Random Hair thoughts for April come on in.

What am I gonna do without my CON green label shampoo??:perplexed

I can't wait until my fresh layers (like 3 weeks old) grow out.:ohwell:

buns are NOT overrated and I can't wait until I can get my hair back into a decent bun:sad:

I STILL love curlformers, even with the positive/negative hype, I would like to thank SouthernTease for being hyped enough about them to share the fact that they exist.:yep:
I wanna go home and do a conditioner wash now.

Wouldn't that be great!!!???? You know what... now that I've been detangling every c/o with the Jilbere shower comb, I am losing maybe 1-3 hairs a day! Whereas before, detangling less often I was losing a whole lot more. It's more manageable like this too.
I think I've made a good amount of progress since I starting growing my hair back in November 07.

My hair is nice and thick, I wonder if the Boundless Tresses has anything to do with that.

I need to order more Boundless Tresses.

When will I be able to pull my hair into a small ponytail so I can wear phony ponys and buns.

I'm really going to try to stretch 12 weeks this time.

I did make it to 9 weeks, that's not too bad...huh?

How in the world am I going to wear my hair for my cruise ship wedding in June?

I want a nice cut but I'm afraid to go to the salon.
Wouldn't that be great!!!???? You know what... now that I've been detangling every c/o with the Jilbere shower comb, I am losing maybe 1-3 hairs a day! Whereas before, detangling less often I was losing a whole lot more. It's more manageable like this too.
Indeed it does make it more manageable. :yep: I love my shower comb.
Girl my hair is even more poofy and thick when I stretch and wear it any other way than a bun. I'm also underprocessed from my last touch-up so who knows how many weeks I really am :nono:. Sometimes this stretching thing get the best of me.. I think I'm going to go head and do my touch-up this weekend..:ohwell:

we are >>>>here<<<<<, I am so tired of these darn buns and braidouts! I am flat ironing my hair tonight!
-I get bored with my hair rather easily. *sigh*
-It seems that everyone around me is cutting their hair and it looks so freakin' cute. I'm tempted to cut mine but I know that those closest to me would have a fit. I would never hear the end of it. Even though I loved the way that my hair looked when it was shorter, I know that I would probably regret cutting it. :ohwell:
My random hair thoughts:

It seems like everyone's hair is growing longer but mine...I'm happy for all of my LHCF sisters, I just want some length too...

If I don't do something about my *loose* or *falling* hair, I may have to have my IUD removed or shave my head...I just can't take it anymore. Sometimes it feels like I can feel my hair sliding out of my scalp...but I don't have any bald spots. It is growing. But it's thin at the ends. It's coming out at the line of demarcation, I think.

On the positive side, the relaxer I did Sunday night seemed to have taken beautifully. I air dried it and then wrapped it last night with some EQP Mango Butter and it turned out shiny, straight, smooth, pretty good, I think.

My Sweetie enjoys running his fingers through it and stroking it. That's nice, too.
My random thoughts....

I love the way my waves look after they dry.

Will I be APL stretched by Dec. 2008?

Will I ever get brave enough to just cut it all off?

My hair is so much more healthier than it was tis time least year.

I want to get a weave, but enjoy taking care of my hair daily.
Now that I'm actively growing my hair out (instead of cutting it off every other month in the name of trimming my ends :rolleyes: ), I feel like it's not growing fast enough. I just have to be more patient, I suppose. And I do see progress, I really do.

I feel like I neeeeeeeeed a soft bonnet hair dryer. I deep condition at least once a week, and I think adding heat to the equation would be a good idea--I did the porosity test and my hait floated for hours. Also, I would like to do rollersets and flexirod sets every now and then. And I definitely cannot afford a Pibbs.

I'm tired of twists. They work well for me because I'm up early every day, I work out three times a week, I have three sons, etc--I don't have time for messing with my hair. But darn it to heck...sometimes I want to feel cute, and I don't always feel cute in twists.
I can't wait till I take these cornrow braids out and then I can use my new Jilbere shower comb that I've never used before....

I just want to run my fingers through my hair now now now...although I do like the convenience of wearing cornrows...

I need to find a way of maintaing my 'that girl' status while wearing my hair in a *heat-free* style...a style that works WITH my wavy natural hair as opposed to against it (i.e heat straightening).

I wonder how all of the vitamins I am taking are working together for the benefit if my hair...

I'm excited about reaching Mid back length one day soon. Imagine not having to comb/stretch your hair for length *drool*
should I make an appt at Phyto and texlax? Sometimes I love my natural hair and sometimes I hate it, I wish I could just make up my mind.:ohwell:
My thoughts :scratchch

I can't wait till Saturday so I can relax *after 12 weeks*

I wonder if my regimen works *first 12 weeks on LHCF*

I wonder if my progress pictures will come out right

I wonder how much longer my hair is *its the same lenght now @ 12 weeks stretched that is was when i was freshly relaxed when I started LHCF* I onno *shrugs* hope hope that means progress :look:
I like styling my hair in rollersets Sundays and maintaining the look all week. I'm thinking about keeping this routine up and washing 1x a week at least until my NG starts kicking in. Otherwise I'm feeling lazy about washing my hair during the work week.

