Catholic vs Christian Dating No comprise

Wcyprien, I assume you are pretty young. I think you just need more time to grow up and mature. Don't worry about getting married. Focus on maturing and living a full life on your own. Figure out the things that are really important to you. Many couples who are "ready" to get married have dealt with issues like yours and make it work and figure things out because their love for one another and their ability to compromise is so strong.
One of you is going to have to bend. If either one isn't doing it, I don't see the point of you being together. Step back. You need to separate maybe in the separation you can come to an understanding. If not move on to someone who shares your religious views if religion is such a deal breaker neither of you will be happy.
Catholics ARE Christian, btw.

There are obvious doctrinal differences, but they believe that Jesus was the Messiah, so they ARE Christian. Catholics were Christians before Baptists, etc., broke off... so they were the first Christians, actually.

Catholics were not the first Christians. Christians existed first. Catholics simply were the first to define themselves as a particular group within Christianity. Many others later broke from the teachings of Catholicism.
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My advice, if you can't even decide where to get married, don't get married. You said it yourself, no compromise, so what are y'all waiting for?
OP, what I get from your posts is your want your man to change.

You can't push, poke and nudge someone to change. They have to choose to.

I don't see your relationship working.

He won't bend, you won't.