question about shedding and retaining length..poll included

Which one best describes you?

  • natural, less shedding with straight hair

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • natural, less shedding in my natural state

    Votes: 21 26.9%
  • texlaxed, less shedding with straight hair

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • texlaxed, less shedding with un straightened hair

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • relaxed bone straight, less shedding w/flat ironed hair

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • relaxed bone straight, less shedding without being flat ironed

    Votes: 9 11.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
question about shedding... poll included

So I am texlaxed and my hair is more textured than not so even though I use relaxers my hair acts more like natural hair. I noticed that when my hair is straightened it sheds less and of course tangles less. when I wash my hair and just leave it be it waves up and feels kinda coarse and harder to manage and keep moistened... and it sheds more..

My question is has anyone else.. natural, texlaxed, or relaxed bone straight experienced this?? your thought please and thank you :)
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I absolutely understand.

My un-straightened hair is a hassle and a drag – it’s fragile, finicky, hard to style, tangles and knots easily, sheds like a wet dog, and lacks any type of real curls (IMO, it resembles limp, overcooked spaghetti). Meanwhile, I’ve been wearing my hair straight since 12/24 as an experiment and I am absolutely loving it because it’s easier to maintain and sheds much less. It even allowed me to use a cream that contained shea butter with great results; using butters, especially shea, on my wet/damp/air dried hair would’ve resulted in hard, dull, dry nastiness that has to be clarified out.

As a result of my experiences, I am going to continue regularly straightening my hair…come what may. The only drawback I’ve encountered thus far is not being able to spritz my hair and scalp with some type of liquid while refreshing mid-week. Meh. I can, and will, get over it.
When my hair is rollerset or flat ironed, it had to be combed to be styled. Therefore, since I'm combing more, the shed hairs come out more frequently and I shed less on wash day.

When my hair is airdried and set in that style for the week, I don't comb my hair at all, except for the initial detangling session. My hair is just twisted then untwisted. I only comb on wash day in which I see all the shed hairs that didn't come out during the week.

I just prefer to keep my hair straight because I deal with less shedding on wash day because I'm combing during the week. In the end, it's the same amount of hair, but it's depressing when you see it all coming out at once versus over a period of time.

Your not losing more hair though.

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I'm interested in everyone's responses. My coily hair is kinda a pain to detangle. And just leaving out and free... Absolutely not. So I mostly do twist outs but I get shed and even some broken hairs while styling after washing. Idk if I need more protein, something for shedding, or I need to back off the weekly twisting. I know that when I straighten I would probably stretch washing to every two weeks so my strands would get a break.

Ok long winded response over :)
My hair is natural but colored. If I keep my hair twisted all week, I can expect one to two quarter sized "balls" of shed hair. My number is consistent and only decreases with more manipulation during the week.

I don't normally experience issues with detangling as long as I keep up with my balance of protein and moisture. I have more problems with dryness if I neglect my regular DCs or ignore my hair.
So I am texlaxed and my hair is more textured than not so even though I use relaxers my hair acts more like natural hair. I noticed that when my hair is straightened it sheds less and of course tangles less. when I wash my hair and just leave it be it waves up and feels kinda coarse and harder to manage and keep moistened... and it sheds more.. My question is has anyone else.. natural, texlaxed, or relaxed bone straight experienced this?? your thought please and thank you :)

I'm texlaxed as well and have the same problems.

Keeping my hair straight is the only time I see a reduction in shed hair.

I'm on a weekly roller set challenge which makes straightening my hair easier.
I'm natural but my ends get raggedy quick and I lose length when wearing my natural texture so I roller set. I find that my hair does shed less but it may be because it's able to shed naturally on a daily basis rather than once when I detangle on wash day.
I'm relaxed and I shed way less if I rollerset my hair. Air drying causes alot more shedding for me. When it's almost time for a relaxer, I have to flat iron my new growth in order not to shed so much. My hair has thinned out some because of the shedding. Tea rinses nor garlic has worked.
My hair is natural but colored. If I keep my hair twisted all week, I can expect one to two quarter sized "balls" of shed hair. My number is consistent and only decreases with more manipulation during the week.

I don't normally experience issues with detangling as long as I keep up with my balance of protein and moisture. I have more problems with dryness if I neglect my regular DCs or ignore my hair.

