QTRLY Bible Study: Garments of Grace (2Q, 2011)

The Lord, though, wasn’t done with Elijah, not even after his rather desperate and somewhat pathetic prayer. He still gave Elijah powerful evidence of His love for him and His interest in Elijah’s life.

Read 1 Kings 19:5–19. What is the significance of Elijah’s wrapping his face in the mantle? Notes
Exodus 3:6 (New American Standard Bible)

6He said also, "(A)I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob " (B)Then Moses hid his face, for he was (C)afraid to look at God.
It’s fascinating that though Elijah saw a great wind, an earthquake, and a fire, none of these caused him to wrap his face in his mantle. It was only the presence of the Lord in “a still small voice” that brought this response to him—a response of fear, respect, and self-protection.

What Elijah needed to learn was that, mighty and moving though these forces be, they do not of themselves portray a true picture of the Spirit of God.Elijah heard the voice of the Lord in a quiet and subtle way telling him what to do, and it was this voice that he obeyed.
How can we learn to recognize the voice of the Lord speaking to us? More important, however, is this question: do you obey what you hear, or do you squelch that “still small voice” speaking to your soul? What does your answer tell you about yourself?
I know at times I don't want to do what the Lord tell me to do, there is maybe a person anywhere that needs a comforting touch or this person may be crying. I feel a desire to go and comfort them but I am extremely uncomfortable touching people. Oh its strong my fear of rejection that I cannot follow it through, would you believe I use to be a nurse it was there I realize I did not like touching people. I know the lord is leading my out of this fear. Because I am surrounded by touchy feely people
The Change of Garments

After the magnificent demonstration of God’s power at Mount Carmel, Elijah complained that he was the only one left who loved the Lord. The Lord, it seems, ignored Elijah’s whining, but when he finished his speech, the Lord then gave him instructions: he was to anoint two kings and Elisha.

Following the Lord’s directions to find a successor, Elijah went to the farm of Shaphat, Elisha’s father, and found Elisha plowing with oxen. Maybe Elijah waved to Elisha to get his attention, and Elisha stopped his work and waited to hear Elijah’s message.

Read 1 Kings 19:19. How was the call of Elisha demonstrated there in the field? Notes
It's very interesting to me that Elijah was taken up to heaven but he wasn't exactly perfect... I like how the lesson points out that no matter our relationship with God, we all like Elijah go through spiritual lows. (1 Kings 19: 1-4) This was a great man of God who still struggled! Considering what God had brought him through and the miracles worked through him, it seems crazy that he would run b/c of Jezebel's threat and then ask God to take his life. But God knew his heart.

I like how God just ignored his prayer request and then later asked him "What are you doing here?" Then he tries to explain...funny. Elijah did learn though after he ran away and God appeared to him in the still small voice. This story to me is another demo of the importance of the relationship & the Christian journey that builds our character in preparation for heaven. It's something that we cannot achieve on our own.
Happy Sabbath ladies!

Elijah's and Elisha's Mantle

I personally loved the symbolism in Elijah casting his mantle onto Elisha signifying the sacred calling, as the lesson words the occurrence. As discussed in Thursday's lesson, it is the same mantle that Elisha took with him after Elijah was taken into heaven, that he used to part the waters in 2 Kings 2. Wednesday's lesson importantly points out that "His tearing of his clothes also could have been symbolic of his getting rid of his own and putting on Elijah's."

This made me think about what we are to put on when we accept our calling as Christians. While all are not specifically garments, we must get rid of our own garments and put on the "armor of God."

Ephesians 6:11 - 17

11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

One may also view this armor of God as akin to the power of God that Elisha was seeking in order to carry out his Godly calling. So may we all put on the armor of God that we might also receive the power to finish the work ahead!
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MAY 7-13 In The Shadow Of His Wings
This week we will meditate with David through his Psalms on how God shelters us and covers our sin.
Oooooh this looks good :yep:
I confess that Bible study has been a struggle for me these past couple weeks....looks like I missed some good stuff!
Divya its soo good to see you on here again and as always you make an excellent point.

