Are you going to cowash forever?

If you can commit to washing your crotch everyday ( or most days for some folks:perplexed) I dont see how cowashing is any different. You are in the shower and you are getting wet and washing up everything else.
I've stopped co-washing cause my head would itch. I was using V05. Maybe another brand won't do it. So im just using my best friend CON and conditioning after.
I recently put myself on a personal 30 day co-wash every day challenge. So far I've done it for 3 days and my hair is so soft and moisturized. no more dry ends or hair for that fact. My hair isn't breaking off everytime I comb it like it was prior to the daily co-wash. Last year, I saw my aunt who I haven't seen in at least 3 years. Her hair was mbl. She said she used conditioner to wash her hair only. We all thought she was crazy. :spinning: Boy was i wrong to doubt her. My hair couldn't have already been bsl. :wallbash: Oh well, live and learn. but I will co-wash forever.:yep:
Most Likely! I love daily co-washing. I get the same good feeling like when taking a shower with my fav body wash or using my milk & honey/lavendar bubble bath. It's so refreshing. It makes me feel so good. I look forward to it each day. If I miss a day of co-washing, I admit I feel a tiny bit sad about it. I know--I got it Bad.
i used to cowas daily when i did my bc, not since it has grown, it seems like my hair is so dry after it dries, what are you ladies cowashing with and what product are you using afterwards, do anyone use a diffuser, i may do that after i wash
i used to cowas daily when i did my bc, not since it has grown, it seems like my hair is so dry after it dries, what are you ladies cowashing with and what product are you using afterwards, do anyone use a diffuser, i may do that after i wash

I use Suave conditioner. I moisturize with Nexxus Humectress. I seal with evoo or kukui nut oil. I've learned to use a dime size amount of these moisturizing and sealing products. Then I do a braid out. I co-wash nightly. In the morning I moisturize and seal again then viola! I 'm off to work.
Its not that serious. I just r ub some conditioner in my hair and rinse it back out. If anything, it's the easiest part of my shower routine. So, yes: I will co-wash forever.
I don't see why not since my daily rinsing/CW takes all of 2-5 minutes its a bit like washing my face now I guess- which is why I'm reluctant to go back in braids...

I do still wash (shampoo) and DC once a week to tackle build up.:yep:

ETA: I alternate moisture and protein conditioners I use the Aussie line mostly and just tried the Redken butter treat and it did SMOOTH my nappy hair cuticle right down! I may incorporate that as my once a week DC
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Yep, I plan to co-wash forever, my hair has responded so well to it. I only use shampoo right after a relaxer, other than that I co-wash 2x a week.
I don't see why not since my daily rinsing/CW takes all of 2-5 minutes its a bit like washing my face now I guess- which is why I'm reluctant to go back in braids...

I do still wash (shampoo) and DC once a week to tackle build up.:yep:

ETA: I alternate moisture and protein conditioners I use the Aussie line mostly and just tried the Redken butter treat and it did SMOOTH my nappy hair cuticle right down! I may incorporate that as my once a week DC

Off to research that.

yep. I've been doing it since I was 15 and I don't feel right if i don't wet my hair every time i get in the shower. Even after Dominican blowouts, I can go at most about 4 days before i just jump in the shower and cw. Plus my curls look a hot mess if I just wakeup and go.
Yep, I plan to co-wash forever, my hair has responded so well to it. I only use shampoo right after a relaxer, other than that I co-wash 2x a week.

This is what I do. However, I only co-wash once a week currently. Im trying to up it to twice a week:yep:. Once it gets a little warmer, Im gonna try to do more co washes!
yep. I've been doing it since I was 15 and I don't feel right if i don't wet my hair every time i get in the shower. Even after Dominican blowouts, I can go at most about 4 days before i just jump in the shower and cw. Plus my curls look a hot mess if I just wakeup and go.

I will use shampoo for clarifying from time to time (once a month). I con-wash everyday during winter months and everyday in the spring and summer months.
I think I will always do conditioner washes. However, I do use shampoo still (just not as often). There's no way I could give up shampoo for good.

Yeah, me too. CW's really helped turn my hair around and I know they are better for my hair. I still poo once in a while and you know I have to clarify sometimes :yep: