Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Loving these box braids I put in. The color is giving me life and the texture change is fun. This my neatest set of braids I've ever done. Every time I do a set I learn something knew and I get better at it. But yeah this color and style we're a much needed change of pace. I was so bored before I was toying with the idea of BCing again to a twa!! Drastic change. Boredom and available hair are a deadly combo lol
I really want some braids for the winter (my normal go to style) but my mom just had surgery so I don't have anyone to do them.
I just placed my order on Amazon for Cyber Monday!!! I'm not sure if I got a good deal, but I cant wait until my packages are here!! Some of the items are re-stock and about 3 items are new too me. I purchased KCNT, KCC, their shampoo and their hair polisher. I also purchased a Remington hair dryer and a bonnet. I wanted to buy more hair products for black Friday, but I ended up going to Ikea.
So I used to do an ACV rinse on every wash day. Then the bottle I used to make my rinse grew mold (ewww gross) and I was too lazy to go buy another bottle. So for many months I just skipped this step. Well I finally used up a bottle of conditioner and used that to make more ACV rinse. My hair is soooo smooth!!! I will never drop this from wash day again.
Are you adding the acv to the conditioner? Does that bring the PH down?
1.) I just found out that the way I pin down my hair underneath my wigs has been doing a great job at keeping new growth stretched in the front. Now if only I could figure out how to do it for the rest of my hair...

2.) I know I said I was going to try to use up my stash within the next month, but I kinda just feel like tossing everything and calling it a day. I just got rid of two trash bags worth of clothes, and I started in on some makeup too. I guess I'm just in a purging kind of mood.
I found a braider who has the same problem I have -- extensions gives us splits galore. She had her natural hair in twists in a bun and twist-out bangs. The client she had finished up with had a nice straightened style. And, yes, I asked a bunch of questions, including how tight do you braid. I think I will schedule an appointment next month for comb coils so I can see how she handles my hair.

I think my thyroid is shot, bloodwork next month.
Lots of thoughts.

I have been shampooing daily for the last few days and it's really working for me so far. I've done this in the past with no issues so maybe this will be my new reggie. Whenever I want to redo my hair, I need to shampoo, no more co-rinsing. Even if that means every day. My scalp and hair get build up so fast! Maybe this will cut back on how often I have to clarify. My scalp feels so tingly good and my hair seems to have more movement.

Also I've come to the conclusion that there is no shampoo or conditioner (aside from my most precious clarifying poo :gorgeous:) that will work for my hair long term. I can get through a few bottles max before it quits me :lol: so instead of searching for the perfect poo/condish I will use the ones my likes on rotation so that as soon as my hair is sick of one I will go to the next condish/poo in the lineup. Why is my hair so atypical??

My hair is growing really well and it's fun to actually *want* to grow it out again. Went from using 6 sections down to 4 which seems to work better for me. Back to using my "denman" brush (Sally's knockoff beatique brush). Just trying new things.
Gotta relax in the next few days. I haven't relaxed this close to a wash day since I started my HHJ. I think I'm going to mix some oil and condish into my relaxer this time so that it doesn't get too straight.