Guys, I am so sorry I am now in the Bible Bowl and I haven't had a chance to go over the study this week, Though I must tell you, I love the story of Elijah and wish they would make a movie about it and include Elisha, I know there are cartoons, but I mean really, I would love, love to see the fire come down out of heaven. I want to see how God took care of Elijah for three years. Amazing. Anyway, I will be back I will go over my lesson this week and follow up. Please pray for me, I am starting so late in the game and I have what six weeks to go over 7 books in the bible. I am still excited. Please pray that I can remember in detail each book that I study everyday. I encourage everyone if they can to join the Bible Bowl, there are no losers, and your life will be deeply enriched. Plus we can really, really discuss some things. I can only tell you a few of the books we are studying because I don't have the others with me right now but Exodus, Mark, Obadiah, Psalms, Titus I think that's all I can remember. So please pray for me. I'll tell you a few of the things I am doing. I am reading on line, I am studying my bible, I am listening to the bible on my cell phone and I just purchased the CDs for my IPOD or MP3 for my IPOD so I can listen to it at night. You know what is so funny, I can't wait to do it everyday. I know its for the challenge but really who cares, I am learning and expanding my knowledge of the scriptures, because unlike before, I am eating and sleeping the scriptures. I am not doing research right now. Time to do some other things. I guess we will see.
Hi Ladies- everyone who is reading and/or posting. It's great to hear from you! This lesson is so amazing! Wow-wow-wow. Jenibo- I hear you, I've been missing out on so much by not making it to Sabbath School so this study with all of you is so helpful.

My thoughts from the lesson today:

David concealed his sin with Bathsheba but God covered it. When he kept silent and didn't ask forgiveness, he was tortured (Psalm 32:3,4) but once he confessed, he was forgiven and restored (vs 1, 2).

I see the powerful imagery in the process that David goes through. His sin is covered but the child dies. Why did God allow an innocent child to die? David prayed & fasted for his child to live but once the child dies on the 7th day, he accepts it. He gets up, takes a bath, changes his clothes, eats, worships God and begins the process of restoration. He explains to everyone confused that there is nothing more he can do since the child is already dead.

I think God allowed the child to die, symbolic of the way that he allowed His own Son to die for our sins. Our sins are covered but the price had to be paid by someone who was sinless. After the child dies, David takes steps towards restoration. It's so interesting & no coincidence that David in Psalm 51 specificaly uses the words 'wash me and I will be whiter than snow' long before baptisms began. So his symbolic bath & changing of clothes is like our sins being washed away and us being awarded new robes of righteousness.

Before Jesus died, he asked his disciples in Gethsemane to watch & pray with him (Matt 26:36-46). "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." It sounds like Jesus was praying two prayers- one for his Father to remove the cup of death if at all possible and one for his disciples (& all of us really) to remain faithful till the end.

I think David's prayer for his child not to die is similar but once God's answer was given he accepted it just as Jesus accepted His fate. The big difference of course is that our eternal fate is sealed upon our death. David's reaction to me, points out that all the prayer, fasting & watching needs to be done before we die. We are asked to watch & pray and guard every avenue of our heart because all it takes is one small sin- maybe something that we keep in the dark even from ourselves. The lesson earlier this wk points out that David had forgotten how easy it was for 1 little stone to fall a giant (Goliath) and with that 1 little glance at Bathsheba, he was on the path to falling.

What do you think?

What an insightful post. I completely agree with everything you have said. Thank you for pointing out the similarity between the death of the innocent child and the death of Jesus for our sins. A sad yet beautiful illustration of what would later be done for all of us.

Just wanted to add that David, despite his wrongdoing, must have really known his God and understood that sin often has grave consequences. By bathing, changing his clothes and worshiping the Lord, it shows that he truly had and understanding of how God deal with us as human beings, restoring the repentant heart.

