Raise your hand if you are 100% black with long hair!

Thank you ladies who responded and have my similar background. It's good to see you ladies are taking care of your hair AND it's growing! That's encouraging! :cheers:
Absolutely! But give credit where credit is due! :grin:

I'm glad you turned things around. :)

Of course! "statement"- Sonce :lol: That statement applies to everything:yep:

I really believe that anyone can turn their situation around but you have to fully commit too it. You have to open your mind, let the negative stuff out and let the postive soak in. I got a long way to go to get to where I want to be but its not impossible. I have already made leaps and bounds, I just keep reminding myself of that.
I just noticed the pictures weren't showing! Should be now. Anyone else fall into this category, please feel free to respond! And I definetely wouldn't mind seeing some pics! :grin:
I just noticed the pictures weren't showing! Should be now. Anyone else fall into this category, please feel free to respond! And I definetely wouldn't mind seeing some pics! :grin:
Pics are in my fotki, no password needed. I would post them here, but when I do, they are very large and distort the thread.
I'm so confused :lachen:

If someone talks about how they are mixed with Indian or something you get a 200 page thread about how most folks aren't mixed, etc. etc. and those who say they are probably aren't, etc. etc.

But when someone says where are the 100% black ladies at....the whole first page is folks giving her a hard time?

I just want somebody to answer the question. :lachen:

Thank you ladies on the second page for answer the questions. :grin:

I would also say that black woman with 4b hair cannot grow their hair to waist length and beyond. Is a myth and it is a political one. There have been a lot of ignorance about black hair growth, we may not be able to shampoo over hair daily, depending on the type of shampoo off course, but we can daily rinse daily, I make a herbal tea or using one teaspoon of conditioner, aloe vera gel/juice, rosewater, glycerine, amla oil, castor oil, add water and shake vigourously, pour mixture over the hair, wrap towel to remove excess mixture. I put a mixture of castor oil, amla oil and aloe vera gel in the roots.

Also I used a daily spritz, made up of the same ingredients, however I add sage and rosemary essential oil.

Black people have tremendous spending power and they spend billions of dollars/pounds/euros on hair products, which for the most part is filled with rubbish, which is clever marketed at the ethnic market, however we could get quality products which is for the European market, if we used either salon products like Redken, Paul Mitchell, Aveda, JF Lazartique and many others. Or use Dove, L'Oreal, Pantene etc for Chemical treated, permed hair, the formulations is richer for our hair. Another myth is that 4b hair can only grow long in locks, again absolute rubbish. What I love about my hair is that many people think it is short, but when I take out my chinese bumps and show them the length, they are clearly shocked. I now can put highlights, no more going to get my hair relaxed. Lord that was horrible, the relaxer buring my sides and scalp and I comb my hair damp which is much easier for me, my mother would comb my hair when it was dry, tears, it was a nightmare and she would wash my hair every three weeks which I hated it. Thank God for this forum, I have learned so much, my hair is much longer that it ever was when I was younger.
:lachen: funny that you'll have a 30+ pages thread with people getting offended when they are confused (or secretly flattered) with another ethicity, stating with pride they are mainly black, yet the first pages of your thread are filled with 'we are all mixed' , there is no such thing as really black :lachen::look:

Man you learn something new everyday, apparently i'm mixed :lachen:

I think the Op was talking about full black as not having direct 'other' ancestry (parents or grand parents); and sorry, most peopole won't consider you mixed if your great great grand mother on your cousins side was indian :lachen:

Anyway, i have APL, stretched natural hair, i consider that pretty long, consider that i have the hair type that most don't consider can grow long :rolleyes:

Until recently, i rarely moisturised :look:, but my hair still grew.
great thread OP im with ya girl....no confusion or misunderstanding here!!!

I am apl 4/a

childhood length: neck

My hair is the longest it has ever been.... Sorry no pics, I still live in 1971 before digital cameras were invented... I know, one day I will have pics!!!
I appreciate Reyna's observations and concern. I am a 45 year old 100% African American. It really bothers me that little Black girls are not having their hair properly cared for. In my mothers and grandmother's day, the hair was thick, long and healthy. I grew up relatively poor and my hair was thick, not long. I had a twa starting at age 9, ( it was the 60s and Black Power movement was in full force). I attribute the health of our hair to the very simple hair regimens used. No relaxers, nor hot comb straightening was done. Now a days small black girls have this done on a daily basis, and it is killing their hair, and I would say self-esteem. I think these forums are very important to provide information to those who seek it. I hope I and my daughter can be an example for others with broke down hair of how their natural hair could be.

What is your current length? Almost APL
How long has it been that length? 2 months
What is the longest length you had as a child? Chin length
as an adult? Current length
What do you contribute to your length/retention?

No sleeping on cotton pillowcase, sleeping in satin bonnet, detangling during conditioner only, no more hot combing, no more tight braids with fake hair, Finger detangling. Jeve

Well, I do not fit in your category personally , BUT, I too want to know this. As a teacher in a poor area small bilingual/monolingual elementary school, I can honestly say that NONE of the AfrAM kids have long hair. In fact ALL of them have chewed up, broken--past broken really--damaged teenie weenie ponytails smaller than by baby finger. It is SO devastatingly heartbreaking esp cuz I'm looking at them among the super long ponytails of the 'other' kids. I would LOVE for them to know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they too can have the ponytail of their dreams. Why? One: I love kids and I like see everyone living to their fullest potential. Two: Becuz although I don't fit in your category, I do fit in the sense that my hair is different from everyone else in my family, and I feel it necessary to prove that I can grow my hair to phenomenal lengths. I know EXACTLY how you feel so I too hope you get a lot of positive responses.

The only problem is that many are not 100% negro, but hopefully the 8o% and more will understand what you mean and post. I think you have raised an important point, and I personally would like every hair type reach her goal length. BTW, althouh I believe genetics has some to do with speed of hair growth, final length, and in some sense the ease of doing it, I still think that everyone on earth can reach at LEAST brastrap.:yep:

Ok, let me first start by saying that this thread is not intended to offend ANYONE! If you are mixed and have long hair, I am by no means discrediting your accomplishments with growing your hair. I just need some personal encouragement from those who are like me! :grin:

That being said, I want to know if there is anyone out there who is 100% African-Carribean American who has long hair (anything past shoulder) and DID NOT have it all of their life. I am a believer that hair growth is greatly in part due to genetics so if you had long hair as a child, your excluded. If any of your parents are 100% other or are mixed, meaning your Grandma was Caucasian/Indian/Asian/Puerto Rican or any other "an" besides African, you also are excluded. If you grew up being able to say "I got Indian in my family!", yep, your excluded too. :look: :takecover:

So who does that leave? The "Both my parents are 100% negro and I did not have long hair when I was little" group. I just need to know that you exist. If you fit the criteria (be honest wit ya self!), please reply and answer the questions below. I will reply to them in a new post (If you have any before/after pics, that would be great too!).

What is your current length?
How long has it been that length?
What is the longest length you had as a child?
as an adult?
What do you contribute to your length/retention?

It seems that every time I admire someones phenominal hair growth or health, I find out that they grandma/grandpa was white or Indian. I REFUSE to believe that 100% AA hair doesn't grow long! I need to know there is some hope for me! :cry: :tantrum: :crybaby: :cry3: :cry:

Thank you in advance!

What is your current length? APL
How long has it been that length? 2 years:perplexed
What is the longest length you had as a child? Between APL and BSL
as an adult? Between APL and BSL:perplexed
What do you contribute to your length/retention? Deep treatments, relaxer stretching and Cathy Howse/Growafrolong.com
I'm glad this thread was created. I'm a newbie and the ladies I see on here and elsewhere their starting length is AT LEAST full shoulder! When I was a kid before perms (I believe) I had full shoulder length hair. But with a military mom I got a jerrie curl and haven't gotten length since. It is nice to have that encouragement that I too can achieve APL if someone else like me who NEVER had hair now has hair.
I'm glad this thread was created. I'm a newbie and the ladies I see on here and elsewhere their starting length is AT LEAST full shoulder! When I was a kid before perms (I believe) I had full shoulder length hair. But with a military mom I got a jerrie curl and haven't gotten length since. It is nice to have that encouragement that I too can achieve APL if someone else like me who NEVER had hair now has hair.
If you're referring to my post then I had hair...it was just a hot, stankin', broken-off mess. :lachen:You can definitely have great hair and I wish you luck on your journey.
I think this is a GREAT thread. Your curiosity in this subject is something I have also wondered. Can't wait to hear more POSITVIE responses.

