~~~Relaxed Bunning Thread~~~

I rarely snap pics any more but here's a few from today. A roll, tuck, pin bun.


Teaching myself to Dutch braid via YouTube! Here's an upside down dutchbraid going up to a top knot. I'm 5 weeks post and trying out PS that are gentle on my nape. Enough talk here's the back and front respectively.


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I tried a low bun. I'm scared to do anything so close to my nape but I wanted to try it just once.

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ohhh snap! A bunning thread. Just started this bun thing & kinda liking it. Crossing my fingers to no set backs. Yikes!


Love the pics ladies! Keep 'em coming!

I'm still bunning heavily. I want MBL by December dangit! :lol:
ohhh snap! A bunning thread. Just started this bun thing & kinda liking it. Crossing my fingers to no set backs. Yikes!

I will be sooooo happy when my buns look like this. I'm too in love to even be jealous at the moment.

Will you replace your wigs with bunning?

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I will be sooooo happy when my buns look like this. I'm too in love to even be jealous at the moment.

Will you replace your wigs with bunning?

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together

Lol! Thanks. You have a nice juicy bun going on yourself lady.

I don't know about leaving the wigs yet. Wigs for me is the only PS I know for a fact that cannot give me a set back. Buns can be tricky for me if I'm not careful so we'll see. :)
Man, my bun looks a lil funny today. I think its because I'm afraid to pull the nape tight to prevent breakage in the back, that it leaves this awkward hump. LOL!!!!

Man, my bun looks a lil funny today. I think its because I'm afraid to pull the nape tight to prevent breakage in the back, that it leaves this awkward hump. LOL!!!!

I get that all the time. I hate it, but compared to results of the past, I dont stop doing it either.

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While in the fitting room taking pictures of my jeans for a friend.....

11 weeks post btw

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together


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Taming the beast

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For those that bun consistently, do you release the bun every night or leave the bun intact? If you leave the bun intact, how long do you go before you release it? If you release the bun nightly, do you m/s nightly as well then bun again for the night and tie it up or tuck your freed hair into your bonnet/scarf? Do you have any shed or broken strands when you m/s? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand what is normal...
Jobwright I take the bun out at night, because I moisturize at night. I redo it afterwards, since I sleep with my hair in a bun. If it still looks presentable in the morning, I'll leave it in and won't touch it until the next time I moisturize.

I'm a moderately heavy shedder (I think) so I always have shed hairs when I moisturize. I think anytime you protective style regularly, you're going to have more shed hairs than if you were to let your hair hang down because you're releasing the shed hairs all at once rather then letting them fall out on their own throughout the day. If I'm careful with my hair, I usually won't have any breakage. But that isn't to say I never have broken strands occasionally, because I have my impatient days where I'm not so careful with my hair. Or if it's been a while since I've had a relaxer, I sometimes have demarcation line breakage around my edges when I'm gathering my hair into the bun, if that makes sense.
For those that bun consistently, do you release the bun every night or leave the bun intact? If you leave the bun intact, how long do you go before you release it? If you release the bun nightly, do you m/s nightly as well then bun again for the night and tie it up or tuck your freed hair into your bonnet/scarf? Do you have any shed or broken strands when you m/s? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand what is normal...

My buns are typically loose to begin w/ & usually don't have to be loosen @ night. But if they weren't, I would def loosen and wear a bonet. You don't want that type of constant tension on your strands.
Jobwright I take down my bun nightly and lightly comb and moisturize the ends. With daily bunning, my ends stay moist, so I don't need much.

There are always long shed hairs in my comb. No short boken hairs though. If I ever get lazy and just take my bun down, but don't comb for a day or two, there's more shed hair. That's normal for me.
My teeny weeny bun for the day. I had a couple of FIRSTS too...so excited! My first time EVER leaving my house to go to work with wet freshly cowashed, m/s hair! I stopped by Sally's on my way home. Bought some good hair day pins and thought I would try them out (my little bun was still wet when I got home). It slid in perfectly, holds with no soreness and is invisible too! Loving this. You all are the greatest!!!! I may be teeny weeny now, but OHHHHHHH, just give me some time. I'm gonna catch up to you juicy ladies! AND, I have been using Vatika Oil since Saturday and my hair LOVES it! I soooo wish I had found you all like 10 years ago!


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Pics of my very messy bun. I dont know why but this ipad only lets me upload one pic at a time, so sorry for the multiple post:perplexed


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Another pic, I dont know why these pics are coming out sideways


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