Random Thoughts


Well-Known Member
I stole this from another site, but what are some random thoughts you have during the day (concerning hair of course)?
I hate my hair and I want it to hurry up and grow out so I can cut all these funky layers out of it.

Why are my ends thin?

Why haven't my bangs grown since last month?

Grrrr... I hate my hair.

:lol: I'm just being honest. It's a long way away from my goal.
What will my hair look like next year this time?

If going natural is a good idea.

If I am doing everything right why isn't my hair any longer
If I grow my hair out to Waist Length it is going to get caught in everything.( my purse strap, under DH arm when he holds me, between me and the car seat:ohwell:)

I should just cut my longest layer off.:ohwell:

I am not my hair but so many people try to make me be. :(
Why did it take me so long to make the decision to transition? I could've had sooo much hair by now had I not been so indecisive.

Thinking when is a good time to cut relaxed ends. Off to stalk fotkis....
Why did it take me so long, to acknowledge the beauty of my natural hair?
Why didn't I do this a long time ago?
Why is my hair growing back so fast?
why is my hair not longer?

why do i know my hair is healthier now but it seems like my hair was so much thicker back when i cared very little for my hair?
Why does my scalp itch like crazy when its time for me to relax my hair! It never itch like this any other time before this! lol
These are some of the thoughts I think about my hair during the day:

I can't wait until my hair gets long!

Why does it take such a short time for my leg hairs to grow back after I shave, but it seems to take forever to get an inch of hair growth?

I wonder if my ends look jacked up?

I wonder if getting lack of sleep is making my hair grow more slowly?

Is the way my hair bunned up breaking my ends?

Yeah, that's just a little sample of the random stuff that crosses my mind throughout the day, :grin:
How can I expect my hair to grow, if I don't eat healthy.
It's been a year and my hair is still at APL.
should I get a relaxer?
I hope that my rollerset in december comes out nice.
I hope that during my interviews the employers are ok with the pinned up braidout.
Why is it that everytime I rollerset, it rains?
If one more person asks me what kind of hair I use...:ohwell:
I really should post some stuff on the sale/exchange board
I wonder how long my hair w/b on my friend that's 5'1" and vice versa
I'm really not being vain by swinging my hair, it's caught under my purse strap!
I know it's growing...I just wish it would grow faster...I don't know how long I'll be able to stand this baggying and phony bunning...I need to switch it up with a couple of cute wigs or something...
I want my hair to grow to MBL already....:ohwell:
How come it feels like its taking forever???
I want to have bangs now
I want to color my hair and make it like a Honey Blonde:look:
How come when I decide to rollerset my hair...it is humid and my hair frizz up?
Why when I looked in the mirror this morning I envisioned myself with a really short Halle Berry haircut???
I want to relax sometimes because at least my straight hair would last longer.
I love my curls but I'm getting impatient waiting for length...I'm tired of the shrinkage.
I really need to give away some products...I have so much that I don't use..geez
I hate that I can't find that special "something" for Tee and DenverGirl:look:...I will, I will:grin:
· Why my nape area is always jacked up? :lachen:And how can I fix it?:ohwell:
· Why can't I just keep my freaking hands out my hair!
· My hair would be so much longer if I would have stayed with this forum back in 05!!
· Do I really need all these products or am I being obsessive?:yep: