Well-Known Member
hey everyone! So I just relaxed again about 2 weeks ago. I'm going to look through this thread for info but thought I'd introduce myself instead of just randomly posting a reply to someone asking a question.
My hair is shoulder length. I was natural for one year before I relaxed. I didn't have the patience to wait 2 more years before I saw length and I was so tired of having a fro I couldn't do it anymore. Plus no matter what I do my hair was frizzy. microfiber towels helped, but it was never to the degree I wanted.
Now I throw my hair in a messy bun and keep it pushing. It also knocked a good 5 years off my face age wise (my family claims it knocked off 10)
I get my relaxer at a salon. I moisturize with cantu leave in and oyin handmade hair dew right after so my hair's not stiff and then I seal with jojoba oil. I have been air drying so far. One time I blow dried, but I haven't flat ironed and don't plan to until my next relaxer. But, I want to start round brushing. I feel it's healthier for my hair so I plan to buy a round brush and start perfecting the technique next wash day. I still co wash and use my same shampoo and conditioner. They work just as well. I'm obsessing about my ends, I refuse to have thin end set me back. My goal is waist length.
Congratulations and welcome!