Question for those who wash every 3 days


Well-Known Member
It's a dumb question so please forgive me

Do you wash like

Sunday - wash
Wednesday - wash


Sunday - wash
Thursday- wash

So basically, are you washing on the third day or allowing 3 non wash days to pass?

Thanks :)
I call it every 3 days but it's really twice a week. So as long as I wash in the weekend and somewhere in the middle of the week, I'm good to go. So I might wash on Sunday then again on Wednesday, or Thursday. Or I might wash on Saturday and then again on Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't keep it rigid. I might be so busy one week I go more than 3 days but I can expect a horrible headache when I do that, so I tend to stick within 3 days or so.

I try not to make this hair growing journey feel like a chore by not setting rigid rules. Sometimes I play it by ear. If my hair feels dry in between washes, I'll throw in a CW and not even remember I did once it's over.
It's a dumb question so please forgive me

Do you wash like

Sunday - wash
Wednesday - wash


Sunday - wash
Thursday- wash

So basically, are you washing on the third day or allowing 3 non wash days to pass?

Thanks :)

I've always done it like that. My logic is to wash it at the end of the 3rd day since I last washed it.
My wash days are Monday,Wednesday and Friday (sometimes thursday or saturday....i always cleanse and DC at the end of the week)...i guess i wash every 2 days??....hmmm...never thought about it!:think:
I call it every 3 days but it's really twice a week. So as long as I wash in the weekend and somewhere in the middle of the week, I'm good to go. So I might wash on Sunday then again on Wednesday, or Thursday. Or I might wash on Saturday and then again on Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't keep it rigid. I might be so busy one week I go more than 3 days but I can expect a horrible headache when I do that, so I tend to stick within 3 days or so.

I try not to make this hair growing journey feel like a chore by not setting rigid rules. Sometimes I play it by ear. If my hair feels dry in between washes, I'll throw in a CW and not even remember I did once it's over.
^^ same here :yep: ...except for the headache
I call it every 3 days but it's really twice a week. So as long as I wash in the weekend and somewhere in the middle of the week, I'm good to go. So I might wash on Sunday then again on Wednesday, or Thursday. Or I might wash on Saturday and then again on Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't keep it rigid. I might be so busy one week I go more than 3 days but I can expect a horrible headache when I do that, so I tend to stick within 3 days or so.

I try not to make this hair growing journey feel like a chore by not setting rigid rules. Sometimes I play it by ear. If my hair feels dry in between washes, I'll throw in a CW and not even remember I did once it's over.
same for me. i dont set "wash days" i just go with the flow
i currently wash/cowash daily
as my length improves, i plan to wash/cowash every 2 days

after shoulder length is (again) reached, i will resume washing each Thursday (ready for the weekend!), and Monday (washing the smoke out from the niteclubs, roflmao)
I usually wash Sundays and Thursdays mornings but sometimes I wash Wednesday nights instead of Thursday morning if i know I'm gonna be busy on Thursday.
I don't have set days, but I try to wash/co-wash at least three times a week; any less and I get headaches and terrible shedding.
I co-wash every couple days & shampoo wash every two weeks but it's not set in stone. I already shampoo washed my twice since last week & co-washed today. I just like the feeling of water on my scalp.
I BS Wash on Tues/Wed
then again on Fri/Sat.
Sometimes I co-wash w/BS.

I texlax &
haven't DC'd in over a year.

I keep my hair short
(I look OLDER w/long hair) :(
I wash on the 3rd day at the very minimum, so Saturday and Tuesday. I may sneak another one in Thursday if the mood takes me :grin: