Well-Known Member
Jewell Dang girl what happened!?! Did I miss something?
This is what I have to say to those who have a problem with women who chemically process their hair:
Uh, I love myself just fine, and for me being relaxed is a CONVENIENCE choice, not one that means I'm ashamed of my natural hair. Puhleese. These militant naturals who have transitioned were often relaxed or texturized once themselves. Otherwise, there would be NO transition or BC. So let's not act brand new and holier than you have never put a chemical in your hair. Get over yourself. Don't get me started on that b.s.
And the ones talking **** about relaxed heads get the middle finger on that note, real a non-mf'ing factor when it comes to judging other people and their choices!!your opinion does not matter to me in the most minute sense of things.
@AlliCat Anywho, yes I use products marketed for natural or curly hair. I prefer the ingredients and the ones I used while natural we're not going in the trash just because I decided to relax.