Relaxed Hair Thread

I went back to my old posts on my former relaxer routine. I plan on purchasing my relaxer tomorrow. I will be using Linage texturizer; lye. I also need to stop by sally's to get aphogee 2min conditioner. I'm also going to buy the linage neutralizing conditioner and the mizani neutralizing shampoo.

The game plan:
I am going to wash, DC and blow dry my hair today. Tomorrow I will flat iron. I did a protein treatment two weeks ago. I will relax the following week.

Relaxer routine:
-thoroughly rinse
-Aphogee 2min conditioner
-Linage neutralizing conditioner
-Mizani neutralizing shampoo

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!! I will post pics in the reveal when I am done.
This sounds like a great plan!
I used a Pantene product on my hair and it worked out nicely! I normally don't use creamy-leave-ins on wet hair, but it helped with detangling and made my hair feel soft. I'm still blow drying my hair. I normally use my CON Argan oil spray, but it is full of protein. Im trying to balance out my hair now. The Pantene Gold doesn't have protein in it.
Being lazy, trying to stretch this relaxer a bit. I will pin my hair up and keep it moving.
I used a Pantene product on my hair and it worked out nicely! I normally don't use creamy-leave-ins on wet hair, but it helped with detangling and made my hair feel soft. I'm still blow drying my hair. I normally use my CON Argan oil spray, but it is full of protein. Im trying to balance out my hair now. The Pantene Gold doesn't have protein in it.
Being lazy, trying to stretch this relaxer a bit. I will pin my hair up and keep it moving.

What Pantene product did you use? Was it apart of the Gold collection?
2017-06-12 09.32.13.jpg 2017-06-12 07.28.44-2.jpg 2017-06-06 09.26.02.jpg 2017-06-06 09.25.52.jpg I'm trying to pick up my running before work in the morning. I get up between 5 and 5:30 and have to be out of the house with my son by 7:15. This morning, I ran then co-washed, blew dry and flat ironed (when my relaxer is fresh, I just blow dry, no flat iron). I think this is going to be my thing although I'm considering having my stylist cornrow my hair and wiggling it. The first photo is today and the second is when it's curled under. The last two are just blown dry and wrapped.

Update: I forgot to mention that I sweat like a morbidly obese man, so my hair has to be at least cowashed after a cardio workout. When I wear bandana during a workout, I can wring out a stream of sweat when I'm done. :barf:
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I was blow drying my hair every week without much problem. The only reason why I've stopped is cause I've gone back to rollersetting. I'm not as scared of heat as I used to be.

The key for me is to inject as much moisture as possible into the hair before using direct heat. Because direct heat just depletes the hair of moisture. Whenever I flat iron (and I don't do it much these days) I DC overnight. This makes a noticeable difference to the outcome.

But like all nice things, everything in moderation.
I'm glad you posted this video. I've tentatively decided to blow dry my hair more often than I used to. I rarely did since I started taking care of my hair myself but I had too much "sticked" hairs even with the relaxer and they result in tangles.

I bought this hair straightener brush that has been a life saver

Amazon product ASIN B01LZFH8PV

Something must be in the air because I've been thinking the same. I'm going to try to reincorporate a weekly hair day where I wash, DC and blow dry. We're in the process of moving and the new house has a much bigger bathroom so I think that's inspired me to spend more time in there doing my hair. Lol. I've never had long, relaxed hair but I remember back in school, the girls who did also went to shop every week for a wash, DC and flat iron. They would just wrap it.

Oh, and I will definitely get back into taking hair pix too. They helped me so much when I needed to evaluate whether or not my hair practices were effective.
I was blow drying my hair every week without much problem. The only reason why I've stopped is cause I've gone back to rollersetting. I'm not as scared of heat as I used to be.

The key for me is to inject as much moisture as possible into the hair before using direct heat. Because direct heat just depletes the hair of moisture. Whenever I flat iron (and I don't do it much these days) I DC overnight. This makes a noticeable difference to the outcome.

But like all nice things, everything in moderation.
I agree. People got too carried away with that flat iron. They were using it daily, on dirty hair, and not many people were deep conditioning.
I'm gonna sound like a "me too" but I was just saying I'm gonna start blowdrying too :lachen: My reasons are: my hair breaks less when straightened; almost no hair at all, I can moisturize more easily, and I can get blowdried hair to last two weeks whereas airdried is 7 days tops.
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I think I'll be joining you guys on this side before summer is out. For now, I'm gonna rock out with braids for a little while. This is something I've been thinking about for a while. My hairdresser was telling me she would put Olaplex in the relaxer as well to help protect my hair.
There's always room for you. If you don't like it, you can always transition back :lol: