Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Glad I decided to wash my hair before I sat down to do MBEs. DC-ing now and I'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone--doing bar prep and giving my hair some needed TLC!

I'm leaning toward re-braiding for the bar and saving the press and curl for November when results come out which will also be around my birthday. It would be nice to be able to show off my length at all the swearing-in events and stuff! *praying*
I straightened a piece of my natural hair for the first time ever. It was one of my shorter edges. I didn't use any heat protectant besides EVCO and my coils bounced right back. I'm definitely not doing my entire head ever again though.
Braided up. That crap hurts when you start off. Like I have said a million times, no one will comb and care for your hair like you. I didn't like how she was combing and told her to use the wide tooth. I didn't feel it pulling from the root but I felt like it was breaking away from the root or assumed it because of how she did that part. I caught her going from scalp to ends with the small teeth and almost had a heart attack. My hair looks so thick and good before we started. I hope to god she didn't ruin my hair.
I had to have SO calm me down and say it's impossible for her to have ruined my hair and me not have felt it. I don't want anyone touching my hair again. That's how I felt before the braids and I feel like it's affirmed now. I should have straightened my hair but I blew it out and I can imagine if it wasn't. Seperating my hair at the root to part it and just pulling hard isn't cool. Once I said ouch. Apart me want to take it out to verify that is fine but if damage has been done, then it's done already
I installed minitwists on July 5th. 1 week down 2 more to go.
Yesterday I water rinsed them. My hair and scalp feel nice.
I think I'm going to water rinse every 3-4 days for the duration of this set.
Week 2 following the routine from my hair analysis. So far so good. My hair seems to be digging the increased protein and DCing without heat. I had fewer tangles and ssks in my hair after washing. Hopefully, the next time I check there will be fewer splits as well.
These two things work great for me. I'll be doing my Aphogee 2-step tonight. I do it every 6-8 weeks. DC for about 45-60 min without heat has yielded much softer and easily detangled hair. I've been doing this now for about 9 months.
DH is so cute lol he's watching this comb out process with fascination. He's only ever seen me w/o locs in pictures. I'm glad he's on board cuz I asked that no one come over for weekly game night until I'm done. This ish is NOT a spectator sport!!
Once you are done how do you plan on wearing your hair? Do you have any experience with loose natural hair? What made you decide to unlock?
this closure is killing my life right now. i want so badly to scratch my head and I cannot. But this weave was $535 (install + bundles + closure) so best believe this ish ain't coming off.
Finally got a taste of heat damage, and it hurts even when I knew this would be the end result. Lawd, I feel like I stabbed my best friend :crybaby:!
Now I'll probably be cutting 3 inches, so no APL for me this year :cry4:. I'm going to go into overdrive babying mode and hopefully I'll get back what I cut by December. :pray:
this closure is killing my life right now. i want so badly to scratch my head and I cannot. But this weave was $535 (install + bundles + closure) so best believe this ish ain't coming off.
:look: Couldn't be me. 1. I need to be able to get to my scalp and hair at all times. 2. I definitely not spend all that at one time on weave.

I'm salty about having to get braids/twists for vacation because I don't want to put my hair away. Definitely won't cost more than $175.
Washed my hair this afternoon and realized that the back of my hair has hangtime and curls and the top is just one big tangley puff. It look forever to attempt to detangle it.
I know what that's like...smh. Clay and conditioner 'relaxes' my crown, which is doing better. But it always wants to tangle.
Finally got a taste of heat damage, and it hurts even when I knew this would be the end result. Lawd, I feel like I stabbed my best friend :crybaby:!
Now I'll probably be cutting 3 inches, so no APL for me this year :cry4:. I'm going to go into overdrive babying mode and hopefully I'll get back what I cut by December. :pray:
I just finished a week doing the Inversion Method and gained .5 - 1". And the growth varied from area to area...but I'll take it and will continue doing the IM each month.
I swear I had the worst hair day of my life today! I was ready to either shave it or relax it! I know my hair is growing (I'm past shoulder length stretched) but the way it shrinks I don't think it will ever be long enough that I don't look crazy when my hair is dry...rant over! Came home clarified, got my new NG Peppermint Condish on with my hothead watching BB on DVR.
Finally got a taste of heat damage, and it hurts even when I knew this would be the end result. Lawd, I feel like I stabbed my best friend :crybaby:!
Now I'll probably be cutting 3 inches, so no APL for me this year :cry4:. I'm going to go into overdrive babying mode and hopefully I'll get back what I cut by December. :pray:
This makes me so sad and even more determined not to straighten. Good luck!
Finally got a taste of heat damage, and it hurts even when I knew this would be the end result. Lawd, I feel like I stabbed my best friend :crybaby:!
Now I'll probably be cutting 3 inches, so no APL for me this year :cry4:. I'm going to go into overdrive babying mode and hopefully I'll get back what I cut by December. :pray:

I'm so sorry - that really sucks. Is the damage high up or near the ends? Can you slowly trim it off instead of cutting all at once? What happened?
I posted a new profile pic on my fb page and woman commented that she liked my new weave and where did I purchase the hair from. The kicker is that I posted a picture of my real hair not a weave. This the second time she has done this!
This makes me so sad and even more determined not to straighten. Good luck!
I've straightened my hair a lot, and this is my first time getting any heat damage at all!! I was stupid, and overestimated what my hair could withstand :nono:. I still wouldn't tell anyone to be afraid of using heat, just use it properly and make sure your hair is ready for it. I do envy naturals who've gone years and years without using a drop of heat :lol:.

I'm so sorry - that really sucks. Is the damage high up or near the ends? Can you slowly trim it off instead of cutting all at once? What happened?
Looking at the pics I took of the damage, I think it maybe higher up in some areas like 1/4-1/2 of the length :cry3:. The damage is everywhere. My nape is definitely the worst hit because it's so fine :cry4:. My initial reaction was to just chop some inches and start from there, but I think I'll trim slowly instead and let it grow out. This will be my "transition" I guess. Thankfully, my hair is super soft and doesn't seem to be breaking.
What happened? I decided to blowdry and flatiron my hair at the highest heat (like I always do) on hair that hadn't been conditioned at all. No conditioner, no leave-in, no internal protection from heat at all. My hair was in the healthiest state it had ever been in because of my ACV+water+CO routine, so I thought I would be able to straighten on the fly. I knew my hair was fried the second I finished :nono:. I've been in this hair game way too long to have done something this stupid, but I got cocky and reckless. Lesson learned! Never again :fistshake:.
I just finished a week doing the Inversion Method and gained .5 - 1". And the growth varied from area to area...but I'll take it and will continue doing the IM each month.
Thanks for mentioning this!!! I've never seriously considered it, but I am definitely going to give it a shot!
I took my flat twists out for first time in four days. My hair feels moisturized and really soft. I don't want to have to retwist tonight because I feel like that is extra manipulation but oh well, if I don't twist it I will look like Don King. I'll definitely finger detangle rather than using a comb or my Denman brush.
Thanks for mentioning this!!! I've never seriously considered it, but I am definitely going to give it a shot!
You're welcome. I didn't take my first attempt seriously last fall, not even sure I finished. But now I am anxious to gain some length so figured why not.
Once you are done how do you plan on wearing your hair? Do you have any experience with loose natural hair? What made you decide to unlock?

I decided to unlock because it's been 15 years with them; I first was natural 14-17. When I stayed natural it was freshman year of college, I was broke, and there wasn't a lot of accurate information about how to properly care for 4c hair. It was all two-strand twists, braids, or Bantu knots if you weren't anything in the 3 range. I did that for a while but didn't feel like it was ME. I was lost and overwhelmed and being a broke college kid, my options were shaving it all off or loc it up. So. Locs.
I'm not sure yet what I will do long term (I'm curious about frequent washing/water only washing/Curly Queen method/Modified MHM) but my initial plan is:
-clarify shampoo
-clay wash (detangle)
-Kinky Curly Coiling Custard
A Komaza hair analysis is a definite. Hopefully, the analysis will help me make better choices with my haircare regimen and products. I've learned so much hanging around LHCF and the influx of 4c vloggers/bloggers has helped immensely. I feel much better prepared to deal with my loose natural hair this go round.