some random thoughts on my natural hair journey....

Hi LHCF! :wave:

Well, I've been having some thoughts about my hair lately and decided to share. :grin:

Since early August 2009, I've been paying extra special attention to my hair (this is when I discovered Ms. Cathy Howse and her books/products/moisture technique) and I've really begun to know just what my hair likes and dislikes.

Since following Ms. Howse's methods, I learned that my hair responds very well to washing every 4-6 days. I can't go past 7 days without dryness, itchy scalp and extra shedding. My hair seems to LOVE MOISTURE:lick:! Just sucks it right up! :grin: I've also learned that my hair does well with low manipulation and PS. I rarely wear my twists out and when I do, it's no longer than 1-2days. I'm VERY HAPPY to report that my ends have not needed any sort of trimming since July 2009!!! This is due to proper moisturizing & sealing w/EVCO, DC, and just simply keeping my hands out of my head in between washing and styling! For the most part, my ends appear to be just as thick and healthy as the rest of my hair is right now and for that, I'm grateful.....

I did a CW and 2-strand twist on Tuesday of this week and made the decision (regretfully:sad:) to abandon the CW. Although my actual hair strands feel great to the touch after a co-wash, my hair just doesn't get clean with this method. It feels sticky and my scalp is pastey and still dirty (no matter how many times I scratch through my scalp under the water in the shower). So, I'll switch my reggie to pooing weekly with a good moisturizing poo and then do a DC with my usual DC by Ms. Howse. When my hair was relaxed, it seemed as though it grew quickly, but since being natural, it seems like it's growing at half the growth rate of my former relaxed hair. I don't know, it may be my imagination, however I've come to a conclusion that my hair grows slowly (about 0.25" per month).

I also realized this week, that I don't really care if I reach my goal length of WL hair by 12/2011 (I was just shy of WL as a little girl and have had a deep desire to see if I can get there again before I die....LMBO!). If I do, great. If I don't, great. I'm just really happy and satisfied that my hair as a whole is very healthy and managable and that I've decided to take FULL responsibility for the health of my hair and scalp.

Well, now that I've gotten that off of my chest, HHG LHCF! (this new thread would've been a great blog but, since I don't have a blog.....:grin:)

Peace & blessings!!!