Ita! I am a colored natural as well. I find as my hair gets longer I HAVE to keep my hair stretched. If not, detangling & twisting sucks. Plus in the summer I have to stay away from my beloved washngo's since my hair tangles and I get too many ssk's. I still have normal shedding and it doesn't bother me to see it all come out when I wash & entangle weekly or monthly depending on what I am doing with my hair.
I air dry in large twists and it gets my hair pretty straight so it's a LOT easier to work with & it's much softer than when I rollerset & sit under the dryer. That's a nono for sure!!
My hair is the same way. Natural 4b rough, tangled, hard to moisturize, tangled and sheds like crazy when left in its kinky state. My straight hair shines, has body and swing, rarely sheds, easy to mpisturize and retains length with ease
I think natural hair seems to shed more, because the shed hairs don't fall out a little at a time like with straight hair. When hair is straight the shed pieces just naturally fall away all over town so it's less noticeable unless they end up on your shirt or something. When hair is very curly the shed hairs get tangled up and can't fall on their own. So each time you detangle curly hair you're pulling out like 90% of your shed hairs at once. With straight hair you'd only have a couple of shed pieces that didn't fall away on their own, so it seems like the straight hair doesn't shed much.
I'm in the same boat as IMFOCSD & Renewed1

Since November I have been flat-ironing my extremlely tex-laxed hair twice monthly on the lowest heat setting (300)-so there is still texture

When I air dry only I still have to manipulate it daily to moisturize and style also I have to take my hair down when I get home in the evening. I dont play with my sleep:look:

after my DC this weekend- will twist my hair and wear that until the end of February.--> relax and flat iron for my bday:drunk:
Thanks ladies for the responses! I see im not the only going through this issue lol. I just put my hair in 10 frenchbraids/cornrows to give my hair a rest and figure out what i want to do as far as styling goes... like idk if i wanna just keep it staight or wear it in its texlaxed state but just invest in different products. I have noticed that my hair has thinned some which lead me to have to cut some hair again.

So i ordered two wigs which came today so these braids will be in for a while and im only gonna use my Scurl to moisturize.
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Hm, the amount of hair we naturally shed is normally the same despite our hairstyle. It's genetically determined and isn't going to alter based on our styles.

I think what happens with straight hair is that it falls (sheds) so easily and just lands all over the place. The floor, the desk at work, the car, etc, as opposed to curly hair which holds onto the shed strands until we go in and take them out. So when we detangle curly hair there's more shed because it doesn't fall down on its own.

My fiance has type 1ish hair (he's NL) and this is my experience with him. While my hair isn't shedding all over the place (I wear it curly) I do shed more than him, yet straight strands is all we ever see lying around.
I am natural and have more issues with shedding and tangles when my hair is straight. My hair is easiest to manage when in some type of braid out or twist out style. It's like my hair locks into that pattern and doesn't get more tangled. When my hair is straightened out it's just too much hair, it's all over the place (literally), and I have to comb it daily which I hate.
Shedding is natural. It's breakage that causes problems. I get a lot of shed hairs because I detangle my hair once a week. So, of course the hair accumulates. However, when my hair is straight, I have less because I comb it more often. So, my hair's not accumulating.
I'm a natural that hardly shed when my hair is str8 on wash day but if it's in its natural state I tend to shed
I agree that part of the reason hair *seems* to shed more curly than straight is because it comes out in very visible lump sums versus random "invisible" strands here and there. However, I honestly feel like I have more hair on my head now that I'm natural versus when I was relaxed. My hair has always been on the dense side but my parts seem way more narrow now that I'm natural. I just consider all hair "lost" when not attached to my head because I sometimes lose so much it's hard to tell what's broken and what's shed. The amount of "lost" hair is definitely more with curly hair but I feel like my hair is much healthier, longer, stronger, and denser natural, so I guess it's a fair trade.
I do get freaked out when I detangle. It seems like so much hair. And the loose hair that get caught in my coils cause knots.This is the first I've really had to deal with it as my hair grows and my coils get longer.
I use a variety of products which are in my stash. They are listed below in no particular order:

Hairveda's Whipped Creme Hydration
Darcy Botanical's Sweet Cocoa Bean Moisturizing Whip
APB's Hair Creme or Hair Pudding
Donna Marie Super Butter Creme
Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Creme
Claudie's Hair Tea
Darcy's Transitioning Creme
Carol's Daughter Hair Milk
Bee Mine Deja Hair Milk

These are some of the items I have opened from my stash. After moisturizing I always seal with an oil.
I don't see much different in shedding. It could must be because I usually wear my hair in it's natural state or twisted so I don't see shed hair until I detangle on wash day and it's never a lot.
I have less shedding when my hair I straight because I have less tangling. Besides the normally she hairs. I think I lose more hair when curly from nightmare detangling sessions. I was never planning to become a straight hair natural but I've accepted that it what's best for my hair retention.