Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Company!!!


New Member
I am new here and never did introduce myself,I am a nappy head of course I wear my hair natural and I love it, I just wanted to shre with everyone who has thick dry hair like I do, I have spent so much money on products that did not give me the softness that I wanted, Now that I have found them I am loving my natural hair even more and now I don't have to wet it every morning before I pick it out, I am so glad of that since it is getting colder, I only use what works for me and my staples are the following:

Amla & Olive Heavy Cream (really makes my hair soft & moist)

Olive & Honey Hydrating Balm ( when I use this with the Heavy cream my fro is like Cotton Candy with extra softness)

Karite Nut Curl Milk ( Makes my curls more visible and I use this alone sometimes)

They have other stuff but I don't like to many products in my hair at one time, but Ladies that are natural and have thick dry hair or maybe even that scab hair this will help soften it, I was getting so mad trying to find something and I am no Kitchen Beautician! But I just wanted to share to those who are like me, I have always been skeptical about products that would claim to help my Dry nappy thick hair, But this one did it is made by a black women who was tired of products that didn't really cater to the ones who have that thick dry hair and plus she is a member on Nappturality, I am so happy, I get my products real quick like in 3 days, I should be a spokes person for their company LOL!!!!

Also these were my results with the products that I was using, you might like them and then you might not, or your hair might and might not. But Mine does and so do I!!

I am no Longer a Product Junkie Anymore and my cabinets have so much space it looks funny, it took me 3 years to find a staple like this for my Natural hair,My hair don't like shea butter it done nothing for my hair.

Thanks For haiving me Join this wonderful Board of Ladies!!
I've been using Qhemet for a couple of weeks now and my hair has never felt softer!!. I use the products you named. I love the products and will be with them for a while...............
it sure does fell good when you finally find products that works for you. I haven't found mines as yet. i'm still looking. i have my product list in my album. i will try them for a couple months and see how they work out. my hair grows pretty fast,it's keeoing it long and healthy is the hard part.

again congrats
Yes it does feel good to finally find a product that keeps natural hair like mine soft, I was never looking for curl definitions I was looking for moisture and softness, Now that I have it I love my hair even more and it is growing like wildfire,I still want to try myhoneychild products and I might get samples of them next week to put in the mix just tosee how they are, well thanks ladies for responding,But Qhemet is all I Know:grin:
Oh my gosh - I had promised myself not to buy any new products and was doing pretty well until I came across raves for this line. I ordered the sample pack and I am in love. My faves are the Honeybush Hair Tea Gel and the Olive & Honey Hydrating Balm. These products give my hair shine and moisture without being greasy and heavy. I even use the tea gel on my son's hair and it's so perfect for his little fro! I also love the unique packaging. I'll be ordering full-sizes soon and may order some products as gifts for relatives.
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

I must be doing something wrong. I bought the sample kit... because I had read so many good things on another site...and so far... I can't say that I am impressed. It seems like most of my other products. How are you guys using this stuff?
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

Awwww, man. Now you done made me get the itch to buy some new products.
These are the best products for super dry hair imo, especially the heavy cream. Has anyone tried the soap of alep?
I've been eyeing these products for a while now. I like that they are black owned and natural. I will definately be trying in the future.
Yeah ITA-Qhemet products are by far some of the best I have tried. I use the amla heavy cream all the time for pre-poo treatments and the honey balm is moisturizing.
Qhemet has very nice products with quality ingredients. The Olive Cream Detangler and the Amla & Olive Heavy Cream are now paraben free.
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

ThursdayGirl said:
I must be doing something wrong. I bought the sample kit... because I had read so many good things on another site...and so far... I can't say that I am impressed. It seems like most of my other products. How are you guys using this stuff?

You know as the saying goes what works for one might not work for another, I have like 4b hair and my hair is very dry and thick and it was hard to find products to give me moisture, it is so much raves because most of us have Very Dry hair that is very thick, I use it as a daily moisturizer, I guess if your hair is not dry or thick it might not work as well for you, But I love it! I can have soft hair all day long without reapplying and it has sheen, My hair is always damp but not wet and sometimes it is almost dry,I don't have to wet myhair to apply the products everyday, especially when I use the Olive Detangler with the Heavy cream, I find that they work great together.
But I know what you mean when you hear all these Rave Reviews and then it doesn't work for you! LOL!! I have been there myself. :)
I tried the sample pack a few months back and I liked the Olive & Honey Hydrating Balm because it seemed to make my hair grow faster.
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

I need a new moisturizer. Can these products be used on relaxed hair?
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

i might have to try this because my hair is very thick and VERY dry. it broke up because i wasn't moisturizing it like i should.
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

nikki1971 said:
I need a new moisturizer. Can these products be used on relaxed hair?

I don't know but you can write the company and ask.
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

ThursdayGirl said:
I must be doing something wrong. I bought the sample kit... because I had read so many good things on another site...and so far... I can't say that I am impressed. It seems like most of my other products. How are you guys using this stuff?

I felt the same way. I really liked the hydrating balm but it was a bit too greasy for me. The Honeybush hair tea I have not found good use for on my relaxed hair. Recently I revisted the Olive Cream and I was impressed. I think I will buy a full size of that one.
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

nikki1971 said:
I need a new moisturizer. Can these products be used on relaxed hair?

I am relaxed and the Olive cream is great. I did not really like the hydrating balm and honeybush hair tea, but I do plan to revisit them to find some use for them.

But, the Olive cream is nice. It was not too thick and made my hair shiny.
I'm natural and they do wonders for my hair. She said on another board that the hydrating balm was the natural equivalent to stay soft fro so thats obviously not for relaxed hair. she has a recommendation chart. i'd think the lighter products like the olive cream or the curl milk would be a better fit for relaxed hair since theyre made for straighter hair types.
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I've been eyeing these products; however, I was a bit perplexed when I read on the website that they didn't offer shipping insurance for the sake of keeping costs down. I didn't quite understand why the option wasn't allowed since the consumer is actually the one bearing the cost of shipping.
I bought the sample pack a few weeks ago, and I'm not too impressed with it. For some reason, I thought the products all felt weird on my damp hair, giving it a feel that was slightly sticky and not very moisturized. I tried the products alone and together. I also didn't find the Soft Hold Gel really "held" my hair as well as Curly Pudding and IC Fantasia w/ sparklelites did, with curl definition and a glossy finish.

Soo, the only product I use now is the Olive Instant Detangler, that product works really well! in the shower when I'm combing thru my hair.
angelbaby said:
I've been eyeing these products; however, I was a bit perplexed when I read on the website that they didn't offer shipping insurance for the sake of keeping costs down. I didn't quite understand why the option wasn't allowed since the consumer is actually the one bearing the cost of shipping.

People were complaining about the cost of shipping, there's a thread about it on this forum somewhere, so she lowered the shipping costs so that the consumer would pay less.
dija23 said:
I bought the sample pack a few weeks ago, and I'm not too impressed with it. For some reason, I thought the products all felt weird on my damp hair, giving it a feel that was slightly sticky and not very moisturized. I tried the products alone and together. I also didn't find the Soft Hold Gel really "held" my hair as well as Curly Pudding and IC Fantasia w/ sparklelites did, with curl definition and a glossy finish.

Soo, the only product I use now is the Olive Instant Detangler, that product works really well! in the shower when I'm combing thru my hair.

Try them again next time you clarify and see if they perform any better. :)
Re: Qhemet Biologics For Nappy,Kinky,Curly,Thick & Dry Hair This is My Miracle Compan

nikki1971 said:
I need a new moisturizer. Can these products be used on relaxed hair?

They can be used on relaxed or natural. Do a search, I think some relaxed ladies have written reviews.

Here are the ones I did a while back, but I'm natural:



My reviews list the ingredients, but some of the products are reforumulated to be paraben free now. Her pomades have always been paraben free.

I plan on trying the cleanser soon.

Another good one for relaxed is the Herbal Henna Softening oil. It is a good finishing serum-like product I bought that one a few months ago and it has lasted a long time. I don't think it is good for the real-deal moisturizer - the Olive Cream is better for that. It is good for the end style.