experience “thicker” hair when’s natural then maybe it was just damaged when relaxed...
I think it's just the texture change. Kinky hair simply takes up more space. It's big and fluffy. When I was natural my hair looked big and thick but I knew it was thin because when I would do twists or plaited braids it was so thin and straggly. So when I relaxed my hair was still thin but people are now blaming my relaxer. I'm like,no, my hair was always thin.
I need to think of a style in which to rest my hair after taking out his crochet set. I’ve done two sets back to back for 4 weeks each so I want something low tension that I can maintain for at least two weeks. I’m going to relax after that.