Random Hair thoughts for April come on in.


New Member
I couldn't sleep this morning and was stalking Fotki's and learned that the texture I have while texlaxed is a LOT like a bunch of natural heads I saw and that makes me feel good in some odd way.

I'm still wondering if length will really weigh my hair down and bring the fluff down maybe a notch. I love big hair but sometimes, come on now.

I also really need to learn some new protective styles. I like my wee buns but they are boring and I want some cute hair accessories and things. My hair hasn't been this long in more than a decade and I don't know what to do LOL.

It's a good feeling and a bad feeling.
I'm thinking about all the deep conditioning I'm going to do when I get my 56oz. tub of Miss Keys from RoundBrushHair!

Also, I paid $22 for it and the bss wanted $20 for the 8oz! :lachen:
Since the weather is begining to warm up a bit I see ladies with their hair down looking all cute and I'm looking like damn. I'm trying to stretch this relaxer for the remaining 4 weeks to end at my 3 month mark and it aint looking too good :nono:. Spring and Summer is so hard for me to stretch my relaxers out... What's a girl too do??
Since the weather is begining to warm up a bit I see ladies with their hair down looking all cute and I'm looking like damn. I'm trying to stretch this relaxer for the remaining 4 weeks to end at my 3 month mark and it aint looking too good :nono:. Spring and Summer is so hard for me to stretch my relaxers out... What's a girl too do??

@TLC - no braidouts, curly styles for the warm months?

And my random thoughts....I thought about this board when I was helping this older woman pick out items for her hair at one of my product haunts - it was like the 3rd time this has happened in a number of months...

She was watching me pick out stuff, so she came up to me...
we started talking so much, the store was about to close..:ohwell:

She was talking about the chemical damage that happened with her hair.

So we discussed the heavy protein, but emphasizing following up with a deep moisturizing conditioner. That it was a must.

Discussed striking a balance of both moisture and protein. Some go too far each way and experience breakage.

She got a bottle of green CON...:look:, the heavy Aphogee - and she was coming back to the store to seek out a conditioner.

We chatted some more when she said, "My daughter told me to watch out for products with mineral oil." :look:

Then she eyes some other products and she said "Oh, that has silicone. I was told to look out for that.." :look:

I was like.....Let me...find....out.... :lol:

I was like yeah, cones give slip....then she countered, "But it leaves that plastic feel on your hair....I'm not messing with any silicones." :look:

I was like, you'll be okay. Somebody knows a lil something coming up in the spot..(I was like what'chu know about cones? :lol:)

I told her to just baby her hair and it will rebound. I told her my mom had cancer and lost a lot of her hair, but it came back. It will happen for her too from chemical damage.

It feels good to help folks y'all..:yep: Made me feel better about my craplike hair...:look:
That is sooo cool mona, you helping out and being a good sam"hair"itan!! I love helping people too... Tlc I am feeling you on wearing that hair down... I feel guilty when I do it!!! I "need" bsl and daydream often about it... Warm weather please hurry up!!
random thoughts:

i wonder if i should co wash once a week? i like to ware my hair down ALL the time

will my hair ever get to MBL? i am APL now

Yayyyyy my salerm 21 and salerm 21 b5 AND lacio lacio came in the mail

should i buy miss keys 10 in 1:rolleyes:
Random thoughts:

How come I've been transitioning since last year but just threw out my relaxer yesterday? How can I use up all these hair products and stop being a PJ? (I have gotten much better though)
I think I found most of my staples. I put in some conditioner yesterday and it made my hair so soft. I thought it would just disappear after I rinsed like the most of them do. Then I started to detangle and the comb slipped through. I was so excited. I kept coming in and bugging my SO saying look .... can you believe it. :lachen:

I can't remember my last perm. Should I be worried. My hair isn't breaking bad. I am thinking of just transitioning. I only relax 4 times a year anyway. I don't really see the point of the relaxer anymore.

I think I want some haircolor but I can't think of what color. I want it to be noticeable to peopel who know me , but still look natural. Is that possible ?
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I'm going to relax the end of the month I'm hoping I can wait that long because my new growth ain't no joke.

I hope I will be BSL when I relax. I'm finally seeing a little progress.
Today I jus purchases 4 bottles of CON (red and green labels)
I wonder how long my hair is now
I wonder if I'll ever make it to waislength unstreched...at that length no one will be able to tell me nuthi....
I can't wait to be able to do a ponytail
My mom has been taking my advice and her hair is getting thicker.
I saw my old Dominican hair dresser to other. She hasn't seen me since last year. She was the one that told me that I'm crazy for wanting to go natural. When she saw me she told me that I had that "kind" of hair that straightens easily...:rolleyes: No sweetie you are not coming near me with that blow dryer...:nono:.
I can wait to be waistlength...:grin:
Mona that was nice story. You should have given her url for the site but she sounds like she's a lurker. I never knew about silicones before I came to this forum :lol:

My thoughts:

I never wanted really long hair. Just give me APL and I'll be VERY happy. I think I might even do some cartwheels :lol: My friend says that I should wear a toni braxton type of cut and I'm please with my big ol head :lol:

And why oh why must my hair be so resistant. I'm thinking about giving up on finding the perfect relaxer. So I'm textlaxed but it wasn't on purpose.

I've been slacking badly with my scalp massages and my diet. I know these two things are the missing piece to the puzzle.

I told my male friend about this board and he said he's sure 50% of us are insecure and God didn't make every tall so we should just accept ourselves. I'm like:rolleyes:. He reminded me real quick why I dont tell anyone about this site or any other personal goals I might have. I hate the negativity.
I am 'sick and tired of being sick and tired' in this no man's land between SL and APL:wallbash:

**eyeballing hair mags and seriously considering a sexy bob**:cool: The only thing preventing me from doing it is my distrust/fear of stylists:ohwell:

I am relaing at 6 weeks post next Sunday because the nw growth is like WHOA. I wonder if that's from the MN. I was only faithful to it for 2 weeks..as usual PJ ADD strikes again
random thought: to relax or not to relax...that is the question... it's been 4 months since my last relaxer

another random thought: protective styling isn't for everyone-especially if you wet your hair everyday like i do (soggy wet hair in a bun doesn't look too hot!)
I am 'sick and tired of being sick and tired' in this no man's land between SL and APL:wallbash:

**eyeballing hair mags and seriously considering a sexy bob**:cool: The only thing preventing me from doing it is my distrust/fear of stylists:ohwell:

I am relaing at 6 weeks post next Sunday because the nw growth is like WHOA. I wonder if that's from the MN. I was only faithful to it for 2 weeks..as usual PJ ADD strikes again


Girl I wish I had your hair. Nice length and thickness:yep:
~ How many hair products do u really need poochie. I mean seriously..its getting outta hand now. I'm shopping for hair products like i'm shopping for groceries to feed my fam

~ my hair goal for june is not gonna happen!:violin:

~ i wonder if this steaming method would finally give me a really good airdry look
Girl my hair is even more poofy and thick when I stretch and wear it any other way than a bun. I'm also underprocessed from my last touch-up so who knows how many weeks I really am :nono:. Sometimes this stretching thing get the best of me.. I think I'm going to go head and do my touch-up this weekend..:ohwell:

@TLC - no braidouts, curly styles for the warm months?

And my random thoughts....I thought about this board when I was helping this older woman pick out items for her hair at one of my product haunts - it was like the 3rd time this has happened in a number of months...

She was watching me pick out stuff, so she came up to me...
we started talking so much, the store was about to close..:ohwell:

She was talking about the chemical damage that happened with her hair.

So we discussed the heavy protein, but emphasizing following up with a deep moisturizing conditioner. That it was a must.

Discussed striking a balance of both moisture and protein. Some go too far each way and experience breakage.

She got a bottle of green CON...:look:, the heavy Aphogee - and she was coming back to the store to seek out a conditioner.

We chatted some more when she said, "My daughter told me to watch out for products with mineral oil." :look:

Then she eyes some other products and she said "Oh, that has silicone. I was told to look out for that.." :look:

I was like.....Let me...find....out.... :lol:

I was like yeah, cones give slip....then she countered, "But it leaves that plastic feel on your hair....I'm not messing with any silicones." :look:

I was like, you'll be okay. Somebody knows a lil something coming up in the spot..(I was like what'chu know about cones? :lol:)

I told her to just baby her hair and it will rebound. I told her my mom had cancer and lost a lot of her hair, but it came back. It will happen for her too from chemical damage.

It feels good to help folks y'all..:yep: Made me feel better about my craplike hair...:look:
I'm six months into my transition w/o the BC this week and time has just flown by.
A third of my hair is natural and I'm between SL and APL.
I'm using the visualization 'technique' and I think it's really helping! I'm so exited about my natural hair and I can't wait till my graduation next year when I can sport my (hopefully) BSL hair :yep:
Girl my hair is even more poofy and thick when I stretch and wear it any other way than a bun. I'm also underprocessed from my last touch-up so who knows how many weeks I really am :nono:. Sometimes this stretching thing get the best of me.. I think I'm going to go head and do my touch-up this weekend..:ohwell:

oooh.....hair pics.....:look:

You may be BSL and don't even know it...:yep:
I am enjoying this journey to healthy longer hair...I just feel so anxious or impatient though I know I can't rush things even if i want to...need to stay focused. Im doing so good especially with my stretch. Don't need to hop on any more bandwagons or buy any new products being raved about that's going to give me the same results that Im getting now with my staples...
random thought: to relax or not to relax...that is the question... it's been 4 months since my last relaxer

another random thought: protective styling isn't for everyone-especially if you wet your hair everyday like i do (soggy wet hair in a bun doesn't look too hot!)
so how do you do your hair after you wet it
I want to try BIGEN.
I want more 1/2 wigs.
I want some ORS tea tree oil grease.
I want WL hair.

That's all.
I can't wait to take out these braids and see the growth I got after 7 month unintentional stretch.

I fear getting a trim after my braids bc I'll be saying bye bye to my raggedy ends that were touching BSL.

I really need to get use to seeing hair in the sink thinking it's a lot when in fact it's a few loooooooong strains bunched together! :yep:

I would like man in my life.:look: Ooops...that doesn't go in this thread! :rolleyes:
This is a great thread.

I'm having fun trying different products during my transition.

I love the way my new growth feels. I can't keep my hands out of it.

This is the longest I've gone without a relaxer touch up (almost 23 weeks post), and I'm so glad it's working out.
Sigh....warmer months dry my scalp out. Im starting to notice it already.
Im debating on doing a 6 month stretch....
I wonder if I will suffer from postpartum shedding???!!!!:perplexed
I want to try Bigen too.
I can't wait to take this sew-in out and feel my own hair.
I can't wait for summer so I can wear my braidouts and be supersuper cute.