Refuse to Marry


Well-Known Member
Do you know someone who refuses to get married? Or have children? A coworker of mine is receiving a lot of flack from others because she doesn't want to get married, ever. She's been with her boyfriend for about 3-4 years but flat out refuses to consent to marriage. And she doesn't want children either. I even know a couple guys who refuse to get married. I mean, people seem to make a big deal out of those who don't want the typical life.
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Yeah, I've known a couple of couples who refused to get married - they were all Europeans, though. They seemed to have a much different attitude re: legal marriage vs. commonlaw marriage, though.

*think* I might e-know one couple, but they were holding out in solidarity with the Equal Rights movement, so I'm not sure if they are still unmarried.
i don't know any but if i did i wouldn't give them any flack, it's their choice and it since it doesn't affect me i wouldn't concern myself
Do you know someone who refuses to get married? Or have children? A coworker of mine is receiving a lot of flack from others because she doesn't want to get married, ever. She's been with her boyfriend for about 3-4 years but flat out refuses to consent to marriage. And she doesn't want children either. I even know a couples guys who refuse to get married. I mean, people seem to make a big deal out of those who don't want the typical life.

I am the only person I can think of who doesn't ever want to get married or have children

if we lived in a perfect world, of course I would, but not everyone is called to do the same thing.

If I have children, I will adopt. no if's and's or but's lol

I doubt I'll ever feel comfortable enough with anyone to get married. I hope that someday I change my mind, but I am young enough (22) to think this way IMHO lol.
There's nothing wrong with how they feel.

As long as they find a like-minded partner (if they want one) that also doesn't want to get married or have kids, then it's all good.

My only issue comes when one person wants to marry and the partner doesn't. But that's when the one that wants to marry should just move on.

Otherwise, it's no skin off my nose! Do what ya like!
Do you know someone who refuses to get married? Or have children? A coworker of mine is receiving a lot of flack from others because she doesn't want to get married, ever. She's been with her boyfriend for about 3-4 years but flat out refuses to consent to marriage. And she doesn't want children either. I even know a couples guys who refuse to get married. I mean, people seem to make a big deal out of those who don't want the typical life.

I have never understood why people worry about how other people choose to live their life especially when it does not concern them. .:look:

Anyhoo I don't really understand not wanting to get married especially since she is in a long term relationship. There are so many benefits to getting married (if you are meant for eachother). I definitively crave a long lasting marriage more than children.

However I can understand children. Raising children isn't some trivial decision. Its a lifetime deal that doesn't end even when they turn 18. to me it feels like these days you have to rich to have children. :perplexed

You have to save up for their college tuition even before they are born, you have to have really good health care to make sure they are healthy, you have to make sure you have enough money so you can life a in a good neighborhood so that they can get great education (or pay for private) etc. Its just a lot to think about.

Raising children doesn't end at financial obligations. For me to be the parent I want to be and wish my parents were to me I am going to need to make them a priority. That means going to whatever activities that they have, making sure that I am talking to their teachers/counselors, and make sure that I talk to them and get to know them so they come to me and not their friends.

I just think that marriage and child rearing are just such a natural progression in life that when people express they do not want to experience them they are viewed as strange, weird, or something is wrong with them.

ETA: no I do not know anyone in that boat.
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I am the only person I can think of who doesn't ever want to get married or have children.

Join the club.

I doubt I'll ever feel comfortable enough with anyone to get married. I hope that someday I change my mind, but I am young enough (22) to think this way IMHO lol.

I feel the same way. I don't feel that I know myself well enough to share me with someone else. I'm 29, so I don't know if that will change. I'm too set in my ways now. :laugh:
I wouldn't give anyone any flack for that. I used to NEVER want to get married or have children. It's a personal choice. Yet it's amazing how fast your mind can change when you're swept off your feet. :giggle:
I refuse to get marry or have kids. For me I dont like kids because I have no patience for them.. I dont mind being with kids for an hour or 2 but I know that I will be returning him/her to his/her parents... After 2 hours I cant stand them. I like freedom, and i cant see myself raising a child for 18 years.. and they are cute and all as a baby.. but let me admire the cute ones afar.. i cant be waking up in the middle of the night to a crybaby..I would lock him/her in the closet until he/she stops crying.. not for me

With marriage, I dont trust anyone to believe they would keep their vows.. again I like freedom, and I think marriage is the last legal form of slavery.. not for me
My ex-boyfriend made it clear since we were 17 (we're 32 now) that he DOESN'T EVER EVER EVER want to get married.

He told me that the only thing he needs is his family. His only brother and sister are happily married. My ex still lives with his grandmother's home (yes since he was a kid) unmarried.

I'm happy that he is living his dream.
I know several peeps... I used to be one of them...

Marriage is not for everyone walking upright.:look: