Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

acv rinse is really really good but I figured out why I thought I was developing a scalp n skin issue like malassezia.

basically I cannot do bagging at this short hair length and to saran wrap the whole head, as though doing a henna treatment, is a no-go.

I was having a horrible time last night and felt like a rash was spreading from head to back and arms.
until I removed the saran wrap. I think stuff just needed to evaporate instead of collecting on the scalp and skin by ears n neck
I'd bagged it for a couple of days last week too..
No wonder
So yeah. At least I can use non FA safe stuff again...

ETA and I realized that from doing a search and reading something by the user Nonie. She basically suggested to a lady that the itch issue was due to bagging. Nonie said for her she needs to baggy almost dry hair with no leave in otherwise she cannot n I guess same for me. She mentioned she used to have acne until she stopped bagging hair that had leave ins
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acv rinse is really really good but I figured out why I thought I was developing a scalp n skin issue like malassezia.

basically I cannot do bagging at this short hair length and to saran wrap the whole head, as though doing a henna treatment, is a no-go.

I was having a horrible time last night and felt like a rash was spreading from head to back and arms.
until I removed the saran wrap. I think stuff just needed to evaporate instead of collecting on the scalp and skin by ears n neck
I'd bagged it for a couple of days last week too..
No wonder
So yeah. At least I can use non FA safe stuff again...

ETA and I realized that from doing a search and reading something by the user Nonie. She basically suggested to a lady that the itch issue was due to bagging. Nonie said for her she needs to baggy almost dry hair with no leave in otherwise she cannot n I guess same for me. She mentioned she used to have acne until she stopped bagging hair that had leave ins

I miss @Nonie - she always had good info when she posted.
I miss @Nonie - she always had good info when she posted.
It's actually amazing how we can search for posts on a topic by a specific user. Like an archive of scientific journals or something.

I did that after realizing how helpful her posts were and got quite a bit of good info. Like she mentioned cold washing was probably helpful because it didn't entirely rinse off conditioner so you get extra conditioning...not cuz of cuticles closing as that isn't scientifically true.
She was right bcuz whenever I do a cold wash and comb through while the hair is still damp, conditioner collects on the comb..
not only did my dad stop putting me down during skype, or giving me the :burnup:
he actually complimented it, so yay for following routines n stuff.

also i checked for the raw ingredients my cousin had left for me in the pantry for hair this summer (due to covid19 risk, dropped by randomly ; she basically came in all covered up, put stuff in the fridge and pantry, and left)...i had not used them because i couldn't be bothered, but now that i care, i will. she had told me a specific recipe and i wasn't paying attention.

flowers of hibiscus, thyme, and lavender. now i gotta email her for what to do with it. i used to use hibiscus to make henna look purple.
I think it’s been that way for a while. But I’m weird too so I’m kinda biased :lachen:
i'm literally the weirdest person i know, and annoy myself.
i asked my brother and he said it was true.
but the nicest compliment i ever got was an old classmate going, 'i was so weird back then.. .we were so weird... oh and YOU were weird because you were too normal.'

i was like, wow. best moment of my life. no but really my mom uses 'normal' as her highest compliment for a person, even higher than 'decent'
It's pretty obvious. She says stuff only after my posts so *shrugs*.

Ah, I see. I didn’t notice the pattern, just the posts.


Ma’am... I’m not going to lie, your posts are a bit... off kilter. But you aren’t the only one, and at least you are pleasant.

Honestly, I prefer this to the tumble weeds that used to blow through here.

How did you learn about this forum?
Ah, I see. I didn’t notice the pattern, just the posts.


Ma’am... I’m not going to lie, your posts are a bit... off kilter. But you aren’t the only one, and at least you are pleasant.

Honestly, I prefer this to the tumble weeds that used to blow through here.

How did you learn about this forum?
It's ok I've heard worse IRL about myself from North Americans at least other countries I've lived in people are paradoxically more accepting of autistics (paradox bcuz N Anericans have this idea they are more humane or whatever than those countries) I haven't killed myself yet so it's all good.

I used it before to read up on stuff just joined cuz I wanted to.

I think the down key is a really good tool if you have issues with someone's posts. I've heard it referred to as scrolling past.
View attachment 466779

Alright... Let’s just go back to what we were doing before I opened my mouth. Lol

No you brought up something which I will explain here so I can keep posting with a clear conscience etc. Knowing I did my part of explaining that I am not trying to 'punk' the thread or whatever was mildly implied earlier.

To mitigate apparent annoyance for whoever,
Obv wants me to stop posting, judging by all the likes and whatnot on certain posts,
I contacted Mr Dude to delete my account and did the whole search for how to with no answers and he's still not gotten back to me.
Idk why since I'm sure computer types would be up at night.

So in the meantime, I'll keep posting how I think which includes connecting patterns with links in a way NTs are unable to see immediately and might find annoying or like they're being 'punked' , minimal synaptic pruning which i think is the root of what causes NT annoyance..but has, in the past, been useful in different areas of knowledge and culture, so not entirely useless.

Here's a helpful brain scan comparison to illustrate what I mean.

Note how the two on the middle are more alike than the one in the middle. The ones in the middle are the ones who Nazis, who I'd say were led by the type of mind on the right, wanted to get rid of . .

and didn't when the term fir what we now call HFA was invented and explained as being potentially useful to society's progress.

So clearly usefulness is the basis on which the other two types will put up with the one in the middle

Which way of thinking and connecting may even be helpful to someone else on occasion
and will continue treat this forum as I did which I mistskenly thought was adhering to every possible unspoken rule of civility and acceptability of forums,

and hope this post is enough to indicate apology for annoying someone in future with uncontained (but relevant as far as I can tell) thoughts . I will also continue to put my stuff in this thread in spoiler quotes to mitigate annoyance or whatever it is that makes ppl want to kill me or bully me IRL in N America at least.

In fantasy,there's the invisibility cloak, Irl suicide or hermeticism is the main way to fix that disparity in ways of thinking for others, but here we have the spoiler thing which should suffice.
No you brought up something which I will explain here so I can keep posting with a clear conscience etc. Knowing I did my part of explaining that I am not trying to 'punk' the thread or whatever was mildly implied earlier.

To mitigate apparent annoyance for whoever,
Obv wants me to stop posting, judging by all the likes and whatnot on certain posts,
I contacted Mr Dude to delete my account and did the whole search for how to with no answers and he's still not gotten back to me.
Idk why since I'm sure computer types would be up at night.

So in the meantime, I'll keep posting how I think which includes connecting patterns with links in a way NTs are unable to see immediately and might find annoying or like they're being 'punked' , minimal synaptic pruning which i think is the root of what causes NT annoyance..but has, in the past, been useful in different areas of knowledge and culture, so not entirely useless.

Here's a helpful brain scan comparison to illustrate what I mean.

Note how the two on the middle are more alike than the one in the middle. The ones in the middle are the ones who Nazis, who I'd say were led by the type of mind on the right, wanted to get rid of . .

and didn't when the term fir what we now call HFA was invented and explained as being potentially useful to society's progress.

So clearly usefulness is the basis on which the other two types will put up with the one in the middle

Which way of thinking and connecting may even be helpful to someone else on occasion
and will continue treat this forum as I did which I mistskenly thought was adhering to every possible unspoken rule of civility and acceptability of forums,

and hope this post is enough to indicate apology for annoying someone in future with uncontained (but relevant as far as I can tell) thoughts . I will also continue to put my stuff in this thread in spoiler quotes to mitigate annoyance or whatever it is that makes ppl want to kill me or bully me IRL in N America at least.

In fantasy,there's the invisibility cloak, Irl suicide or hermeticism is the main way to fix that disparity in ways of thinking for others, but here we have the spoiler thing which should suffice.

Lady, dont let my font make you leave any place you want to be. There will be comments made and people will have continue to have issues with anything posted. I annoy several people that have hopped right into my messages.