For me, David's actions are inspiring. I had to ask myself, is that what you react when you sin, suffer the consequences of your own sins and go to the Lord for forgiveness? Or do you sometimes wallow in guilt and other emotions even after pleading for God's forgiveness?

Honestly, I cannot say that my reaction always mirrors that of David. It showed me that perhaps placing more emphasis on justification and sanctification would have a positive effect in my life.
divya- amazing & so true! Thank you! I wallow in guilt and shame and that keeps me from accepting that I am really forgiven and acting like I am restored. It's a trick to keep us in that great divide and many give up thinking that they could never overcome and be restored. But nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Hi Ladies, We're onto Lesson 8! Garments of Splendor *May 14 - 20

Read for This Week's Study: Isaiah 1–5, 6:1–8, 51:6–8, 61, Luke 4:16–20.

Memory Text: “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels” (Isaiah 61:10, NIV).
From Tuesday's Lesson (Garments that do not last) Isaiah 51:6-8

Read Isaiah 51:7, words addressed to those who know what is right, who have God’s law in their hearts. What should that mean to us today?

How does having the law in our hearts help us know what is right? Is knowing what is right enough in and of itself to cause us to do right, or is more needed? If so, what?
Isaiah 51:7 (New International Version)

7 “Hear me, you who know what is right,
you people who have taken my instruction to heart:
Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals
or be terrified by their insults.

Now I have not study this in detail, but having the law of God in my heart means that I have study it, I have mediated on it and I understood its purpose. So in that case, its easier for me to follow it then it is for the other person who has to keep going back to see what is right or what is wrong or who cannot decided even knowing the answer. It is written in my heart, I accept it and I believe it and I have decided that I would live my life according to it. its no longer a burden to me it is great pleasure to me because not only am I pleasing God and I am securing my place with God, I will achieve my greatest desire, which is to be with God. Knowing the law and accepting the law and knowing that God is protecting you, this is the reason for the law in the first place. It is for my protection, my safety, my long life. I know there is a consequence for breaking the law as well. I obey the law because I want to please God, I want to be an obedient child and I want the lord to continue to bless and keep me.
When I read this text, I am so amazed at how merciful God is, He is going to take my past sins, ignorance and my willful sin away and cover me give me clean robes, and throw out my filthy rags. How wonderful our God is and we could never be worthy enough.
Also this is something else I am studying. Its throw off fear and put on faithfulness, When we fear we give power to Satan and he is allowed to use our fears as a way to attack us. Yes exactly, As Christians we throw out fear as we throw out sin and put on cleanliness and put on faithfulness to our one and only God.
I came across this website for sda young adults. They have open discussions about the quarterly lessons. http://www.sabbathschoolu.org/index.php I haven't scoped the whole site but from what I saw it was pretty cool. I found this on the sda official website under Sabbath School- where they have other categories like Women, Men, and Children.
ETA: The open discussions are video podcasts o
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Thank you Jenibo!!! That site is awesome. I am hooked. What do you think about the example he gave in the intro of this week's lesson of the producer's tribal clothes given by his in-laws representing acceptance into their family much like the prodigal's son clothes?

This should help us a lot with our lesson studies.

Lesson 10: The prodigal's new clothes

Read for This Week's Study: Gen. 4:1–8; 25:25–34; Luke 15:4–32; John 11:9, 10; Rom. 5:12–20.

Memory Text: But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” ’ ” (Luke 15:32, NIV).

From today's lesson: Read Luke 15:12. What lesson can we learn from how the father reacted to the son’s request? What does that tell us about how God relates to us?

Also, what do you think about free choice in light of the fact that unlike our earthly parents, God knows for certain the consequences of the choices we make?
Today's lesson 'You can go home again' was very helpful to me. You know, sometimes we drift away and we feel so disconnected from God that it feels hopeless, like we could never get back home. But in Luke 15:20, the father in the parable saw his wayward son coming a long way off, had compassion and ran to meet him to bring him back home.

