MSM Rant - I'm Addicted to this stuff


Deep Thinker
My name is Hairsnob and I'm addicted to MSM!

I've been taking MSM powder (1800mg - 1/2 tsp) at night with a half glass of water for going on a year now and my hair has thickened up tremendously. I rarely see hair in the comb and when I do it's only about 5-6 strands after a wash ... YAY :yep:

Now, the downside. My hormonal acne has been horrendous lately :sad: and I tried combining MSM with B6, Super B complex, Fish Oil and everything under the sun. I drink plenty of water but nothing helps. So I decided it's time to cut out the MSM and see if that's the problem.

So I skipped MSM a few days.... my acne got worse. So I started it up again but only about half the dosage and with much more water and I remembered about taking vitamin C..... but now I see WAY MORE HAIR IN THE COMB!!!

For those with shedding problems, MSM is a winner. But if you get acne you have to decide between clear skin and thick hair. I'm so disgusted right now because I'm afraid my hair is going to start thinning if I don't go back up to my normal dosage.

It's an addiction I tell you!! My temporary solution is to spread the MSM throughout the day in my water instead of all at once at night. So I'm taking 1/4 tsp at a time. I hope this shedding stops soon.

Also, I worked out at the gym and felt sore when I cut it down. My sinuses are acting up again. I'm telling you, with the MSM those problems were nonexistent!!

By the way, I've always suffered hormonal acne even before the MSM but it wasn't so bad, so MSM very well might not be the culprit.

Thanks for letting me vent. Feel free to chime in about your MSM experiences.
Hi Hairsnob,

How's the rest of your diet? In some people eating alot of sugar, MSG, artificial sweetners, greasy food, etc, causes acne.

MSM is also believed to increase the body's ability to rid itself of toxins....sometimes excessive amounts of those toxins leave through the skin, particularly in the person with Irritable bowel syndrome, poor digestion, constipation, etc.
Hi Hairsnob,

How's the rest of your diet? In some people eating alot of sugar, MSG, artificial sweetners, greasy food, etc, causes acne.

MSM is also believed to increase the body's ability to rid itself of toxins....sometimes excessive amounts of those toxins leave through the skin, particularly in the person with Irritable bowel syndrome, poor digestion, constipation, etc.

Yes, this was me. Msm+biotin+not so great diet full of Sugar=adult crater face. Acne like I had never had before.
Hi Hairsnob,

How's the rest of your diet? In some people eating alot of sugar, MSG, artificial sweetners, greasy food, etc, causes acne.

MSM is also believed to increase the body's ability to rid itself of toxins....sometimes excessive amounts of those toxins leave through the skin, particularly in the person with Irritable bowel syndrome, poor digestion, constipation, etc.

You're absolutely right. I'm also trying to cut down the sugar even though I don't eat much of it. I don't eat artificial sweeteners and not much greasy food though.

It's funny how hormonal acne works. You get cravings for sweets or greasy foods (french fries) at certain times of the month. So then you get the acne right after. So I never know if it was the food or the hormones so I will try to cut out those foods altogether. That's the only times I crave sweets.

I'm looking into the poor digestion too now that you mention that because I do notice problems there lately.

Thank you so much for this valuable info!
The MSM actually cleared up my hormonal acne. I wonder if it could be something else in your diet that contributes to the acne.

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The MSM actually cleared up my hormonal acne. I wonder if it could be something else in your diet that contributes to the acne.

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Everyone seems to be pointing to my diet. So I'm thinking I really have to make some serious changes. I'm not a poor eater but I do eat out once a week with an occasional order of fries. I drink about 4 bottles of water a day, yogurt and a bagel for breakfast, something quick or processed for lunch (this could be my culprit) and a pretty healthy cooked dinner.

Hi HS. When I first started using MSM, I would break out terribly, especially on my chin. Someone suggested mixing MSM powder with my facial cleanser (I make my own) to make a paste. I would apply it and let it sit for a few minutes or sometimes overnight for really bad breakouts. My skin has cleared up considerably, Now I get minor breakouts on occasion and the MSM paste clears it up right away. Apparently the sulfur in the MSM is the same as in OTC acne products. So while it rids your body of impurities when you take it internally, it clears up your skin externally.
Hi HS. When I first started using MSM, I would break out terribly, especially on my chin. Someone suggested mixing MSM powder with my facial cleanser (I make my own) to make a paste. I would apply it and let it sit for a few minutes or sometimes overnight for really bad breakouts. My skin has cleared up considerably, Now I get minor breakouts on occasion and the MSM paste clears it up right away. Apparently the sulfur in the MSM is the same as in OTC acne products. So while it rids your body of impurities when you take it internally, it clears up your skin externally.

That's where mine are bad now, the chin/jawline area. I never thought about making the paste. But I will definitely try it since I heard how good it's supposed to be for the skin.

Thank you so much!
I am also taking evening primrose oil. This has done wonders to stabilize my hormones during the month.

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Hi HS. When I first started using MSM, I would break out terribly, especially on my chin. Someone suggested mixing MSM powder with my facial cleanser (I make my own) to make a paste. I would apply it and let it sit for a few minutes or sometimes overnight for really bad breakouts. My skin has cleared up considerably, Now I get minor breakouts on occasion and the MSM paste clears it up right away. Apparently the sulfur in the MSM is the same as in OTC acne products. So while it rids your body of impurities when you take it internally, it clears up your skin externally.

so it does that? wow i just learned something.

so i wonder if someone breaks out, but keeps taking it, would their skin clear up later on? hmm.
I just posted something like this in the sulfur challenge thread. I just started taking 1000mg twice a day and I noticed a cyst like bump on my cheek. I used to get these all the time and I thought it was the biotin that was causing it so I stopped and continued the MSM. Now I'm thinking it wasn't the biotin and it was the MSM the whole time. Maybe I will try using some MSM paste tonight and see if that makes it go away because it is quite painful.

Thanks for starting this thread.
Do you consume dairy products? that was the culprit of my cystic acne. 9 times out of 10 acne is caused by something in our diets. Cut out dairy for a week or two and see if that clears you right up..
Do you consume dairy products? that was the culprit of my cystic acne. 9 times out of 10 acne is caused by something in our diets. Cut out dairy for a week or two and see if that clears you right up..

I don't drink milk but I eat yogurt daily (I heard that kinda dairy was safe/good for skin??). I eat cheese but not every day though so that would be what I'd need to cut out. If cutting back on the sugar doesn't help then I'm gonna cut out the cheese and see if it works. Whatever it is I'm willing to give it up if it means clear skin.

Thank you very much!
I just posted something like this in the sulfur challenge thread. I just started taking 1000mg twice a day and I noticed a cyst like bump on my cheek. I used to get these all the time and I thought it was the biotin that was causing it so I stopped and continued the MSM. Now I'm thinking it wasn't the biotin and it was the MSM the whole time. Maybe I will try using some MSM paste tonight and see if that makes it go away because it is quite painful.

Thanks for starting this thread.

That's exactly what happened to me. I was taking Biotin and MSM and assumed it was the Biotin and stopped taking. But thinking back, the bumps I got from Biotin weren't cystic, they were more like smaller whiteheads and I'd get those just about everyday. The cystic ones seemed to coincide with hormonal changes.

Also, if I skipped MSM for a day and took it again I'd see a small cystic one come up. So I don't know. Let me know how the paste works for you. I'm gonna try it tonight too.

cosigning on the dairy. The one thing that has been scientifically linked to acne is dairy products. Milk, yogurt, cake, crisps...anything with milk in it. I stopped eating milk products for ages because it made me bloated and during that tine my acne disappeared. I'm sure MSM us very helpful for you, just like others said look at what you are eating
Just did a quick search on dairy and hormonal acne and it makes a little more sense reading about the hormones in the milk that attributes to it. I remember reading about DHT also. Never thought about it like that....

.... milk is loaded with hormones—some brands more than others—and those hormones are broken down in the human body into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT stimulates the sebaceous glands, increasing sebum production. (It’s also responsible for male and female pattern baldness.) I also learned that hormonal acne typically occurs around the jawline—exactly where my zits were popping up.....
Thanks for recommending to put the MSM paste directly on the acne. I did it last night and you were so right, it seemed to dry up pretty quick. I just mixed it with a little water and left it on all night. I'm gonna mix up some and let it sit and dissolve so it won't be so gritty the next time.

Hi HS. When I first started using MSM, I would break out terribly, especially on my chin. Someone suggested mixing MSM powder with my facial cleanser (I make my own) to make a paste. I would apply it and let it sit for a few minutes or sometimes overnight for really bad breakouts. My skin has cleared up considerably, Now I get minor breakouts on occasion and the MSM paste clears it up right away. Apparently the sulfur in the MSM is the same as in OTC acne products. So while it rids your body of impurities when you take it internally, it clears up your skin externally.

reeaally o.O ihave most of my acne on my chin and ive been using all kinds of brands and products >=(
cosigning on the dairy. The one thing that has been scientifically linked to acne is dairy products. Milk, yogurt, cake, crisps...anything with milk in it. I stopped eating milk products for ages because it made me bloated and during that tine my acne disappeared. I'm sure MSM us very helpful for you, just like others said look at what you are eating

ohh.. ialways have like 3+ cups of nesqik strawberry milk everydaay :( smdh. imight have to cut dwn if it's really the reason I'm breaking out so much along my chin =/
Thanks for recommending to put the MSM paste directly on the acne. I did it last night and you were so right, it seemed to dry up pretty quick. I just mixed it with a little water and left it on all night. I'm gonna mix up some and let it sit and dissolve so it won't be so gritty the next time.


I prefer it gritty--it's like getting a facial scrub, but not as harsh. :yep: I am really glad it worked for you.
so it does that? wow i just learned something.

so i wonder if someone breaks out, but keeps taking it, would their skin clear up later on? hmm.

This is how it worked for me. I broke out really terribly when I first started taking MSM. It guess my body was getting rid of all of the impurities through my face. :perplexed Then when I made the paste and applied it overnight, my skin would be fairly clear the next day. :grin: Now I only get one or two pimples right before I get my period. I mix up some more paste and VOILA! No pimples the next day or so. I hope it works as well for you if you decide to try it.

ETA: EMPRESSRI, your hair is gorgeous. I watch your YouTube channel regularly.
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