Help! Bunning Question!!!


New Member
I've been following the Bunning for Growth Thread and I had a question...

I've seen many people state that they can't bun because their hair isn't long enough to do so because all of the hair isn't long enough to put in the bun.

I've been bunning and my hair is all different lengths.

I just cowash, apply growth aide, leave-in, slick all my hair back and bun.

Am I asking for trouble? Should I wait until all my hair is the same length? (Which will be in the year 2020:sad:)

Why would you be asking for trouble? What, are people suggesting that if your hair is short or medium length that bunning will cause damage? I'm confused.:perplexed I am neck length and bunning my hair after co-washing has helped me along for a couple of weeks at a time.
As long as your hair is not being strained, there shouldn't be a problem

General rule of thumb: If you can't move your head comfortably in all directions, your ponytail is too tight

HTH! :)
Why would you be asking for trouble? What, are people suggesting that if your hair is short or medium length that bunning will cause damage? I'm confused.:perplexed I am neck length and bunning my hair after co-washing has helped me along for a couple of weeks at a time.

Well looking at the Bunning For Growth Challenge, I saw some ladies that didn't want to join because their hair wasn't long enough for a bun and them some ladies stated that not all of their hair could fit into the bun.

I've been bunning my hair for a few months now and my hair is 7 million different lengths. I cowash and apply leave in, slick it back and wear buns. I'm just trying to figure out am I doing it wrong or should I find another protective style until my hair is long enough to fit. :ohwell:
I don't think you are asking for trouble unless you are putting a strain on your hair. Otherwise, I think people forget that you are doing this while your hair is wet, then tying with scarf which means that those pieces of hair that aren't quite long enough to be "in" the bun are laid down nicely.
I don't think you are asking for trouble unless you are putting a strain on your hair. Otherwise, I think people forget that you are doing this while your hair is wet, then tying with scarf which means that those pieces of hair that aren't quite long enough to be "in" the bun are laid down nicely.

See that's what Im talking about! Thank you Sunny Delight! Because I just didn't understand some of those responses. I always do the "scarf method" and I haven't really had a problem.

But when I saw some of the women that didn't bun because their hair wasn't long enough, I was perplexed.:rolleyes:
I bun and I am NL. The top of my hair doesn't go in all the way, BUT I have got a decent sized bun going. Since I have been bunning, my hair has been retaining. The scarf method works alot,too. But I also wear head bands to keep the top of the hair that doesn't fit in, in check. So far, so good!
I don't think you are asking for trouble unless you are putting a strain on your hair. Otherwise, I think people forget that you are doing this while your hair is wet, then tying with scarf which means that those pieces of hair that aren't quite long enough to be "in" the bun are laid down nicely.

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. I have had no adverse effects at all from doing this at all.