Why has my pjism morphed into OCD for buying my staple products? I find my self buying my favorite conditioners when I see them even when I know full well I have 2-3 bottles already at home. :spinning:
It feels sooooo good to take my hair down and comb it out and touch my scalp after it has been up all day.

Kinda like taking off your bra when you get home from work.

After someone's tree braid post, now I'm thinking about getting tree braids.

I'm thinking about moving to Philly for the summer if VA falls through, either way, I would love to get an appt with Reniece in MD when I do. In the mean-time, tree braids would be a good no-mani hairstyle for me.

I wonder how much they cost.
After stretching my next texlax touchup month after month I finally decided to go ahead and transition. My texlaxes have been very very light and I've grown to love both my texlaxed hair and the 3 inches of natural hair that I have growing in. I also finally have a sweet, supportive amazing SO who loves my "curlies" and plays with them every chance he gets. He knows all about my hairboards and various hair experiments and is totally supportive and wants me to achieve all of my hair goals.

I'm just so excited about this new journey, more excited than I've been at any other point since discovering LHCF and healthy hair practices. I finally feel as though I will reach my full potential and all of my hair goals. :grin:

I also had a crazy episode of PJ-ism where after reading many reviews of Kinky Curly Curling Custard and Knot Today, and deciding it was the product for me I ran out of the house at 9pm on Sunday night and ran to the only Ricky's that was closing at 10 pm that evening. I arrived there breathlessly at 9:50, bought my products and danced my way back home...:lachen:
I want my space helmet dryer right now.

My hair feels really soft and lovely right now it's been bunned and wrapped in a scarf for more than 24 hours because I stayed home from work.
I'm sick of my braids now- can't wait to see my hair again. Trying to stretch to just over 16wks and only have 4wks to go.

My PJism is rearing it's ugly head again- just got 3 diff Aubrey Organics cons and 2 avalon org shampoos (so excited to try them out) and i'm so tempted to buy more stuff 'cos i've been worrying about hard water and chelating shampoos, but trying w/o SLS or parabens and so on...

I keep thinking of what i'm gonna do after taking out the braids- thinking a prepoo with con, honey and co-milk, protein treatment ( trying nexxus emergencee which i also just got) and DC with AO honeysuckle Rose under a heating cap.

As per growth, my hair grows so slowly that i'm just happy if i can make it to APL. I want healthy, thick APL hair.

ok let me stop...
I am really sad about my hair, but not trying to stress about it. I had kinky twist extentions in my hair for 8 weeks. When I took them out this past weekend, my almost Apl hair was in bad shape. :cry3::cry3:

I have an appt to see my stylist Saturday for a cut/deep condition and whatever else she recommends.
~Wondering if I can make it to 10 weeks ( at week nine now)

~ Will my hair grow to shoulder length ( never thought I could grow to that length)
~ I like my texture (4b) never felt it this soft, never!!!

~ I am so happy I was led to this board:grin:

~ I DC'ed last night with a Irish Moss mix why do i have flakes in my hair?:ohwell:
~ What other product can I try?:lachen:
~ I am itching to relax to see if I made any progress ( well week 10 here I come
-My newgrowth is ridiculous for 5 weeks post, but still so soft. I love OCT!

-I think I'm gonna love this Salerm 21. I'm going to DC tonite w/ CPR and use the Salerm on a flexirod set to see how it turns out.

-My hair is shedding a bit. I'm not super concerned, but I'm keeping my eye on it.

-I feel like my hair is getting longer, but I'm really really longing for a nice full ponytail. *sigh* Patience... patience...

-I want to go lighter this summer. But my hair conscience is kicking me in the brain, saying no.

-I love newgrowth. It's the best!
I think I'm gonna get the color corrector stuff and get rid of my signature color :ohwell:. Besides the roots, I haven't seen my natural hair color since '99 :nono:
- I am really into Dominican products now. I can't wait until I get paid next week. I need some Lacio Lacio! Although, I think I want to try the Silicon Mix Leave-In.

- I need a wig! I'm hitting the point where I'm about to be SL in an inch or so and my ends need protection. So I think I'm going to take my aunt up on that offer of getting me a wig.

- I'm enjoying this transition so far. I love my little curls. I hate to see them go when I blowdry. =/

- Why did I stop DC-ing? I'm so slow. Here I was being lazy & wondering where my progress went. Durrrr! Your hair needs to DC.

- I am resisting the urge to trim. I'm focused on repairing my ends as much as I can. I bought that VO5 Split Ends conditioner everyone used to rave about like 2 years ago. I'm going to pre-poo with that and see what happens.

- Tresemmé gives you a lot of conditioner for cheap. Maybe something's wrong with it? Like at Church's Chicken. They give you a family size meal with 5 extra side for like $3.57. I refuse to believe this Tresemmé is actually good when 25oz. is only $3.84 at Wal-Mart.