From studying that, I don't think we need to have it all figured out- the path back to safety. We just need to make the choice and begin moving in the right direction and God will in His mercy lead us back home.
Ok im caught up on the lessons but my phone won't let me watch this week's video and I'm not by a computer right now. One question... who writes these questions at the end of the study?! Lol got me over here examining my life, feeling convicted and what not lol. The question was
Who among us, at times, hasn't been really sorry, not so much for our sins but for the consequences of them, especially when we get caught?

There have definitely been times I felt bad for doing a sin ONLY because the consequence was too much to deal with. Because I wasn't truly repentant of the actual sin itself, I would think of ways to do the sin and achieve a different /lesser consequence. If the prodigal son didn't hit rock bottom, resorting to eating with pigs while remembering how good he had it in his father's house, there's a chance he would have continued in what the Bible calls "riotous living".
Think about it. If he had by some chance found a way to make more money he could've continued to support his lifestyle- what reason would he have to go back home?

The lesson then asks
why not choose to avoid the sin and spare yourself all the sorrow and the repentance that (one hopes) will follow?
:look: lol
Oook so you can watch videos OR listen to an audio of the weekly lessons. JinaRicci I've never looked at at it in that way before! His producer's inlaws could have given him any ole shawl but because it was special from their own tribe, to me it shows TRUE acceptance. The prodigal son was on his way home ready to accept the fact that his father may only accept him as a servant after all he had done. Imagine how he must've felt to see his father welcoming him with the finest coat the family had! Once again true acceptance.
What are your thoughts?
Wow, this is great Jenibo! ITA with you on having to hit rock-bottom sometimes. These questions are really hard. :) Well, hopefully we would choose not to do the sin because we remember the consequences, we've seen them in other people's lives or because we love God so much that we can't stand to be separated from Him.

I didn't remember that the prodigal son expected only to be a servant. Good point! That must have been something to be welcomed back like that. Like you said, this really shows the True Acceptance that we are given by God. We don't get a trial period and we're not placed on the sidelines because of our mistakes. We are welcomed back fully into the fold. Amazing!
Ladies - I have been reading the study lessons in this thread and have been truly blessed!

Thanks for sharing :)
Hi Ladies, How are you? Sorry I've been sick this week. Last week's study was wonderful. What stuck with me the most is that the robe that the father gave the prodigal son wasn't earned. The other son was mad that he wasn't rewarded but it's not about how much time we put in. Salvation is free.

So... we're on the 11th lesson!!

The Wedding Garment

Memory Text: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit ” (Romans 8:1).

Catching up with yesterday's lesson "Without a Garment" (Matthew 22):

If you had been invited to the Royal Wedding a couple mos ago, what possible reason would you have given for not attending??? And if you did go, you would have most likely chosen something fashionable to wear based on the appropriate dress code. That would cost you some $$$, so would it be worth it?
Hey, Hope you are enjoying your studies. I'd like to hear from you though... ;)

Lesson 12

Memory Text: “For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole” (Mark 5:28).

In one sense, it shouldn’t be all that surprising that we can glean so many lessons from clothing in the Bible, should it? After all, clothing is so much a part of us; clothing can say a lot about us and who we are, even when no voice is heard. Rightly or wrongly, we often make judgments about others by what they wear or how they wear it.

This week’s lesson will look at the question of clothing, all in the context of Jesus. We’ll explore the woman who believed, rightly so, that all she had to do was touch His clothes, and she would be healed. Then there’s Jesus, laying aside His garment in order to wash the feet of His disciples. Next we’ll look at the high priest who, standing before the Lord, rent his own garments in an act that sealed the haughty ruler’s doom. Then there’s Jesus in the garments of mockery, put on Him by the Roman soldiers. And finally we’ll look at the soldiers casting lots for Christ’s garment, thus fulfilling an ancient prophecy.

Just clothing, yes; yet full of symbolism and meaning, for sure.
Hey Guys I been so busy doing this and that and nothing at the same time. I am going to sabbath school tomorrow so I am excited, I never get out of here early enough to go and so I am going to make sure I get there, Anyway. I haven't had a chance to read the lessons this week and so i am going to sit down and go over them and post my comments. I am so glad this thread is continuing. I wish we did this week so I have something to say thats profound and so I will try my best to keep up with this post so we can help one other and hopefully bless others.
Hey Guys I been so busy doing this and that and nothing at the same time. I am going to sabbath school tomorrow so I am excited, I never get out of here early enough to go and so I am going to make sure I get there, Anyway. I haven't had a chance to read the lessons this week and so i am going to sit down and go over them and post my comments. I am so glad this thread is continuing. I wish we did this week so I have something to say thats profound and so I will try my best to keep up with this post so we can help one other and hopefully bless others.

I started off strong with studying my lesson and then slacked off majorly. I have next quarter's lesson, and I vow to do better. This thread was really enlightening. We should try to keep it up into the upcoming quarters.
I wanted to share something with you guys. Its almost time for me to get ready and head out to service. Happy Sabbath everyone. Gods special blessings on you this day.
I been reading this book, I just got it and it has had some impact on me. My mind is always churning. I always felt that when God was handing down blessings he forgot me. I haven't been blessed with anything, I can see his blessings on my children and their talents but where is mine. Well I know how God is blessing me, he has given me a heart to serve and to have compassion on others. It took me a while to see what all that meant. butI am forever thinking of ways that others can be blessed and so I have it on my heart to become a prayer warrior and its really funny. I do not like to pray outloud at all. I have a prayer partner we pray at 5:30 am each morning except for weekends we pray at 8 am. I am looking to get another prayer partner for 5 am. I am a morning person. So anyway that requires that I pray outloud and since we do this all the timeI have become use to it. But I feel I am not praying effectively and I truly want to and so I been thinking about it more and more and so I purchased this book called Passionate Prayers by Brenda Walsh. I am a fan of her, and her sisters anyway. I really enjoy when they cook on 3ABN and when they sing. I get such a kick out of viewing them. so I purchased her book. both battered and abused and this prayer book. I only been reading the prayer book because its such a good and wonderful book its basically her testamony. Her sharing how much she prays and how God blesses her prayers and I am just so overwhelmed at how wonderful God is and we think we are not blessed but just to have a bed and blanket is a blessing. Just to have four walls is a blessing. Just to take shower without having to kills bugs is a blessing. Oh my goodness my desire to pray about everything was truly enhanced. I want to be able to pray about all circumstances without fumbling around for the words. I am making green smoothies, it was on my heart to pray about the blender and pray over the food and the cups so that each person will feel the healing powers instanty. Now I say that because I never felt anything I just dranked the smoothie its affect came later, but others feel it as soon as they drank it. I thought they were making it up but they were not. They were serious it happened to many times for me to not believe it. It is my desire to see healing powers in the members of my church I am making it because we pray each morning for healing for my prayer partners husband and it just came over me that I can make him a smoothie if he likes it perhaps he would consider doing the raw diet for 30 day that might change his life. he might be more wiling to listen to some of the things I like to share about the healing powers in the greens. God has given us everything we need on this very earth. Everything. I didn't think God could see me as an individual person but he really does and he has blessed me. I just forget to count my blessings. So I wanted to be able to pray more for people but I dont' have the right words. oh sometimes I hear others pray and I just want to weep they can call down angels from heaven with flaming swords to guard homes, who would have thought of such a thing. some of those prayers I would like to have recorded because I would love to just sit and listen to them. oh it sounds silly but really I would. So it is now my desire to become a pray warrior and so now the journey begins. I hope you guys don't mind me sharing something thats going on in my life. As I draw closer to God I start to see how easy it is to overcome things I once thought was impossible for me. So continue to pray for this thread and for each other as my prayers are with you all.
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