~~~Relaxed Bunning Thread~~~

What about the fake bunners? I don't have hair that long but I am getting tired of wigs so I may see if I can start bunning. A high bun would look cute I think.
I want to bun my hair soo bad, but I Think my hair might be too short, and maybe too thick for it. My hair is currently to the middle of my neck.
mochalocks - have you tried to do any buns? What problems/issues are you having?[/QUOTE]

When I try to do the bun, the bun part is small. It looks ridiculous then my rest of my hair puffs up- though I can probably solve it by putting a headband over it to smooth it down.

Excuse the typos but i'm on my iPod touch
Donut bun with remaining hair wrapped around bun. Will keep this style for 2-3 days. Trying for 4 but that might be pushing it.

Ok, I'm thinking of going back on a bunning regimen for most of 2013.

I know we all bun at some time or another, so why not put all the info in one thread? :grin:

Anything bunning related goes here! Tips, pics, accessories, thread links, etc.

I'll be back! :yep:

Hi Sunnieb

How are you coming with the bunning? I have been tempted a couple of times to wear my hair down, but so far so good. I am about to get used to this:yep:. One thing for sure if I am going to continue bunning for a year, I will NOT be doing ANY long stretches. I think that I have learned my lesson finally about long stretches for me:yep:
What about the fake bunners? I don't have hair that long but I am getting tired of wigs so I may see if I can start bunning. A high bun would look cute I think.

I have been thinking about buying me some hair to give my buns a fuller look for when I do fresh relaxers.
Last night my husband and I are getting ready to go out on a date. I put my hair in a cute banana clip bun. I had on a new outfit, new shoes, I just knew I was looking good. As I am putting the final touches on my bun I hear him mumble "you got all that hair,I dont know why you never wear it down". So, I come out of the bathroom and ask, what did you say? At first he says, I didnt say anything. Then he says, I am just saying, you have all that hair and yet you never wear it down, I thought that was black women's goal, to have long hair so they could swing it. Sigh...... I didn't say anything but actually my feeling were a little hurt. I just wore it down for almost 2 weeks straight. I guess that wasn't enough.:sad:

yoleee, don't allow that to hurt your feelings. I think his comment was sincere and very fair. My Dh doesn't question me because he understands my goals and issues because I openly shared them with him. You too should do the same if you haven't already.

I believe our Dh's and SO's are proud their chick has length. They might not verbally say it, but I truly think they dig our hair as much as we do. My Dh gets a grin about him when I'm complimented or someone asks for hair advice.

If I may be honest, I personally wrestle with this very issue your Dh mentioned. I mean, I got all this hair but never really flaunt it. Is it really worth having if I rarely do anything with it? Truthfully, I don't wear my hair down as much as I like because of acne issues. My hair doesn't aggravate my acne but I refuse to get it a chance too. If it were not for that, yes, I'd be swanging it a little more frequently. Why? Because I got length and I want to show it and secretly love the attention I get when folks acknowledge it.
@yoleee, don't allow that to hurt your feelings. I think his comment was sincere and very fair. My Dh doesn't question me because he understands my goals and issues because I openly shared them with him. You too should do the same if you haven't already.

I believe our Dh's and SO's are proud their chick has length. They might not verbally say it, but I truly think they dig our hair as much as we do. My Dh gets a grin about him when I'm complimented or someone asks for hair advice.

If I may be honest, I personally wrestle with this very issue your Dh mentioned. I mean, I got all this hair but never really flaunt it. Is it really worth having if I rarely do anything with it? Truthfully, I don't wear my hair down as much as I like because of acne issues. My hair doesn't aggravate my acne but I refuse to get it a chance too. If it were not for that, yes, I'd be swanging it a little more frequently. Why? Because I got length and I want to show it and secretly love the attention I get when folks acknowledge it.

I totally feel you on this. Now that I finally have a little bit of hair to show, I rarely do, partly because I'm too lazy to take the time to make it presentable (I am low maintenance to a fault) and partly because I'm terrified I will snap off all these strands I have worked so hard to grow. Sometimes I feel like, "What's the point? I enjoyed my hair a lot more when I wore it short, dyed it every shade under the sun and wore it out most days. And I still got compliments left right and sideways for it!"

I just have to keep reminding myself of the end game; having a head full of shiny, healthy, waist length hair that I can swang with pride. And that will take time, especially for a slow grower like me who just figured out what best works for my hair and is less consistent with their regime than they should be. Fortunately for me, my SO understands this, and gets to enjoy the hair I have during, er, other times, if not when we go out, and that is fine by them! :grin:
Thanks Ladies! I think his problem is when he met me my hair was longer than it is now. I wore it out daily and relaxed every 4 weeks for the first 9 years of our relationship. Back then I had an amazing stylist who really helped me get my hair to those lengths. I had no knowledge about my hair at all. I would just sit in her chair and let her work her magic. Then we moved to a foreign country and my hair went on a steady decline for 3 years. I am now on the road to recovery and when I get there, I will swang,swang,swang!!!
divachyk - Girrrrrlllll! You ARE the Bun Goddess! :yep:

mochalocks - try it with a headband and let us know if it works.

janeemat - I doing pretty good with my daily buns. I do tend to wear my hair down at least once a week, but other than that, I'm bunned up. I still intend to stretch 17+ weeks, so pray for me! :grin:
@janeemat - I doing pretty good with my daily buns. I do tend to wear my hair down at least once a week, but other than that, I'm bunned up. I still intend to stretch 17+ weeks, so pray for me! :grin:[/QUOTE]

Sunnieb you should be able to make 17 weeks. My last stretch was 17 wks but not by choice. Surprisingly it went pretty well. I kept a lot of oil in my hair during that time since I was bunning. I guess that played a part. My stretch last year in May went bonkers:nono: lead to losing tons of hair....just the thought of it makes me cringe.
Today's bun brought to you by cowashing with WEN Fig, airdrying, and sleeping in 2 braids.


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Resuming air drying in buns instead of loose for a while. Might start baggying my bun at night too. We'll see.
Meant to wear my hair down today since we are going to an event tonight, but after moisturizing this morning my hands automatically swirled my hair into a bun!

Oh well, I'll do a bun drop when I get home and wear it down tonight. :yep:



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I can't believe that I have bunned two months straight every single day this year:look:. Now if I can just reach 3 months, then I will have something to shout about.
janeemat I can't wait to see your progress! Way to go!

I'm still bunning a minimum of 5 days a week, but sometimes a bun might creep in on the weekend if I'm not doing anything.

Here's how I look today:

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@janeemat I can't wait to see your progress! Way to go!

I'm still bunning a minimum of 5 days a week, but sometimes a bun might creep in on the weekend if I'm not doing anything.

Sunnieb so far my hair looks and feels the same:look:. I hope when I relax at the 12 week mark there is a difference. I am going to bun even on relaxer day....that's a first!!! At that point I will be one week shy of 3 months bunning. I'm going to assess things at the 6 month mark (July 1st) to see if this bunning journey is really worth it. We shall see.
Bought some mini spin pins today. Can't wait to play with some new bunning styles!


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