(Sorry I can't contribute...I'm excluded :ohwell:)
And let the church say Amen! My grandmother is Japanese and that silky hair gene has not shown up in any of the grandkids. Me and my sister often joke that the average full blooded African-American woman has "better" hair than we do and we're "mixed" :lachen:.

What's so funny (ironic) is that there are a lot of Asian people whose hair is actually very coarse. I spent time in Japan and parts of Asia, and there would be times I would be on an escalator behind an Asian woman or man, and from the back, their hair looked like a Black person with a relaxer. It had that straight, yet coarse look!

I will address texture and coil pattern in my next post:lol:
Well, I do not fit in your category personally , BUT, I too want to know this. As a teacher in a poor area small bilingual/monolingual elementary school, I can honestly say that NONE of the AfrAM kids have long hair. In fact ALL of them have chewed up, broken--past broken really--damaged teenie weenie ponytails smaller than by baby finger. It is SO devastatingly heartbreaking esp cuz I'm looking at them among the super long ponytails of the 'other' kids.

I've also noticed this with my students, but its only the girls with relaxers. The girls who are natural and the boys who dont cut their hair have thick, gorgeous, healthy, long hair.
I agree with both of these ladies. I think at this point almost no one (like maybe only .000000000000000000001% of the world's population) is not "mixed" with something else.

That being said, I do understand the purpose of your thread and don't take offense at it.

I categorize hair by 2 methods: Texture and coil/curl pattern.

Here's what I mean. You could be a type 3 b/c because of the size of your coils, but have coarse texture, that would be associated with type 4 or 5 hair.

On the other hand, you could have really silky hair, but very small coils (i.e. coils like a type 4 or 5 because they are very small).

I think true haircare is both nature and nurture. MEANING, if you have really silky or soft textured hair, the size of your coils won't matter as much, b/c your hair will be easily manipulated.

Is anyone really 100% black? :perplexed

Unless you were born in Africa of Africans, there's a good chance there's all sorts of races mingling around in your lineage. :blush: And even then there's no guaruntee because there are white Africans.
My daddy is an African from Kenya but even his blood could possibly be "watered down" with other races. I see the point you are trying to make but I think some people might take offense to this thread.

I just can't think of anybody who is 100% black cuz there could always be something "impure" in the bloodline that the person doesn't know about.
MESSAGE TO EVERYONE STRUGGLING WITH STEREOTYPES OF BLACK HAIR: You cannot know what your hair capable of until you have mastered a good regimen and given things time. If your regimen is fantastic and four years have gone by and you're still neck length, then ok--now we can talk about losing all hope. Until then, letting the idea that 100% African hair cannot grow bother you is ridiculous. Speculating about genes when you have not yet done your part is pointless. All my life, I was told that I simply had hair that did not grow and I believed it. But when I went natural, I decided to just let my hair grow and see what it could do. I didn't even set any goals. Just took good care of it for the first time in my life, and let it show me what it was capable of. Almost two feet later, it's still growing. Stop the madness, do your part, and just let your hair show you what it is capable of.

:clap::clap::clap: This is the best message I've read on this topic! That's the real truth.

I'm going natural now, and I totally agree with you. How do you know what your hair "can" or "cannot" do if you don't give it a chance?

To the OP, I know what you are going through. I'm going natural, and there are days where I wonder "what's it really going to look like?" "Am I going to like it," etc. I have prayed to God and said, "if you guide this path, I'll stay the course."

The funny thing a lot of my friends who went natural told me is that sometimes it takes like 1-2 years for your real texture to show. One of my friends said the entire first year she transitioned, she had no pattern or definition, but now she is a like a type 3b. Had she thought "oh well," she would have relaxed, and now she enjoys her beautiful hair!

