Question For Those That Swirl

White Americans. Just not attracted to them. At all. Also biracials where the mother is white are a no go. Too confused for me.

I strongly prefer men of color but I'd take a white European if the connection is there. But no French or Italians. Their accents get on my nerves and normally I :love: accents.:look:

I wouldn't say it's a preference but I'm drawn to South Asians/Middle Easterners more than any other groups and I can't explain why. It's been this way for as long as I can remember too. All other groups (East/Southeast Asians, Latinos etc.) I'm in between with--not especially drawn to them, but have no reason to rule them out either.:ohwell::yep:
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I'm dying to date a Hawaiian, Polynesian, etc. They are so fine to me! But I hear they are all on your side of town (West Coast). :cry2:
Yes. Yes they are all here :lick:

They are very family oriented and work super hard. Unfortunately for us outsiders they very much stick to their own.

Oh and folks think WE talk about white ppl? Omg. Let's just say they generally think the world would be better without them :look:
No Mexicans, Hawaiians/ Pacific Islanders, Asians, no bi-racial/mixed looking. I prefer brown skinned African American men also love French, Dutch, Swedes.
I don't like middle easterners of the Muslim faith. But I'm open to egyptians.....almost snag a "fun night" :bdance:with one. Regret not going for that hey!

I prefer white men. But I am NOT attracted to white american men. Which is sad, because i live in.....wait for it......America! But the few times I was able to date an english guy; i loved it.
I typically date Middle Eastern or Indian guys. I also grew up with East Asians and I refuse to date them because all the stereotypes are true but IDK, maybe one could change my mind. Or maybe at some point I'll find myself in need of a passive man. The only group absolutely off the table are Mexicans though.
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NO INDIANS!!! :spank:

What's your issue with them? :lol:

Since this is a nonPC thread... why are so many of us not considering Mexicans? No judgements for replies please!

Me: idc about short but been raised around them and see how they can be violent with their women. Experienced an attack myself. Never again.

Same reason. Too much machismo covering deep insecurities. Seems to always end in violence or secret familias. I guess to me it's more about being raised in Mexican culture.
Since this is a nonPC thread... why are so many of us not considering Mexicans? No judgements for replies please!

Me: idc about short but been raised around them and see how they can be violent with their women. Experienced an attack myself. Never again.

There aren't too Mexican communities in Miami unless its further down south in the Homestead. Here there are much many more nationalities like Peruvian, Nicaraguan, Venezuelan and the like. I have a thing for guys from Nicaragua :) However I haven't come across any bad Mexican guys, I find a few cute Mexican guys.

I'm fascinated by Mexican culture sooo yes I would date a Mexican guy, but I definitely seem to attract more Nicaraguan guys. Plus their food is yummy :)
Since this is a nonPC thread... why are so many of us not considering Mexicans? No judgements for replies please!

Me: idc about short but been raised around them and see how they can be violent with their women. Experienced an attack myself. Never again.

- short
- too many want to identify as white... i dont like any MOC desperate to identify as white cause if i want a white man i'll just go get a ****ing white man... what are you supposed to be doing for me with that? :lol:
- IME, blunt, tactless, insensitive
- think they have some kind of "black pass" to talk about blackness (THEY DONT)
- there is no "elite" hispanic social sphere that i am aware of. there is such a thing as black eliteness. a similar concept if it exists with hispanics might be how close they can get to whiteness as far as i've seen

they are just a mix of black and white that does not appeal to me... all the worst things of blackness mixed with all the worst things of whiteness, and even more annoying because they are neither... but i think the ones who would not fall in that category probably don't date anyone but other mexicans/latinas so i wouldnt have had any contact with them.

What's your issue with them? :lol:

Same reason. Too much machismo covering deep insecurities. Seems to always end in violence or secret familias.

imo, indian men don't respect black women. period. even more insulting considering that when we do date them, we've deigned to do it in the first place...
^ That hasn't been my experience. I wonder if it has to do with them being certain they're on the bottom of the sexual hierachy in my city. These days I keep most of them on the bench for when I need someone to put furniture together or water my plants when I'm out town. I'm dating an Indian surgeon right now who is the first cocky Indian guy I've encountered but that may just be the stereotypical surgeon thing. The only arrogant East Asian guy I know is also a surgeon.
maybe. in my city they are usually part of the wealthy downtowners and from my perspective they are, like every other group of guys, trying to compete with wm. definitely don't consider themselves to be bottom barrel. lots of them want to be "cool"... have seen too many do embarrassing things like dress like they belong in hip hop culture and for some reason they all seem to love our basketball team. theres a lot of arrogance amongst the ones here, and they usually have the money to think they can get away with it.

theres a traditional community on the northside, but that's mainly families with small children. in the city they are no different from every other entitled millennial man around here.
Asians are a no for everything. Arabs are OK for flings, but not relationships.
I haven't had much experience with Latinos. From observation though, I don't like the look of Mexicans, and I'm yet to hear anything good about their behavior towards women. I've been around Puerto Rican, Brazilian, Argenitinian and Peruvian men enough that I don't like Argentinians, so-so on Peruvian and Brazilian, ok on PR. The Argentinians were trying to be more European than actual Europeans and were obsessed with telling you all about their Italian papy. GTFOH.

That leaves white men. I prefer European men in general to American ones. More intelligent, cultured and gentlemanly. With that said, I'm not into Italian men or Eastern European. They're the Mexicans of Europe in terms of machismo. I like French men - they're somewhere between Italians and northern Europeans. The Scandinavians I've been around tended to be low-key assholes. I don't know why. They were very passive aggressive and underhanded instead of directly telling you what's up. It was a bit of a surprise because I associate that behavior more with American WW.
I concur on the Scandinavians. 12567% :lol: they are EXTREMELY passive aggressive. They definitely act like American white women.

Asians are a no for everything. Arabs are OK for flings, but not relationships.
I haven't had much experience with Latinos. From observation though, I don't like the look of Mexicans, and I'm yet to hear anything good about their behavior towards women. I've been around Puerto Rican, Brazilian, Argenitinian and Peruvian men enough that I don't like Argentinians, so-so on Peruvian and Brazilian, ok on PR. The Argentinians were trying to be more European than actual Europeans and were obsessed with telling you all about their Italian papy. GTFOH.

That leaves white men. I prefer European men in general to American ones. More intelligent, cultured and gentlemanly. With that said, I'm not into Italian men or Eastern European. They're the Mexicans of Europe in terms of machismo. I like French men - they're somewhere between Italians and northern Europeans. The Scandinavians I've been around tended to be low-key assholes. I don't know why. They were very passive aggressive and underhanded instead of directly telling you what's up. It was a bit of a surprise because I associate that behavior more with American WW.
LOL, this thread is hilarious.

I like the look of Indian men, but I can't do it culturally. :nono: I'm really not into American White men anymore. Europeans are ok, but I've only had experience with a German guy. No Middle Easterners- see reason for Indian men.

Mexicans- I live in Cali so they're available, but I would need to find the right one.

I prefer brown men and/or "minority" men these days. I'm really into East Asians right now, but it could be a phase, LOL.

Also, if anyone knows where an enclave of Pacific Islanders are in Cali, I'd really like to know, LOL.
Surprising to hear about Mexicans bring out of the running. Most of them are as carawalker said, similar to dating black. Although with Hispanics in general I have seen more expectations of the woman staying at home. Maybe it was just in Texas though.

Expect to be poor though. That was mean of me to say, but...:look:
Hmmm....I usually consider on a case by case, but I can say I've never had a case where a Mexican dude would make me consider it. Same for Russian men. Whenever I was hit on by them.... it's always a noooooooooo thank you. Lol

I too am not ok with any "brown" people who classify themselves as white, which some Middle Easterns do as well. I however am extremely attracted to ME it's back to case by case.
also lets keep it real dating a mexican is like dating a black man without the justification of black pride to make it ok :look:


I can't say that I ever quite looked at it like that but the logic is sound.
Mind Blown.

No! I have no ill feelings toward men with regards to race.
I am open even though I may be attracted to one more than the other.

I think it's funny when I hear or read people say they do because so many men will say they are attracted to all races of women except Black women. And when they state the reasons why it's typical ignorant American negative stereotyping.
You have preferences. Why ask for permission? Shrugs. Do you, OP. I'm kinda mad I clicked on the non-disclosure title.
I prefer not to get involved with guys from cultures that are outright known for being adverse to and/or totally unused to black folks. Yeah, the guy may be different but whatever. Since I have no desires of ending up like ol' boy with that pathetic poem to white dads everywhere, off my list are:

- Asians (Generally not attracted to them anyway)
- Europeans from certain regions/countries (e.g - Spain, Eastern Euro, Greece, certain Nordic countries...)
- Australians

It's a case-by-case basis for guys from the UK and U.S. There may be more but some ethnicities aren't represented in my dating pool over here anyway so I don't think about it.
Asians and Indians (dated 2)....the penises are really small. 4" for the Filipino and I'm estimating the Indian to be around 3.5". Erect. :look:
Asians and Indians (dated 2)....the penises are really small. 4" for the Filipino and I'm estimating the Indian to be around 3.5". Erect. :look:

The Filipino was my first and I was still inexperienced when I got with the Indian but now that I've had some monsters, I can't go back to a lil bit. :lol:
I prefer guys who have a nice amount of melanin (light brown to dark brown). I can only date a white guy if I find him to be reeaaaallly attractive, otherwise I just don't trust them enough to date them.

I don't like asians with the exception of Indians and maybe middle easterners (but they have to be americanized and not first gen. immigrants). But I know with Indians culture is a big issue and arranged marriages are common practice. I like Polynesian men (mainly samoan and Tongan) , but I've been told they can be pretty possessive and abusive to women. Never really liked hispanic men, but I can see myself dating one. I really try not to generalize, but it has helped me look for red flags in dating lately.