

New Member
Have you ever or would you go back to an ex? and has it worked out or not second time around... (also if you don't mind sharing reasons for breaking up :yep:)
I don't believe in going backwards....I make every effort to make a relationship work and once I've determined that it isn't right for me, I don't see me going back.

I've never been back with an ex.
Have you ever or would you go back to an ex?

has it worked out or not second time around...

The first time it failed because we ran in difference circles, had different groups of friends, and allowed that to pull us apart. Unfortunately, neither one of us had the emotional maturity to discuss it like adults. The second time, he was carrying baggage from a LTR that had just ended badly and he wasn't willing/able to have a relationship with someone who didn't share an interest in his hobbies.
When I was in my 20s I went back. We broke up primarily because we didn't spend enough time together and I got tired of waiting. I may have done that twice but I don't remember the other guy. In my late 20s I realized if we broke up for a valid reason things probably wouldn't be any different the second time around. What bothered me then still bothers me.

I would only consider it at this point if we split for something that wasn't about character or the way we related; i.e. one of us relocated because of a job, something like that
I have in the past..about 5 years after we initially broke up. Worst decision of my life. Now I learn to keep the past in the past. It didn't work for a reason and unless both people changed for the still wont work.