~~~Relaxed Bunning Thread~~~

Still bunning but will relax this weekend at 11 wks post. I plan to get a nice much needed cut/trim too. But not too short. I still need enough left bun:yep:.
janeemat how did your relaxer turn out? Did you notice more progress because of bunning?

I'm using the 3 mini spin pins for my bun today. I'm 12 weeks post, so my ng is in full effect! :)



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I am finally able to do those swirl buns you and divachyk have seem to mastered lol sunnieb
My problem is my ponytail is more thick than long once all gathered together as one. Anyone know what I mean? And I have a lot of length so I know that's what's causing it. I did a trial run with half my hair in a ponytail and had way more length vs all my hair in a ponytail. What gives :perplexed:
@janeemat how did your relaxer turn out? Did you notice more progress because of bunning?

Hi SunnieB! My relaxer turned out great....really good. Yes I did noticed more growth and I was impress. BUT i got a much needed cut....really... and my length is above APL. I took a pic of the cut that I have not posted yet. I will get it up before the week is out. I will update my avatar....starting over and bunning for a year:yep::yep::yep:. Now I am really excited to see how much growth that I will get after this cut in 3 months!
I'm giving my buns a break from using a ponytail base so I'm still experimenting with the mini spin pins. I'm not able to get the tightness I'm used to, but I'll keep trying!

Here's how my bun looks today:

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I'm giving my buns a break from using a ponytail base so I'm still experimenting with the mini spin pins. I'm not able to get the tightness I'm used to, but I'll keep trying!

Here's how my bun looks today:

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I don't get the tightness I like from spin pins either, but I figure it's a good break for my hair. I just ordered this from Amazon for about a buck with free shipping. It ships from Hong Kong, so it takes longer than usual, but comes with four (two small, two large). I like them so far.


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I don't get the tightness I like from spin pins either, but I figure it's a good break for my hair. I just ordered this from Amazon for about a buck with free shipping. It ships from Hong Kong, so it takes longer than usual, but comes with four (two small, two large). I like them so far.

I think they use those in the army I believe, what's it called? I want that because nothing seems to make a bun for me, the sock is too much trying to cover it and I don't want nothing cotton in my hair and not going to cover it with a satin scarf or piece either!
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I am really trying hard to like bunning. I commited to wearing one for 3 days out of the week. But when I take down the bun my ends are hard and crunchy feeling and look like they have not seen moisture in days. My twist/braid outs don't even do this.

I moisturize/seal everynight, paying extra attention to my ends. But these buns seem to zap the moisture right out of my hair more than having my hair out. Plus, I have lost quite a few strands with those good day hair pins and spin spins. Especially the good day ones. They hurt. I find myself not turning my head so they won't stick me. I look like a zombie, turning my whole body in order to look the other way.

In addition, I don't think that I have the head-shape to rock a pulled back style. I look crazy to myself and it makes me feel self-conscious. And poor DH. He is trying to like this. I finally asked him to be honest with me and he told me that maybe I shouldn't try to do everything that the ladies do on that site.

It may take me longer to get to my goals by not PSing, but it is so worth me not stressing over this. (I will still wear only low maniputation styles and absolutely no direct heat).
What is your bunning technique @Mande30?


I have tried it several ways:

1. Gather hair to back, loosly place satin pony tail holder on hair, tuck the length under the ponytail and secure or wrap the length around the base and secure.

2. Gather hair to back, twist into one large bantu knot.

3. Gather hair into a ponytail, without the holder, just my hand, and wrap the length around the base, secure with pins.
Hmmm I don't see anything wrong with those methods. What products do you use? @Mande30



Moisturizer- Water (after a lot of trial and error, I have found that plain water works for me every night. I use SCurl/Carefree Curl and NTM on my wash day (Sat.) and my cowash day(Wed). THe LOCO method holds me until my next poo) Anything other than water on non wash days will weigh my hair down)

Seal- EVCO

Seal on Ends (everynight)- mixture of SCurl, EVCO, JBCO and Hot six oil)
Thanks SuchaLady, I also don't see much wrong with your technique Mande30 unless your ends are rubbing on your hair tie which is drying it out. What are you using to gather your hair? Some people soak hair ties in oil. I use satin scrunchies now myself.
I don't get the tightness I like from spin pins either, but I figure it's a good break for my hair. I just ordered this from Amazon for about a buck with free shipping. It ships from Hong Kong, so it takes longer than usual, but comes with four (two small, two large). I like them so far.

I use those and they are great! I've been using them for a few months now; takes some time to get the hang of, but it's easy now.
Thanks @SuchaLady, I also don't see much wrong with your technique @Mande30 unless your ends are rubbing on your hair tie which is drying it out. What are you using to gather your hair? Some people soak hair ties in oil. I use satin scrunchies now myself.

@Nix08 I use satin scrunchies or nothing. I don't know what the problem is. I just give up.
Thank you SuchaLady -- :grin:

Mande30, my post is a bit long but here goes --

I must admit, I'm a little confused. :look: Sorry! Ok so, you say the LOCO method holds you until the next wash day yet you said your hair is dry when bunning. Will you please help me understand what you mean here?

Are you sure you're using the Good Days pins right? They are really gentle.

I don't see any issues with your technique or satin scrunchie. I do question your product choices: SCurl and Care Free Curl have glycerin and -cones. Hot Six has -cones. These products may be causing buildup or blocking moisture.

You mention cowashing -- are you cowashing with a -cone based conditioner? Again, potential cause for even more buildup midweek.

Your evening concoction for your ends have a lot going on. I think it's a bit too much for your strands. You're adding -cones to your hair daily. That's more and more buildup you're adding. If you're not shampooing to remove that film, it is slowly eroding the potential for your hair to accept moisture.

Have you considered evco may not be a good sealer? Some have argued evco gives them a protein feeling. I personally don't feel that way but it's something you can consider. This may be a source of breakage.

When was your last clarify?
Does your hair truly feel moisturized after wash day?
What type of shampoo do you use -- sulfate or sulfate free? I'm just trying to get an understanding of if you're washing away the -cones.

Summary -- I think excessive use of -cones is the source of your dryness.

Suggestion -- Clarify your hair and then try a glycerin free and -cone free diet for a week and get back at me with how your hair is performing.
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Mande30 I don't use coconut oil in my hair as it makes it hard and dry as divachyk mentioned. If I understood correctly. .your hair is moisturized in 'out' styles but your ends are dry in buns only...so if your hair fels good when out then maybe it's the glycerin that isn't able to attract moisture from the air because your ends are tucked away:spinning:
Nix08. divachyk Thank you all.

I only apply s curl 2 times a week, and each time is right after it has been washed. Plus I live in Alabama. Even the cold air is humid. I moisturize with water all other times. I co wash 1 time a week with cone free Treeseme. I wash 1 time a week with a sulfate free poo. I clarify once a month. My hair loves coconut oil. The mix that I use on my ends only has a very small amount of s curl. It is mainly EVCO and JBCO. HOT SIX is for the ceramides. I have absolutely NO problems with moisture until I bun. I even put small satin rollers on the ends of my twist/braid outs with no problems.

My routine has been like this for the last 3 or 4 months. My hair has improved and retained so much. I have been wearing roller sets from the beginning. I decided to introduce the twist outs. That turned out well. But introducing PSing did not go so well. Same regimen that has been working for me, but different results. I am beginning to think that I should just stick with what has been working. I have gone through so much trial and error to finally reach this point.
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Ok, this is the last day for my spin pin bun. I miss my jumbo juicy bun!

I can see using the spin pins for other styles, but they are not working for me to use daily. The bun is just too loose and flat.

Here's how it looks today:

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Year one I wore my hair in updo's that had my ends out to the air but not rubbing on anything and I didn't have very many splits and rarely cut.
Year 2 I bunned most of the time and found at the end of the year I had cut away a lot of my progress as my ends had enough splits to encourage me to cut.
I'm in year 3 now and I've been wearing my hair in updo's mainly as in year one and when I look at my hemline it appears the same as from my last trim, nor do I see splits when I'm looking.
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Are any of you ladies bunning with a silk scrunchie?

If so, where did you buy it? I bought mine years ago online and I can't remember the company. :blush:

I like ordering from companies I can trust. :yep: