Bible Study: Genesis

I want to set the stage so that you the reader will understand what the father of many nations, Abraham was up against when God called him.

Nimrod means " rebel " or " let us revolt "

Babel in Hebrew means " confusion " in Sumerian/Akkadian " gateway to a god "

Remember that Nimrod was the son of Cush ( Ethiopian ). He founded the land of shinar or land of Nimrod or Mesopotamia. The land of Ur was located in this region, where Abram came from.

We also learned that Abram is a descendant of Shem, which means " name or renown ". Abram, would become the ancestor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whose name is above every name, according to Phillipians 2:9.

The land of shinar was a wicked and corrupt place. Nimrod living up to his name, established a "system " that was in rebellion to God. He established human government, idolatry, and astrology to name a few. God scattered the people by confounding their language but the " system " lived on and is in existents today.

See the next thread Genesis Chapter 12