Also, I know A LOT of biracial people with kinky hair. Kinkier than any 100% Black person I know (if that person exists)! Just b/c your mom or dad is not Black doesn't mean this will be reflected in your hair!
I'm so confused :lachen:

If someone talks about how they are mixed with Indian or something you get a 200 page thread about how most folks aren't mixed, etc. etc. and those who say they are probably aren't, etc. etc.

But when someone says where are the 100% black ladies at....the whole first page is folks giving her a hard time?

I just want somebody to answer the question.

Thank you ladies on the second page for answer the questions. :grin:
I'm sayin!
Also I consider myself to be 100% black. HAs there been any mixing? Sure. But when folks see me or my immediate family, they dont start speaking russian, spanish, or mandarin. In fact, depending on where I am, they throw in a tad of "ebonics" just for good measure. In my book, that makes me pure negro.

Anywho....had neck length hair as a kid. Went natural and its now slightly past BSL. I believe it has grown because I have learned to moisturize and use protective styling.
Thank you sonce!!!

Originally Posted by sonce
MESSAGE TO EVERYONE STRUGGLING WITH STEREOTYPES OF BLACK HAIR: You cannot know what your hair capable of until you have mastered a good regimen and given things time. If your regimen is fantastic and four years have gone by and you're still neck length, then ok--now we can talk about losing all hope. Until then, letting the idea that 100% African hair cannot grow bother you is ridiculous. Speculating about genes when you have not yet done your part is pointless. All my life, I was told that I simply had hair that did not grow and I believed it. But when I went natural, I decided to just let my hair grow and see what it could do. I didn't even set any goals. Just took good care of it for the first time in my life, and let it show me what it was capable of. Almost two feet later, it's still growing. Stop the madness, do your part, and just let your hair show you what it is capable of.
I'm so confused :lachen:

If someone talks about how they are mixed with Indian or something you get a 200 page thread about how most folks aren't mixed, etc. etc. and those who say they are probably aren't, etc. etc.

But when someone says where are the 100% black ladies at....the whole first page is folks giving her a hard time?

I just want somebody to answer the question. :lachen:

Thank you ladies on the second page for answer the questions. :grin:

Right there with you. The woman was basically just trying to find people with her hair type and it went off into race. She was just asking for help and made sure she addressed the fact that she wasn't trying to offend.
*starts to raise hand*
Originally Posted by missdivine01
if you had long hair as a child, your excluded.

*puts hand down*

Darn my mother for taking care of my hair as a child! *shakes fist*

:yep: And that's exactly my point! I did not have good hair care as a child. I did not have long hair as a child. I don't have any other races in my immediate family. And I want to know who else is in that boat with me! I really don't know what else to say to those that didn't understand that this thread didn't have ANYTHING to do solely with race but just who I am. Maybe I should have done it like this:

"SBF looking for other SBF's who didn't have long hair when they were a child, have no other races in their immediate family, but who currently have long hair. I like long conditioning treatments on the weekend, hot oil pre-washes, daily moisturizing sessions, and relaxing with a tall glass of water and vitamins in the evenings. Hit me up if your interested."
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dont worry op.. i understand you question... your just trying to find out if those who achieved long hair arent just mixed with something else that would help them achieve that length. YOu are asking a very good question in my opinion...I do belive that 100% blacks are capable of growing long hair but i do see where you are coming from.. I dont know if I can say im 100% black cause my great grand mother was native american.. I dunno if that counts lol cause i really dont count it but dont worry about the other comments.. im so sick and tired of those ppl... yes i said it the ppl on this blog... always coming down ppl throat when they ask something thats worthwhile... but yea.. the are definitely 100% blacks out there that have long hair ... but i do agree you should just check ur regimens and stuff otu to see if there might be a problem in that area.. Also not to discourage you but you know there are some white ppl who dont grow long hair either and their white so its a possibility that there will aslo be some black women who dont grow long hair either.. but it will have nothing to do with race persay.. just they genes dont have that trait i guess..
well OP... i am "black" since my parents, my grandparents, hell even my great-grandparents are "black." and yet people do not take my hair journey nor my advice seriously, because i LOOK "mixed." :perplexed

black is skin color, not race. i have African heritage, so if that counts for anything, great. :look: