Read The Bible Cover To Cover In 90 Days Challenge! Join Me!


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll, I thought our little sleepy Christian folder could use a little excitement! I was speaking with my husband a little while ago about some of the outrageous "stuff" that passes for Christianity and how Bible Illiteracy is truly a plague upon our faith today. It's why I believe so many people fall prey to all these false teachers, with false doctrines, false "gospels" and false objectives. A prayer shawl for $207 bucks? Could you imagine this: The woman with the issue of blood says within herself "If I could just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole." She reaches out for Jesus, when suddenly Jesus turns around and says "Good day faithful follower! I see you need a healing. Well for just a donation of $207, you can not only experience healing in your body, but also Restoration in your finances and marriage! You don't have the money? Oh ye of little faith! If you truly believed in me you'd FIND a way! Depart from me! Wait, I just got a Word from the Lord! He said that 10 people in this crowd are called right now to give $10,000! If you're obedient, He'll pour you out a blessing!":perplexed:nono::rolleyes:

Ok, I'm going off on a tangent cuz that stuff really gets under my skin lol my bad:lol: Anywho, I must confess that I've "attempted" this challenge twice, but because of lack of well, lack of everything, I failed. Well 2007 is the year of completion, and 2008 the year of new beginnings. This is one place I am starting anew. On January 1st 2008, I will start in Genesis Chapter one and ask you to join me. I have converted the tracking chart into PDF. Use whatever version of the Bible you wish. I will be using my ESV. Here's a post I posted over a year ago on another Christian forum. i will stick to it this time! No more flaking from me!


On a recent trip to LifeWay Christian Book Stores, My eyes fell upon a book:

The Bible in 90 Days: Cover to Cover in 12 Pages a Day (New International Version) [LARGE PRINT] (Hardcover)
It truly inspired me to give it a go! I mean surely, if I can dedicate my time to prospecting and building my business, cleaning my home, cooking a meal, then surely I can find 45 minutes or less daily for the One who created it ALL and gives me grace and breath everyday to do it!
If I can read a success book, fiction, or even this website, then surely I can feed my mind the Bread of Life.

The Devil messes with Christians so often because honestly, we don't read our Bible often enough. How did Jesus fight the Devil? Was it through prayer? Speaking in tongues? Through a miracle? NO, He's used the WORD! This is a war brothers and sisters and we need to SHARPEN OUR SWORD!
I'm not using the specific Bible shown above. I am using my ESV Bible, since it is easy to read for me, but confirming any questions I have with the KJV.
Anyhow, I'm looking for accountability/Study partners. People who will take this 90 day commitment with me. We can check in daily and discuss what we've read. Anyone want to take this challenge with me?

2 Timothy 2:15(KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

So who's reading with me?;)

Here's the reading plan/tracking chart:
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I'll join this challenge. I'll have a lot of questions since I haven't read the bible from cover to cover in over 15 years.
I'm in!

Sometimes I spend hours on this forum so I know I can give that much time and more to read the bible.

This is just what I needed.
I'm in!

Good challenge OP. I strongly believe that no one can really claim to be a Christian without knowing the Bible for him/herself. Hearing what it says and reading one or two verses during a sermon once a week isn't the same. You have to know the word for yourself.

When will you start the 90 days?
This is a great challenge! I'm in as well! We can do it! We've made our hair challenges, surely we can make this one as well! :circle:
This is a great challenge I tried something similar few years ago but found I was rushing through information and not grasping it but many people have told me they were able to do it. So, I been reading the entire Bible in year with Daily Word and just finishing it up again. I have used different translations of the Bible each year and it has been such a great blessing. I will be praying for you girls and please share your experiences.
I will join you in this challenge. It will give me a great "overview" for my studies the rest of the year.
I'm in. Think I'll be reading The Message Bible. KB, maybe we can start a thread about the revelations that we receive as we go through it.
I'm in also. Are we starting 1/1/08?

Yes ma'am! A new year, a new start!:cool: We can post the revelations we receive while reading as well as stay accountable right here in this thread! So true to the poster who said if we can spend hours reading LHCF, we can certainly dedicate this time to reading the Word.:blush:

I also agreed with the poster who said this will be a great overview for our studies throughout the year! I plan to be armed with my highlighter to delve into deeper study after the challenge. My 9 year old daughter is in too!:clap: My 4 year old...well she has it easy lol, she just looks at the pictures since she can't read yet:lachen:
Yes ma'am! A new year, a new start!:cool: We can post the revelations we receive while reading as well as stay accountable right here in this thread! So true to the poster who said if we can spend hours reading LHCF, we can certainly dedicate this time to reading the Word.:blush:

I also agreed with the poster who said this will be a great overview for our studies throughout the year! I plan to be armed with my highlighter to delve into deeper study after the challenge. My 9 year old daughter is in too!:clap: My 4 year old...well she has it easy lol, she just looks at the pictures since she can't read yet:lachen:

Thank you!! I can't wait.
I am SO in this without a doubt! I got this bible as a gift 2 years ago! I was reading last night and found my bookmark half way through it from last year's attempt. What stopped me? I have not a clue but I'm determined this year! :yep: