For those who went natural, Any regrets?

Frustrated....yes sometimes

Regrets..... not a one! I love it!

I too have a good size forehead, but it's all good!
I am transitioning this time...yes I did the big chop a 2 yrs ago and relaxed again out of frustration and just being a jacka$$. I just caved in, the pressure from my peers and boredom cause me to relax. I even had that moment a few months ago, I was posting threads about how I am going back to crack, but I am not!

I have been transitioning for a year now, I am learning to understand my hair better, I kind of like the idea of learning the hair and still having what I am familiar with. All of my friends are natural expect for one, I can't wait to completely cross over. Good luck to you. Believe me you won't regret it!!
pretty-girl#1 said:
OMG! only 1 year natural? Your growth is amazing! My natural hair is not long enough for a puff, but my waves look just like your waves! I hope my hair is as pretty as yours! I love the pin up with the bangs on the side! I can get down with that one! How long did you transition before the BC? also, your flat ironed hair is pretty as well!
Thank you. I think my growth is pretty average, about six inches in a year. I had about five inches when I BC'd after transitioning for just about nine months. My album needs some serious updates. When I made that pin-up, I could barely get all the hair in the clippie. :lol: I'm sure your hair is beautiful. HHG, and happy transition!
planodiva said:
My only regret when I went natural was that I didn't know what to do with my "new" hair and neither did anyone in Dallas. But I did revert back to kiddie relaxer because I work in media and it is a little intimidating for people with the stereotypes about black women with natural hair.

I thought about going back natural and wore my hair in twist when I was stretching my perm and my boss had the audacity to say
"We need to pray for your hair" Needless to say I didn't stay there too long afterwards.

Hey soror,

I can't believe your ex boss! Was it a woman or man, black or white?
beyondcute said:
Well Im transitioining and if I wanted long relaxed hair Id buy some. That way I could damage it all I wanted and then I could take it outta my head. Sew-ins can look just as good and sometimes better than relaxed hair. I dont think after all this hard work and time Id go back... especially now since Ive seen the damage. My natural hais is so much thicker and full of life in comparison to my relaxed hair. But thats just my experience. Good luck!

Girl I know! I got a sew in right now! I am damaging tha hell out of it and I don't even feel bad cause in another six weeks I'll take it out and my own hair will be healthier. You can't even tell a difference between my sew in and my real hair. It looks so natural! I wish I had a digital camera so you could see. HHG!
Country gal said:
Balisi- your hair looks so pretty. I wish my natural hair would lay like that.
Thanks Country Gal. I think your hair is absolutely beautiful. I'd love to get my hands in it.:)
Natural hair is frustrating sometimes (especially when I learn stuff the hard way) but I'm really happy with my decision to stay natural (probably obvious by my posts by now). I still love straight hair on occassion too so I'm not feeling bad about the heat, I'm just trying to be careful to avoid permanent damage. I think you can cover your forehead with natural hair just as easily as with relaxed hair.
my hair is healthier now than it's ever been since I had a relaxer. I am VERY glad I did it. I LOVE how I can go from puffs, to fros, to twists to straight all with the same natural hair. even when i go to the salon, I get asked what products I use cuz my hair is so healthy, fluffy, etc. It's also comfortaing in knowing that when I get old, I won't be dependent on chemicals...I could jus tsit home and relax with the
Suri said:
I am transitioning this time...yes I did the big chop a 2 yrs ago and relaxed again out of frustration and just being a jacka$$. I just caved in, the pressure from my peers and boredom cause me to relax. I even had that moment a few months ago, I was posting threads about how I am going back to crack, but I am not!

I have been transitioning for a year now, I am learning to understand my hair better, I kind of like the idea of learning the hair and still having what I am familiar with. All of my friends are natural expect for one, I can't wait to completely cross over. Good luck to you. Believe me you won't regret it!!

Don't go back to da crack! We can make it we can make it we can make it! Since this thread I'm so motivated! Not one person has regretted going natural! That says alot about it!
pretty-girl#1 said:
I'm not alone! I know exactly what you mean. Like, you know it's the best decision but tradition shoots you right back to wanting a relaxer. We'll just have to keep each other encouraged! How long have you been transitioning now? 13 months is a very long time!

I'm only 3 months in, and I plan on transitioning indefinitely...
beyondcute said:
Well Im transitioining and if I wanted long relaxed hair Id buy some. That way I could damage it all I wanted and then I could take it outta my head. Sew-ins can look just as good and sometimes better than relaxed hair. I dont think after all this hard work and time Id go back... especially now since Ive seen the damage. My natural hais is so much thicker and full of life in comparison to my relaxed hair. But thats just my experience. Good luck!

Really good point about buying the straight hair! I don't like using heat on my own hair AT ALL, so maybe some time down the road I'll try a sew-in when I'm looking for a change. I also agree about the natural hair being thicker and more full of life than relaxed!
pretty-girl#1 said:
I think ur natural hair is beautiful! U r a natural beauty! I know the way you feel because I think looking at long straight relaxed hair makes us want it! I can totally relate! I think this thread has sealed my decision to stay on this natural journey! I will not turn back! I think I was just at a weak moment and needed some encouragement. Thanks so much and HHG!

natural_one said:
the only regret i have is that i relaxed my hair and i am transitioning back to natural!! i cant wait till April i am going to BIG CHOPPING!!

Ditto, except I don't know if I can wait that long to BC.:ohwell:
I honestly can't think of any regrets. I'm just really looking forward to more growth and watching my hair progress! :p
Carlie said:
I honestly can't think of any regrets. I'm just really looking forward to more growth and watching my hair progress! :p

Hey Carlie,

You were my ultimate relaxed inspiration when I joined this forum! When I realized you were considering natural, I looked into it. I was just starting my journey and my decision to go natural was not that hard because i had lower neck length hair. Your hair was down your back, I don't know if I could have parted with those beautiful locks!I must say that I love your curls and your natural texture rocks! Do u ever miss your long relaxed hair? How is your natural hair growing compared to your relaxed hair?
chocolate01 said:
No regrets at all, I can't believe it has been six months since I BC'd!

