Well-Known Member
hnntrr said:So I know relaxed heads need more protein in their regimen.
However, when I fell my hair getting 'mushy' which isss about....every 2 weeks? I do a protein conditioner. Now when I do this my hair is really hard really hard strawish feeling and then I have to do a ton of moisturizing to get it back to being soft.
I have Organix Tea Tree oil conditioner that has milk and some other proteins in it, and I also have Redkin Extreme Keratin Conditioner. Now I have used both and the milder protein (the organix's) still makes my hair feel just as hard if not harder than the Redkin.
In daily use, I use coconut oil (which I have heard can be used as a protein) elasta mango creme moisturizer, and a leave in and thats it.
Could I just need less protein? Not sure why my hair reacts that way anytime I use any kind of protein that isnt super mild. What can I use to help fight this? What may be the cause of it?
I use a mild protein like Aphogee 2 min and I follow that up with a moisturizing deep conditioner and I don't have any issues. I haven't tried a super protein yet so I can't give feedback on that part. However, I do hope you find the cause and how to counteract it

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