Relaxed Hair Thread

Taking out braids tomorrow and dcing with both protien and moisture.

Can I relax on Saturday if I do a midweek co-wash in addition to tomorrow's condtioning, or is it too soon?
Taking out braids tomorrow and dcing with both protien and moisture.

Can I relax on Saturday if I do a midweek co-wash in addition to tomorrow's condtioning, or is it too soon?

I've cowashed the night before relaxing to loosen my newgrowth. Never had a problem. I just make sure my hair and scalp are 100% dry. :yep:
Did the Aphogee 2 step protein today. My hair NEEDED this. My hair definitely feels stronger and repaired. Well I guess I could say I'm now prepared for my relaxer on Monday.
I DC about three days before a relaxer, detangle two days before, and base the night before. Washing that close has become a must for me, as it takes out a lot of the tangles and strengthens. I just try not to do any kind of intense scalp massage.

Thanks for the input. I'll do the co-wash two or three days prior.

So my schedule will look something like this, box braids out tomorrow, wash and DC with protien/moisture. Do-wash Wednesday/Thursday and relax on Sat/Sun.

I hope one week is enough time for my hair to recover from the extentions.
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Yep, I heard that too and swore by it for years.

However, since I stretch so long my newgrowth mats terribly. I need to wash/cowash add close to relaxer day as possible.

I just relaxed yesterday without washing the night before and my newgrowth was a mangled mess! :nono: Never again.

I've hard people say they blow dry NG before relaxing. I guess that is why.

I've discovered a prepoo that melts the coils of my new growth and leaves my hair moisturized for days. I'm hoping it works for me during this finals week. The recipe is from an old LHCF member. It is AVJ juice mixed with two types of oil of choice followed by warmed coconut oil. I'm doing it both washes after the extensions come out.
@11228 pores are open when washed too close to a relaxer and that causes burning for some. So, the norm is usually washing no later than 5 to 7 days before. I like flat ironing my ng about a week before my touch up to help with the tangle factor.

@sunnieb, I know you are a well oiled machine with relaxing. Glad it didn't cause any setbacks and know you'll figure it out.
Ive been gone for a while, glad to see you ladies are still here!!

My hair is jacked up, I think the new relaxer I used the last couple of relaxers severely underprocessed or overprocessed my hair. Im going through horrible dryness, breakage and my hair is not holding a style almost at all.

Well my issue is, can you tell the difference between over processed and underprocessed hair?
Ive been gone for a while, glad to see you ladies are still here!!

My hair is jacked up, I think the new relaxer I used the last couple of relaxers severely underprocessed or overprocessed my hair. Im going through horrible dryness, breakage and my hair is not holding a style almost at all.

Well my issue is, can you tell the difference between over processed and underprocessed hair?

Good question. I honestly can't tell if a person is over processed until the breakage starts happening but under processed; yes.

It took me awhile to find this thread. I dont like that.
I've cowashed the night before relaxing to loosen my newgrowth. Never had a problem. I just make sure my hair and scalp are 100% dry. :yep:
I did the Aphogee 2 step on Saturday. I relaxed a couple hours ago. It's ok, scalp felt tender but all in all I think I did well. I also did the 2 min recon for 20 mins after neutralizing. Hair does feel strong. I know I'll have to baby my entire hair not just my ends this stretch because I don't plan on relaxing until december
Doing a hot oil treatment right now. Haven't done one in years. Didn't realize I should have done it like a prepoo. Oh well. I'm about to sit under the drier for 20 min then rinse it our. I will Cowash Friday and DC like usual. Will report back with results this weekend.
Airdrying after my dc and noticed my grays are allll the way down to the ends now. <sigh>

ETA: whoa! Didn't mean to make the pic so big. I'll delete and try again....


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Changed my mind I can't deal with having two different textures anymore. Hopefully my mom will be able to relax my hair tonight. My hair has been braided in a beehive for the past two weeks so it's well stretched and shouldn't be too tangled.

First perm all year hopefully everything goes well.
Changed my mind I can't deal with having two different textures anymore. Hopefully my mom will be able to relax my hair tonight. My hair has been braided in a beehive for the past two weeks so it's well stretched and shouldn't be too tangled.

First perm all year hopefully everything goes well.

Seems like you have alot of new growth, make sure you detangle after removing those braids. I'm sure you already know this, but if it's your first relaxer for the year I wouldn't want you to lose all that progress. All the best.
Hi everyone :wave:

I'm about to self relax this weekend and have a few questions! Sorry if you've already seen these in the self-relax thread; I'm getting a bit nervous now so trying to get all the help I can!

So here goes:

- is it overkill to add SAA and oils to the relaxer? Will it end up barely processing?

- can I chelate after neutralising, or is there a better stage at which to do this?

- can you smooth with a tint brush, or do you need to use something more solid like the back of a comb?

- I realised I bought vinyl gloves whereas I've only heard people talking about latex ones...they aren't going to melt or anything, right??

@CluelessJL I wouldn't be nervous I either self relax or have my mom do my perm all the time. Now to answer your questions.

I don't add anything to the relaxer other than what is already in the kit.
After I neutralize I immediately do aphogee 2 min
I always use a tint brush so I have more control
I don't think gloves matter I have a random box I brought at the bss
I think I am back in the swing on relaxed hair now. I had to review some old blogs to remember what techniques and products my hair liked. It kind of sucks that a lot of the products don't exist anymore or have been reformulated since then. But at the same time, I'm amazed at how much easier it is to find a lot of the products and oils in stores now than it was a few years ago.
Relaxed my hair for the second time rhis year after a 18 week stretch. I don't think I'll relax again this year. I'm getting married next October so I'm trying to retain as much length as possible. I think I'm going to get some more twists installed and then maybe some braids after that.