OMG! U are so cute with ur natural hair. I love your texture! I think I like the natural better than the straight on you! How long did you transition? Did you bc urself?
Thank you so much for the compliment! I transitioned for 11 months and did the BC myself. My hair was a little uneven but you really couldn't tell, I had it evend up in Oct.
pretty-girl#1 said:
Hey Carlie,

You were my ultimate relaxed inspiration when I joined this forum! When I realized you were considering natural, I looked into it. I was just starting my journey and my decision to go natural was not that hard because i had lower neck length hair. Your hair was down your back, I don't know if I could have parted with those beautiful locks!I must say that I love your curls and your natural texture rocks! Do u ever miss your long relaxed hair? How is your natural hair growing compared to your relaxed hair?
Thank you pretty girl! :blush: Honestly, I do not miss my relaxed hair. I just don't find it appealing any more. I love the look, feel, texture, versatility & uniqueness of natural hair and all I want is A WHOLE LOT more of it! :grin: My hair is still growing at a nice rate. Of course, w. natural hair, there's shrinkage (which I actually like) and you have to stretch the hair to see it's real length. :yep:

Congrats on your decision to transition. I am sure you won't regret it! :up:
IrisDaVirus said:
My only regret is I didn't stay natural the first time I transitioned.

I hear ya. I have been ticked at myself that I went back to the relaxer AFTER 5 years natural. Sigh! I really thought it would be better this time around because I thought the reason it didn't work out before was because I used heat a lot and relaxed often and also wore it down a lot. Not true. I don't do any of that now and still my hair is having issues with the relaxers. I wish...I wish..I WISH I had gone to a hair dresser to get a blowdry/flatiron BEFORE I went permanently straight. Sigh!

I'm in individual braids now (no extensions) and I'm getting hopeful I will make it. I'm almost 15 weeks P.R.

Anybody need a transitioning buddy? I'm 4b/a and started October 9th. My hair is currently waist length. I wish I got it to waist length all natural but I'll be there one day.
I think once I get good at flat ironing my own hair and after I perfect my braidouts, I will have no regrets.
pretty-girl#1 said:
Hey ladies,

I am so confused right now as to what I want to do with my hair. I have been transitioning for 34 weeks and I love the texture of my natural hair. I'm 3b/c shoulderblade length growing out layers and 1/2 of my hair is relaxed and the other 1/2 is natural! I must admit, I was 100% sure natural was the way for me because my natural texture is beautiful, but now I'm debating because I have a big forehead and most natural styles I see dont have hair in the face. I have always worn bangs and I prefer myself with them. I also like the way my hair looks when it's flat ironed and wrapped (all the body and layers etc.) What should I do? I can get my hair super straight with a flat iron (looks just like I had a relaxer) but I'm scared of the heat damage. I've never noticed heat damage before, but I know it was probably the main reason my hair stayed shoulder length for so long! I like both natural and relaxed! Is it possible to achieve a roller wrap with natural hair, if so can someone please post some pics for me (that will be very encouraging). Also, if anyone transitioned and had mid transitioning crisis please let me know the outcome!

I transitioned for almost 8 months (from Oct 2004 to May 2005). I was planning on transitioning longer, but my new growth was way too thick and the relaxed ends were just damaged, thin, puny, & breaking off. So I did the BC on May 1st. I was relieved. I do not regret going natural whatsoever. One thing I did regret... using heat right after doing the BC. But not really... I had to do a second BC due to heat damage. This second BC got rid of any potential damaged hair from transitioning and scab hair. Now, I feel totally content. I made a vow to myself to never use chemicals nor heat ever again on my hair. I believe you can do a roller wrap on natural hair if it is long enough. Check out carefree's album. Hope that helps! Hang in there and take care!
pretty-girl#1 said:
Are you feeling blue about your natural hair now? If so why?

Right now I don't do much with my hair because I have so much hair and I don't have that kind of time! My hair lives in a bun 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I really want to be able to wear my hair out, either in a curly puff or just straight.
Gotta agree with everyone who's said their only regret is not doing it sooner! :lol: I actually resented my hair when it was relaxed and was always envying the way someone else's looked. Now, my hair -- just as God made it -- is part of my identity, and I love it. If my hair were straight, I just wouldn't look like me. (And yeah, that's me in the icon. Hi, world. :))

My hair is very, VERY thick and I've thought about texturizing before, but even that measure never quite seems worth it. The tangles can be frustrating sometimes, but compared to dealing with chemicals, it's a very minor inconvenience. And I love being able to wash or rinse my hair whenever I like. Instead of fearing rain, I know that water just makes my hair look better!

~R. :Rose:
ChildlikeEmpress said:
Gotta agree with everyone who's said their only regret is not doing it sooner! :lol: I actually resented my hair when it was relaxed and was always envying the way someone else's looked. Now, my hair -- just as God made it -- is part of my identity, and I love it. If my hair were straight, I just wouldn't look like me. (And yeah, that's me in the icon. Hi, world. :))

My hair is very, VERY thick and I've thought about texturizing before, but even that measure never quite seems worth it. The tangles can be frustrating sometimes, but compared to dealing with chemicals, it's a very minor inconvenience. And I love being able to wash or rinse my hair whenever I like. Instead of fearing rain, I know that water just makes my hair look better!

~R. :Rose:

Your hair in your avatar is stunning, just beautiful.

Great seeing all of you gorgeous natural heads in here--just wonderful. :grin: