Question for those who went back to relaxer


Well-Known Member
Did the journey from relaxed to natural and back add to your life as a "relaxed head" in the end?

I've been natural for about 15 months now and have had my ups and downs. I think that if I did go back to relaxed hair at this point, I might be able to care for my relaxed hair better since I now know how to work with my natural texture/new growth (I used to be a relaxer stretcher), I now know how to make my hair lie super smooth and style my baby hair/hair line, and I'm now willing to spend a lot more time on my hair (2, 3, up to 4-5 hours on the weekend) to care for and style it.

Did having natural hair give anyone a greater appreciation for their relaxed hair?

I hope to stay natural until the 2-year mark but I'm trying to figure out what would make me truly happy.
I went natural for about 2 years. I went back to relaxers 3 months ago. It has definitely helped me appreciate my relaxed hair more and take better care of it. I strectched my relaxer for 3 months this last time, only texturized and I have noticed more thickness and length.
bumping for more answers because I intend to do this after two or three years transition.
I just know deep in my heart that staying natural is not for me and now I know better, my hair will do better relaxed.
after all I was able to maintain almost bsl hair for seven years after being natural before discovering lhcf and knowing how to care for my hair
I may do this as well in the future. Even though I am not having a hard time with my natural hair. I prefer the strait look. I think texlaxing is less work on getting the strait look.
I may do this as well in the future. Even though I am not having a hard time with my natural hair. I prefer the strait look. I think texlaxing is less work on getting the strait look.

DD - girl you gotta break the cycle! Once your natural hair gets some good length to it, it's gonna be so much fun to style and play in!
I stayed natural only 9 full months after a 5 month transition. I just relaxed in April. It gave me a fresh palette to work since any damage I'd had had been cut off during my big chop and a recent hair cut. My hair looks a lot better and feels awesome.

As far as styling it goes, I can't compare taking care of my natural hair to my relaxed hair. They have different needs and styling methods.

But, I did have a better appreciation overall because I just did not enjoy the time it took to style my natural hair. I can't do lengthy maintenance and long wash days so frequently. I black out after 10 minutes. :look:
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