Question for MSM Users re: Skin - Did You Hang in There?


Deep Thinker
This is my first month taking MSM tablets. I'm seeing good results so far.:yep:

Week one was good, started at 1000mg. Skin looked brighter and felt tight. The vivid dream part is really true because I rarely remember my dreams and since I've been taking them I remember them every morning.

Week two was good, upped it to 2000mg and stayed at that dosage. Skin still looked good, kinda tired though.

Week three (around ovulation/hormonal shift) I got a dreaded zit on my chin, and another one two days later.

The zits were small but it still worries me because I've been acne free for at least five months. And that was after I went through an acne treatment from my derm that I believe caused my hair to thin. But it did clear up my acne. I purchased the MSM months ago but never got up the nerve to take it for fear of the acne stories. I've read that MSM is kind of like a detox so I'm trying to hang in there.

Here's my question to those who have taken MSM.

If you did get acne from MSM, did it start out small and worsen? Or did it lesson as time went on? If this is the worst it gets I'm willing to give it another month to see what happens but I can't sacrifice clear skin just to get faster growth. :nono: If it's just temporary, meaning a few weeks then I'd be okay.

I already drink TONS of water everyday. I love lemon water and I believe that helped my skin stay clear too.


Oh yeah, feel free to let me know if you got good results from MSM. I could use some inspiration. :grin:
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I had to stop taking it. I got waaaay too sick. I was not able to sleep, and I was clenching my jaw. i took it for about a week then I stopped. i started at 1,000 mg. I never got a breakout but I felt very very swollen while taking them.
I had to stop taking it. I got waaaay too sick. I was not able to sleep, and I was clenching my jaw. i took it for about a week then I stopped. i started at 1,000 mg. I never got a breakout but I felt very very swollen while taking them.

Wow, I think it's amazing the different affects it has on different people. It seems to make me sleep more and you say you couldn't sleep.

Sorry you had to go through that but thanks for sharing!!
I had AMAZING growth with MSM. Personally, I had to start of slow with 1000mg for the first two weeks then uped it to 2000mg. At first I didnt know it was working, but then I took pics and was like OMG!

Make sure you take it with something that has vitamin C in it to help with absorption. Also, continue to drink tons of water, when I didn't, I would break out, but only on my cheeks.


first time posting pics so if that doesnt work

these pics were taken in january, after about 3 weeks use. My recent pics are on my home comp, but it only got better from there!
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Gosh, I want to try it again so bad even though it made me sick. i am sure it woulkd help, so many people have attested to it
I had AMAZING growth with MSM. Personally, I had to start of slow with 1000mg for the first two weeks then uped it to 2000mg. At first I didnt know it was working, but then I took pics and was like OMG!

Make sure you take it with something that has vitamin C in it to help with absorption. Also, continue to drink tons of water, when I didn't, I would break out, but only on my cheeks.


first time posting pics so if that doesnt work

these pics were taken in january, after about 3 weeks use. My recent pics are on my home comp, but it only got better from there!

Wow! That's some amazing growth in that short period of time. I love looking at results pics. Thanks so much for sharing.

And I may have to add a glass of OJ when I take it to help with absorption. Thanks again!
Gosh, I want to try it again so bad even though it made me sick. i am sure it woulkd help, so many people have attested to it

I know, right!! Do you think that maybe you didn't have enough food/water in your stomach when you took it? But the part about you not sleeping is not good though. Maybe take it earlier in the day????

I really wanna try to hang in there and I hope I can.

I had AMAZING growth with MSM. Personally, I had to start of slow with 1000mg for the first two weeks then uped it to 2000mg. At first I didnt know it was working, but then I took pics and was like OMG!

Make sure you take it with something that has vitamin C in it to help with absorption. Also, continue to drink tons of water, when I didn't, I would break out, but only on my cheeks.


first time posting pics so if that doesnt work

these pics were taken in january, after about 3 weeks use. My recent pics are on my home comp, but it only got better from there!

yall gonna make me try msm again. starting today :(l)
That stuff gave me the worst bloating and gas in the world. I was funking up the place. I started out small, 1/8 tsp the first week, 1/8 tsp and 1/4 tsp the second week, thats when it went downhill from there.

I took the mandatory Vit c with each dose and my water intake was 96 oz a day. I just chalk it up to being allergic. When I finally stopped taking it the bloating subsided but the gas took over a week to go away. It was ridiculous.
Just wanted to provide an update on the MSM and my skin. :drunk:

I TRULY believe that adding vitamin B100 Complex may be helping my skin while taking this MSM. I don't want to speak too soon and jinx myself but I was able to up my MSM to 2mg two weeks ago without any breakouts. :yep: It may be too soon to speak until I go through that mid-cycle hormonal shift again. I remember reading before that some people who suffer from acne lack Niacin and Niacin is included in the B100 Complex.

I also started Biotin. This is my second week and I did 1000mg the first week and upped it to 2-3mg this week. I'd like to gradually make my way to 5mg and leave it at that. I think I'm gonna stick to the 2mg of MSM though.

So right now I'm taking:
MSM - 2mg (1mg twice daily)
Biotin - 2-3mg (1mg 2-3x daily)
B100 Complex (1 horse pill nightly)
Fish Oil - Not sure of the dosage but I take one horse pill probably 2x/week

One complaint about the B100 though. I felt sooooo tired when I started taking these. They're supposed to GIVE you energy though so I don't know. Maybe it was the increased MSM. I don't know. But last night was the first time after two weeks that I wasn't extra tired so maybe something kicked in. I was also VERY bloated when I first started taking them too. The funny thing is, I was more bloated during those two weeks which happened to be when I slacked off on water for some reason. I picked up my water this week and the bloating went away almost immediately. Don't understand that but it did. My skin actually looks better. Not like that original glow I always get the first day or two of a new vitamin but just better overall.

I don't see a huge difference in growth yet (I'd say I have at least an inch of NG this month but I was getting that anyway with my Sulfur/MN mix). But my hair definitely thickened up and I'm sure it's because one of these vitamins prevents shedding (probably the MSM). I definitely noticed my nails growing longer.

HTH somebody. Try that B100 Complex!!
Belldandy, MSM can detox you. I don't know if you know anything about detoxing but you can get very ill as toxins are released from your body and a lot of people they get worse before they get better during a detox. Some people get flu-like symptoms and skin breakouts with MSM which is all part of the detox, and I believe if you stick it out, and stop doing/eating whatever it is that made your body full of toxins in the first place, then that horrible experience would pass and you'd be OK.
Hey hairsnob, got any updates?? How is it going?

Hey Soonergirl, thanks for asking. Here's my update.

I have mixed reviews on the MSM. I upped my Biotin too fast about two weeks ago (right before my cycle started) and I broke out again so I had to cut way back on both and the acne went away fast. I'm sure it was the Biotin and not the MSM though.

So right now to be safe I'm back to taking 1000mg of MSM at night and 1000mg of Biotin in the morning. So far, so good. I'm afraid to up the dose again but I will in another week or so. After I broke out I changed from the B100 complex to the B50 complex so that I could take one twice a day with each dose of MSM or Biotin. (You see I'm REALLY trying to hang in there with this).

The good news is I think this is the best my skin has EVER looked. :drunk: I can't explain it but I looked in the mirror this morning at work and I could really see a difference. It has a nice even tone and the color is kind of golden. Then I saw a person at work I hadn't seen in about 3 years and I could tell he was staring at my face and he said I looked even younger than when he last saw me. It really made me feel good because I used to have blotchy skin and this guy NEVER gave me a compliment before.

As far as hair growth...MEH!!:ohwell: I definitely felt over an inch of new growth in six weeks at my relaxer earlier this month but that's when I was using my sulfur mix anyway. But with the low dosage I'm taking I'm not expecting too much anyway. I can't risk getting more acne by trying to up the dose too fast. I may leave the Biotin alone and stick with MSM.

Anybody else have any updates on MSM?