Relaxed Hair Thread

Saving up to try out the Bee Mine deep conditioner and the balancing moisturizer. I'm really trying to get my protein-moisture balance in check. The weather here in GA is drying my hair out so bad that moisturizing and sealing isn't enough. I need to co wash at least every other day in order for my hair to remain normal.
Saving up to try out the Bee Mine deep conditioner and the balancing moisturizer. I'm really trying to get my protein-moisture balance in check. The weather here in GA is drying my hair out so bad that moisturizing and sealing isn't enough. I need to co wash at least every other day in order for my hair to remain normal.

Welcome to New England problems
Saving up to try out the Bee Mine deep conditioner and the balancing moisturizer. I'm really trying to get my protein-moisture balance in check. The weather here in GA is drying my hair out so bad that moisturizing and sealing isn't enough. I need to co wash at least every other day in order for my hair to remain normal.

Girl I've never seen this weather in Georgia! And its going to be colder next week. Uggghhhh. Me and my hair are hibernating. ..I hope i don't regret it!
Girl I've never seen this weather in Georgia! And its going to be colder next week. Uggghhhh. Me and my hair are hibernating. ..I hope i don't regret it!

I know!! My whole body is so dry. I gotta increase my water intake and keep my scarf on underneath my hat when I go to work.
Texlaxed today 1/26/ 14. I am going to be doing 6 month stretches. I used the Just For Me texture softener. My hair fared better texlaxed than natural because detangling issues are non existent. The Q redew will be a great help with the process. I am going to do a long term protective styles challenge with my hair. I'm hiding my hair in 2014.:yep:
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To those considering long stretches or short stretches and even doing the hair as needed. One thing I've learnt through my hair is that there are months at 12 weeks I can handle the new growth. Then other times by 12 weeks I am frustrated. Stretching really is an individual thing. Sometimes you get so frustrated that you take it out on your hair and neglect it because you're not looking forward to handling the hair that can leave you with tangles and cause more of a setback than not stretching. Other times you try to handle it but get frustrated and rip through the hair. I'm guilty of that one. Leaving split does end causing breakage and stuff. Whatever you do make sure you don't drive yourself to frustration. Your hair needs love. Make love to your hair ladies!!! You can never be too gentle.
Saving up to try out the Bee Mine deep conditioner and the balancing moisturizer. I'm really trying to get my protein-moisture balance in check. The weather here in GA is drying my hair out so bad that moisturizing and sealing isn't enough. I need to co wash at least every other day in order for my hair to remain normal.

mschristine, the conditioner and moisturizer is awesome.
Back to relaxing after doing a slow transition to natural over 3 years. I did a 23 week stretch and my beautician was not happy. She does not believe in stretching and her technique on handling my new growth left me sore and out of a lot of hair.

So needless to say, I'm moving on. I'm thinking of trying to self relax next time. Is that what most of you ladies do or are there stylists out there that support your stretches?
I haven't been to a stylist in years. Where I live, it's mainly dominican salons, and the black stylists I do know of just care about the final look and not the journey or health of the hair. I am only 45 mins north of nyc and im sure i could research and find someone but I just do it myself. However it would be nice to have someone i can trust on the hair team as this hair journey is like a part time job. I work hard so I wouldn't mind payin someone to at least do my touchups. Just have to find someone

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My stylist has been my friend for YEARS!!! about 10+ years now. She does give me the :o what happened to your hair look but she relaxes it without complain. She respects my decision to stretch my relaxers. I always make sure I shampoo and DC before going to her so she does not have tangles to work through. Love my stylist and I told her on my last relaxer that she's mine till death do us part.
To those considering long stretches or short stretches and even doing the hair as needed. One thing I've learnt through my hair is that there are months at 12 weeks I can handle the new growth. Then other times by 12 weeks I am frustrated. Stretching really is an individual thing. Sometimes you get so frustrated that you take it out on your hair and neglect it because you're not looking forward to handling the hair that can leave you with tangles and cause more of a setback than not stretching. Other times you try to handle it but get frustrated and rip through the hair. I'm guilty of that one. Leaving split does end causing breakage and stuff. Whatever you do make sure you don't drive yourself to frustration. Your hair needs love. Make love to your hair ladies!!! You can never be too gentle.

This is why I know that I can't transition in the traditional way. I was rough and neglectful with my natural hair; I'm not much gentler with my relaxed. Unless I kept my hair straight all the time :look:.
Back to relaxing after doing a slow transition to natural over 3 years. I did a 23 week stretch and my beautician was not happy. She does not believe in stretching and her technique on handling my new growth left me sore and out of a lot of hair.

So needless to say, I'm moving on. I'm thinking of trying to self relax next time. Is that what most of you ladies do or are there stylists out there that support your stretches?

NorthernCalGal stretching was one of the reasons I was determined to learn how to self relax. I really didn't feel like letting someone in my hair with 20 weeks' worth of newgrowth.

Relaxing at home, I can take hours without worry and treating my hair with the utmost care. There's no rush to get me out the door and on to the next client.
I'm glad I was able to stretch to 16 weeks. I mostly caved due to excess shedding and my hair dried out from a deep conditioner and being unable to walk for a few days. In the end, I was a HAM to the 3rd power and I can't be bothered with trying to do something with it for another couple weeks until I get the energy again.

I relaxed simply because the few hours are worth the neglect if the next couple weeks. I would rather not have a setback and that's exactly where I saw this going.

Agreeing with sunnieb, when you are self relaxing, there are less pressures and less worries. I could never hold out 16 weeks at the salon and at this point I can't go back, because I know id get a corrective I didn't ask for. Also, the last time I went to the salon, I swear it was a scene from the color purple when cealy gets slapped. I refuse.

Self-relax all the way.

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You ladies have me inspired. Will spend the next few months educating myself on how to relax on my own. As I rub the scab on the back of my head, that alone shows me that's the way to go. Still flashing back to how much hair I lost during this relaxer. Argh!!!
How often do you ladies use shampoo?

I just realized yesterday that the shampoo I've been using for months to wash my hair twice a week (and two shampoos per wash) is a clarifying shampoo. I need recommendations for a great shampoo, but I'm also curious to know if I'm overdoing the shampooing. I've seen posts where ladies use conditioners instead or don't shampoo every wash. My hair has been breaking like crazy so hopefully changing shampoos will help.
How often do you ladies use shampoo? I just realized yesterday that the shampoo I've been using for months to wash my hair twice a week (and two shampoos per wash) is a clarifying shampoo. I need recommendations for a great shampoo, but I'm also curious to know if I'm overdoing the shampooing. I've seen posts where ladies use conditioners instead or don't shampoo every wash. My hair has been breaking like crazy so hopefully changing shampoos will help.

I shampoo weekly. And I have high-porosity, fine hair. I alternate clarifying and moisturizing. However, I am still on the market for the perfect moisturizing poo.

How often do you ladies use shampoo?

I just realized yesterday that the shampoo I've been using for months to wash my hair twice a week (and two shampoos per wash) is a clarifying shampoo. I need recommendations for a great shampoo, but I'm also curious to know if I'm overdoing the shampooing. I've seen posts where ladies use conditioners instead or don't shampoo every wash. My hair has been breaking like crazy so hopefully changing shampoos will help.

I shampoo weekly with Suave Daily Clarifying and Nexxus Therrappe. I alternate between Nexxus Humectress and Motions CPR as my deep conditioners.
I think I'm going to be a weekly or biweekly washer for a while.

Do I need to use protein with each wash?
How often do you ladies use shampoo? I just realized yesterday that the shampoo I've been using for months to wash my hair twice a week (and two shampoos per wash) is a clarifying shampoo. I need recommendations for a great shampoo, but I'm also curious to know if I'm overdoing the shampooing. I've seen posts where ladies use conditioners instead or don't shampoo every wash. My hair has been breaking like crazy so hopefully changing shampoos will help.

Once a week. Right now I'm using a shampoo bar but before I was using paul mitchell shampoo one. Sometimes I wash twice a week, but I try not to make a habit of that.

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I shampoo weekly. And I have high-porosity, fine hair. I alternate clarifying and moisturizing. However, I am still on the market for the perfect moisturizing poo. NGraceO

Have you tried Elasta QP? It moisturizing and smoothing.

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