Rejected for not being a virgin (please read)....

Not Rapunzel said:
Christ has forgiven you for your past transgressions. Don't let man keep you down when you are covered by the blood of Jesus. If you cry yourself to sleep, cry tears of joy knowing that you are redeemed and forgiven.

Be blessed :)

Beautifully said....
melodee said:
...nor is he the man for alot of women, and that's why he hasn't had any girlfriends. Yes, he is entitled to find a virgin bride, but he could still treat you with respect and dignity (like Jesus did to the woman caught in the very act). His approach is all wrong. God may be working with him in certain areas. Consider this a blessing in disguise--you didn't get emotionally tied to this guy before you found out he was strange.

I agree with many of the women on this board. I especially agree with this statement. I never did understand why in our minds (humans) that sin seems to be categorized by a particular hierarchy. There is not a sin that is greater than the other and if you are human you have sinned at sometime or another. This is why Christ came to redeem us and not to condemn us. I pray that you keep your head up and be of good courage because you deserve God's best for you and I pray for the pastor because though he had good intentions by trying to be honest by conveying his desires for a future mate, there is still a way of going about doing it without discounting individuals. Furthermore, if he does not amend his way he could quite possibly miss his "boat". Man looks at the exterior or the obvious, but God looks at the heart. I don't know the pastor and I cannot say what God has told him, but I mentioned a boat because I am reminded of the story about the man who was praying for rescue after being stranded. God sent three ways for him to be rescued. He was looking for God to come only one way and he missed all three attempts to rescue him. Mind you, he has a request for a virgin and that is fine grant you. But what happens if another individual has another character flaw? Does she get tossed too? We have to be very careful of the expectations we place on people. We are individuals not products being inspected on an assembly line that would get tossed if one imperfection was found.

You are invaluable in the eyesight of God and in God's due time God will bless you with a man that He has chosen to love you through. I say this meaning that he will choose a vessel (man) who will love you the way you were intended to be love. He will actually show this person how to love you and vice versa. We fail to realize so much that we are all human with faults but love covers a multitude of sins (faults/flaws) and we really need to work on loving and appreciating individuals unconditionally. It is not always easy but it is possible through God. Anyhow, take care, be of good courage and always remember who you are,whose you are, and that you are worth so much to God that He gave His only Son's life just for you.... ;)
ladydee36330 said:
I received this email today and it seemed appropriate for your situation. Just as he say there is someone for him, God has someone for you too. Hold your head up and carry on like the child of the King that you are. Remember that your father is a King so that makes you a princess. Be blessed Princess.

One night in a church service a young woman felt the tug of God at her heart. She responded to God's call and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. The young woman had a very rough past, involving alcohol, drugs, and prostitution. But, the change in her was evident. As time went on she became a faithful member of the church. She eventually became involved in the ministry, teaching young children. It was not very long until this faithful young woman had caught the eye and heart of the pastor's son. The relationship grew and they began to make wedding plans. This is when the problems began. You see, about one half of the church did not think that a woman with a past such as hers was suitable for a pastor's son.
The church began to argue and fight about the matter. So they decided to have a meeting.As the people made their arguments and tensions increased, the meeting was getting completely out of hand. The young woman became very upset about all the things being brought up about her past.
As she began to cry the pastor's son stood to speak.. He could not bear the pain it was causing his wife to be. He began to speak and his statement was this:
"My fiancee's past is not what is on trial here. What you are questioning is the ability of the blood of Jesus to wash away sin." "Today you have put the blood of Jesus on trial. So, does it wash away sin or not?"

The whole church began to weep as they realized that they had been slandering the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Too often, even as Christians we bring up the past and use it as a weapon against our brothers and sisters.

Forgiveness is a very foundational part of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. If the blood of Jesus does not cleanse the other person completely then it cannot cleanse us completely. If that is the case, then we are all in a lot of trouble.

What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Thank you so much and God Bless!
czyfaith77 said:
I agree with many of the women on this board. I especially agree with this statement. I never did understand why in our minds (humans) that sin seems to be categorized by a particular hierarchy. There is not a sin that is greater than the other and if you are human you have sinned at sometime or another. This is why Christ came to redeem us and not to condemn us. I pray that you keep your head up and be of good courage because you deserve God's best for you and I pray for the pastor because though he had good intentions by trying to be honest by conveying his desires for a future mate, there is still a way of going about doing it without discounting individuals. Furthermore, if he does not amend his way he could quite possibly miss his "boat". Man looks at the exterior or the obvious, but God looks at the heart. I don't know the pastor and I cannot say what God has told him, but I mentioned a boat because I am reminded of the story about the man who was praying for rescue after being stranded. God sent three ways for him to be rescued. He was looking for God to come only one way and he missed all three attempts to rescue him. Mind you, he has a request for a virgin and that is fine grant you. But what happens if another individual has another character flaw? Does she get tossed too? We have to be very careful of the expectations we place on people. We are individuals not products being inspected on an assembly line that would get tossed if one imperfection was found.

You are invaluable in the eyesight of God and in God's due time God will bless you with a man that He has chosen to love you through. I say this meaning that he will choose a vessel (man) who will love you the way you were intended to be love. He will actually show this person how to love you and vice versa. We fail to realize so much that we are all human with faults but love covers a multitude of sins (faults/flaws) and we really need to work on loving and appreciating individuals unconditionally. It is not always easy but it is possible through God. Anyhow, take care, be of good courage and always remember who you are,whose you are, and that you are worth so much to God that He gave His only Son's life just for you.... ;)

I also always wondered about the "hierarchy of sins" that we have placed in our minds. When I don't honor my parents I am just as guilty of death as a murderer if it were not for the blood of Jesus. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.
There may not be a hierachy to sin but I do wonder why there are specific sins listed in the bible that will keep you from entering the kingdom.:ohwell:

I don't believe this man is questioning the blood of Jesus (although that was a great story, thank you so much for it). Lots of things come along with being sexually active before marriage and the man may have simply not wanted to deal with it. I know I truyly believe that His blood washes away sin. God didn't sacrifice his only beloved Son for some things and not others (Nobody implied this, I'm just saying..) but I know for myself I put this situation into other contexts. For me it helps to take it to another situation to explain and sometimes understand it.

For example I'm trying to date (emphasis on trying) but I'm getting approached by too many ex-felons and they may be all reformed and everything but I do question their fortitude. What if I marry them and times get hard will I be going to visit them in prison (by the way that's my new job site, I work at the the Chino Institute for Men. Going to be some lovely postings about that ladies, especially about the women that bring their children to visit the fathers and the children end up literally screaming and crying because they can't touch or hold their fathers:mad: ) or will I be carrying him his lunch on his second job that he got so we could make it through hard times. And these men straight up tell me that when times got desperate they got desperate. But when times get desperate for others they have buckled down, downsized and worked harder and pinched pennies until Lincoln screamed.:grin:

Yes. It's his past but it matters to me because it speaks about how he handles situations. I do have to think about my future and to make certain decisions I'm going to have to consider his past. I know too many women who have men in jail and they never should've married the men in the first place because they've been to prison so many times they were "institutionalized" so when times got tough they went the path of least resistance.:ohwell:
AnnDriena_ said:
There may not be a hierachy to sin but I do wonder why there are specific sins listed in the bible that will keep you from entering the kingdom.:ohwell:

This is true.. If you accept the bible as it is, then certain sins you will experience his punishment/wrath for here on earth if you don't turn away from it. Other sins you will not enter into heaven if you continue to do them. God created us so he knows our limitations and shortcomings and knows what we are able to overcome if we want to do so, so that is why I believe there are different consequences for different sins.
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