New Member
when i detangle, i am all fingers during the first 4 weeks after a touchup. 4-8 is fingers first, comb on 80-90% dry.
i am going back to applying my leave-ins first and just gently separate and glide my fingers through.
i tee-shirt dry too to remove excess water and it still keeps my hair smooth. the key to figuring out what will work for you hair is knowing your porosity. i have low porosity hair, with high porosity ends. my ends have been colored a lot. my ends get dry very quickly, so that is my main focus on dusting and trying to keep them moisturized and sealed. i also can't go too long with out washing my hair. i have to wash it at least once a week. since i moisturize and seal daily, that causes more buildup, so i have toI wash at least 2x a week.
i don't stay away from sulfate shampoos. i use hydrating shampoos that are not clear or that are creamy. my hair doesn't feel stripped.
right now i am trying something a little different. i am going to switch between cowashing and shampoo every two days since i am just wearing a bun. i will be air drying as well. i will throw in a light protein treatment every other week.
you will always be learning when it comes to hair period. do you keep a journal?
Thanks shortdub78 I have been keeping a journal and so far I've discovered several things. Thanks for asking that because it's making me realize i really have learned a lot about my newly relaxed hair so far. Examples:
My hair is highly porous so I use Roux as my final step in wash routine.
My hair likes weekly protein treatments and weekly DC. (Aphoghee 2-5 mins/Organix Macademia)
Combing wet hair is a no-no.
My scalp likes to be cleaned weekly, hence my weekly wash day, which I love and always look forward to!
My DC works best left on for 30 minutes with heat or 1 hour without heat.
My hair air dries soft and nice if I apply a little of my moisturizer to wet hair, airdry to 90 percent then section by section M&S.
I think I'm also figuring out that one moisturizer works better on cold, dry days versus hot, humid days.
I guess I've learned a whole lot more than I thought! I'm going to keep journaling!