Another friend of mine was just killed in a car crash! WHY!!??!!


Well-Known Member

Why is this happening?? I am still getting over the loss of Karlos who died not even a month ago and I just got word that another good friend of mine was killed in a car crash!

While on the phone with my boyfriend, my dear friend, Ashton, calls my cell phone at 1:30 this morning. Ladies, my heart started beating crazy fast because I knew it was bad news.

Ashton says in a low tone, "My sister Morgan just called me and told me that Brock is dead."

I asked him to repeat it twice because I didn't think that I heard right.

In disbelief, I repeated what he said just to make sure that I was comprehending what was being said to me: "Ashton, did you just say that your little sister called to tell you that your brother Brock is dead?" In the same low tone, he says "Yes" and I say "Dead?" and he says "Yes" again.

Still not believing it, I say "Ashton, please PLEASE tell me that you're joking!"

He says "No. He was killed instantly in a car crash tonight."

I thought I was going to be sick. He told me that he would call me later because he had to call some other people to let them know the news.

I totally broke down. I just couldn't believe that I lost another person I cared so much about.

Brock was 18 and decided to come to the same college that Ashton and I were at. He was soooooo musically talented and incredibly smart. He was majoring in music. We agreed that the next time we went out to kareoke, we would do a duet together. Now it's never going to happen.

I sent all of my friends candy grams with little notes letting them know how I felt about them. I sent one to Brock saying that I was so glad that he was at the same college I was and that we should hang out more. Now that's never going to happen.

The last memory I have of him is from Tuesday when he was sitting on a lounge chair studying away. I hug him, rub his head, and he accuses me of messing up his hair!! *LOL*

After getting myself together, I called Ashton back. I apologized for not believing him and that I knew it didn't mean much but I was sorry for his loss. He said that it did mean something. He said that right now he's in disbelief. I told him how much I loved Brock and I told him of my last memory of him. He laughed because Brock was so about his hair!

He says that he's going to miss Brock. I said to him that he and Brock were inseperable and could have passed for twins.

I then wrapped up the conversation. I tell him that he needs to be with his family right now. I told him that if he needed anything at all, he should call me. I told him that I loved him. He said that he loved me too and thanks. I told him that his family were in my prayers.

I went to praying ladies. Unlike the situation with Karlos, I don't have the slightest clue why this has happened.

Ladies, please lift this family in your prayers. Brock has surviving him, his mother, his father, and a host of siblings.

Thank you and God bless.

ETA: This is a bio of him:
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I'm so sorry to hear this. I've had to come to the understanding, though it is hard to accept sometimes, God knows what is best. Again, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I pray for you and his family that though you all my not ever understand why, you will have comfort.
good2uuuu said:
I'm so sorry to hear this. I've had to come to the understanding, though it is hard to accept sometimes, God knows what is best. Again, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I pray for you and his family that though you all my not ever understand why, you will have comfort.

My sentiments exactly.