Question For Those That Swirl

I'm surprised so many people on this post don't care for mixed or Latino men. Those are the guys I would go for if I was looking to swirl.

For some reason I don't care for Caucasians, they never did anything for me. I have a cousin who only dates and have kids for them...but I maybe tried to get to know one guy who was interested, but I lost interest real quick..
I prefer European. They tend to be more straightforward with less racial baggage between us that White American males have.

White American males are the most difficult to date because they are so scary, have higher standards for Black women they don't have for White women, thick walls to penetrate, hard to get close to, when you think you are getting close they pull a 360 degree turn around, race conscious and even if they are attracted to and interested in a Black woman they just can't help but sound out of touch and ignorant. I can do business, and have an acquaintance with them but dating them is depressing. They can be fun though.

I guess the better one is one who has lived abroad for many years.
yeah, i think the best bet for us would be european men. i have had stellar experiences across the board, tbh. or foreign in general i mean, idk where all of those countries are :lol: im assuming theyre all in europe? :lol:
Let me break it down by ethnicity: No Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Haitians, AA's, Mexicans, Ukranians, Polish, Germans, British, Irish, Italians, Cubans, Native Americans, Indians, Arabs, Antiguans, Trinidadians, Chinese, Korean, Nepalis, Tobagans, Samoans, Tongans, Nicaraguans, Guatemalans, Panamanians, Hondurans, Scandinavians (Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, etc.), Spaniards, French, Kenyans or Dutch. No American Born Caribbean descendants.

No Jehovah's Witnessses or Christians or Hindus.
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sooooooo funny I met a scandinavian dude last night :rofl: swedish I think he said. ever since my one dude I havent had a lot of interest in sex but I defffffffffinitely had a switch flipped for this guy :lick:

unfortunately after like two hours of flirting he mentioned he was seeing someone :lol: heres hoping that doesnt last :lol:
@ExquisitelyAlien please expound on your reasons for the irish. And kenyans. Let us start there.

Not too fond of the Irish culture. Many of the white males I know are of Irish, Italian or British descent and I find them the least attractive. I dislike their accents as well. I'm not fond of blonde hair or blue eyes on men so that rules out Scandinavian men for me.

Not just Kenyans, actually. I prefer West African men over East African men in general. I prefer our features. A lot of my girlfriends go crazy over Ethiopian, Kenyan , Eritrean etc people for their supposed "whiter" features. Not fond of Haitian men because of my experiences with the ones (including my father) I grew up around, at least in my family.
^^^ OMG I thought you were kidding :eek:
I didn't think you were serious. That's a long list of why no Hindu's that part fascinated me.
Are you religious or non religious? (I hope you don't mind such personal questions, I'm partially fascinated)
^^^ OMG I thought you were kidding :eek:
I didn't think you were serious. That's a long list of why no Hindu's that part fascinated me.
Are you religious or non religious? (I hope you don't mind such personal questions, I'm partially fascinated)
I'm not religious at all. I Used to identify myself as an atheist but I would more so classify myself as agnostic now. I grew up in a highly religious family and I clash with them so I already know I wouldn't be able to peacefully coexist with a very religious partner. I do not go to church, observe the sabbath nor would I be willing to give up beef. My father's wife's family is Hindu and I don't agree with a lot of the things they do/believe in.
I'm not religious at all. I Used to identify myself as an atheist but I would more so classify myself as agnostic now. I grew up in a highly religious family and I clash with them so I already know I wouldn't be able to peacefully coexist with a very religious partner. I do not go to church, observe the sabbath nor would I be willing to give up beef. My father's wife's family is Hindu and I don't agree with a lot of the things they do/believe in.

Cool me too :) My family with the exception of my father just don't know yet :look:
The only thing I can get with in Hinduism is reincarnation, I like the idea of being reborn again and again based on your sum of actions here on earth.

Sorry to get off track...
So no Haitians but Jamaicans men yes. I always put them in the same category in my mind so what's the difference to you?
So whachu mean no American born Caribbean descendants...they are the best of both worlds in my opinion :lol:

Only Japanese, what's up with the Chinese and Koreans?
Since this is a nonPC thread... why are so many of us not considering Mexicans? No judgements for replies please!

Me: idc about short but been raised around them and see how they can be violent with their women. Experienced an attack myself. Never again.
Have you ever seen a mexican dyck? I've seen four.

3/4 were unsolicited dyck pics :angry2::angry2:

I was so offended by the lack of paynus in the pic that I sent them back a pic of a dyck I would like to see!!
A long, curved, perfect dyck.
Hopefully they stopped sending they pics out cause mexicans have some of these most unimpressive dycks I've ever seen.
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Have you ever seen a mexican dyck? I've seen four.

3/4 were unsolicited dyck pics :angry2::angry2:

I was so offended by the lack of paynus in the pic that I sent them back a pic of a dyck I would like to see!!
A long, curved, perfect dyck.
Hopefully they stopped sending they pics out cause mexicans have some of these most unimpressive dycks I've ever seen.
:lol: :rofl:

I've never had the displeasure! Now I never will!

Cool me too :) My family with the exception of my father just don't know yet :look:
The only thing I can get with in Hinduism is reincarnation, I like the idea of being reborn again and again based on your sum of actions here on earth.

Sorry to get off track...
So no Haitians but Jamaicans men yes. I always put them in the same category in my mind so what's the difference to you?
So whachu mean no American born Caribbean descendants...they are the best of both worlds in my opinion :lol:

Only Japanese, what's up with the Chinese and Koreans?
I love Jamaican men and Jamaican culture. The music and food are amazing. My father is Haitian as are most of the men in his family. First off most of them were or still are sexist as hell still talking about a woman needs to be in the kitchen and not talk back to her man. My father is horrible with that.

Then there's the fact that I dont really like or know how to cook Haitian food at all. I'm an Anerican born Caribbean desendent myself but I feel like I can't identify as strongly with my heritage as if I was born there. I would prefer a partner with very strong ties to their roots. My Caribbean born friends clown me all the time for being a fake Caribbean yet having the nerve to claim it.

I just don't find Korean or Chinese men attractive. Japanese men can be very attractive to me.
Omg you sound just like an old friend of mine from high school :eek:. Except she preferred Korean men over Japanese and Chinese.

I gotcha...I'm American born and raised so I don't really claim Jamaica like that at all unless people specifically ask where my family is from. Mmmm that's interesting I guess I see it differently. I find men from most Caribbean countries I'm familiar with are like that, very dominating and set in traditional mindsets for relationships ( which isn't necessarily good or bad).
here is a cheat sheet to telling the difference between chinese, Japanese, and korean men (idk about the women cause aint nobody thinking bout them hose)

japanese men tend to have less dense hair, longer faces, and wider noses. they also tend to be taller with proportionately slender bodies.

koreans tend to have very square faces and jaws. noses are often shaped like a piece of popcorn. anecdotally, they also seem less likely to grow their hair long(?) and more likely to wear glasses.

chinese seem to have the deepest "yellow" undertones and the most pronounced monolids. they also seem to have have the densest hair.
To keep it real simple, I have always only prefered black men.

I have Zero attraction to white or asian men. And I dont care for hispanic men either. They are a huge turn off for me.

So that leaves Middle Eastern men and/or Native American men right :look:
since this is about those who are open to swirling :lol: