PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUNNY)

Has a Man Ever Made You Act Crazy????


    Votes: 19 55.9%

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    Votes: 10 29.4%

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:lol: I'm going through some stuff right now, ya'll. I feel like a fool but I was acting a mess when I found out my ex was cheating on me. This video is SO SO true, at least for me. This video made me feel better.

Let me know if you feel the same way. AND for those of you ladies that are going through something similar right now, I could really use your support. I was with my fiance for 3 years and I caught him sending naked pictures of himself to some girl on his cellphone and texts talking about what they did. I am devastated!:sad:
Aw girl I've been there. Men don't realize that when we have to do crazy things to get the truth (the phone/email/facebook stalking), then the rage that comes with the truth...make someone seem a lil crazy. That's why when a man says his ex is crazy, I think twice about dating him. Cuz I always wanna know what he did to make her crazy.

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Re: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUN

Aw girl I've been there. Men don't realize that when we have to do crazy things to get the truth (the phone/email/facebook stalking), then the rage that comes with the truth...make someone seem a lil crazy. That's why when a man says his ex is crazy, I think twice about dating him. Cuz I always wanna know what he did to make her crazy.

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Thanks Klearli. Why do they have to do that stuff to us? Just as stated in the video. JUST END IT. If he didn't want to be with me he had plenty of opportunities to end it instead of shatter my dreams and hopes of men in the future. I feel that I am damaged goods.
Thanks Klearli. Why do they have to do that stuff to us? Just as stated in the video. JUST END IT. If he didn't want to be with me he had plenty of opportunities to end it instead of shatter my dreams and hopes of men in the future. I feel that I am damaged goods.

Because they need to keep a fallback girl. You are not damaged goods, your are a good. I know you may be devastated, but please pray & look at the site under cheater and try to gain some insight.

In order to get over my beak up I would pray/daily devotion, then read an article on the site and meditate. Its only been a week, and I'm okay.

He didn't cheat, he just left because he said he "wasn't ready"....I didn't take that too kindly but now I am.
Remember, pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

This pain/heartache is catalyst for you.

From MyTouch 4G...On which animated Gifs may not be seen:(
Re: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUN

Thanks softerlover. UPDATE: I feel much better today. I have a huge box of chocolate and just order some chinese food. I'm going to catch up on my favorite sitcoms and my best friend is coming over a little later so that we can have girl talk. Thanks for your support everyone.
Re: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUN

Yes, but I was in my 20s. I wouldn't act like that now in my 30s.

I have the mindset and will tell the guy....if I "THINK" you are cheating...than you are cheating. Because YOU did something for me to think that way.

But I understand why SOME guys don't break up with the girl first; it's because we are emotional and men don't like drama. Which is why some of them will break up with a woman over the phone, text, email, twitter, etc.

The technological age is very beneficial for the ultimate breakup.
Re: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUN

tllundy, yes in my 20s I did act crazy. I would have never thought I would have acted that way. He did some lifetime moment things and when things hurt you that deep you can go there. Once in a lifetime is enough though. I definitely hope you get through this as quick as possible and glad that you have a friend there to help you get through it.

Give yourself a time limit on how long you are going to rehash the stupid stuff he did and then move on. Rehashing too long just puts you in a bad space which hurts you more in the long run.

As I've gotten older, I have realized that most men dislike confrontation and they are actually much weaker in handling situations than women although its insinuated that men are strong. Emotionally many are weak and if they can avoid something they thing is hard or painful they will. They often will not accept responsbility or accountability. So there is a tendency to just do something stupid and let the women get mad and do all of the work. That has been my experience. Avoidance is their strategy of choice.

I am sorry that you are going through this. Take care of yourself and love yourself through it. If you heal through it, then you will look back and be glad that he did you the favor of showing you who he really is.
Re: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUN

yeah i almost popped the trunk on some fool back in the day, or i went to the job and almost got locked up! lol but i am way too grown for that. i will not allow some man to take me there ever again.

hope you feel better OP, know what you are going through. my mouth got me into trouble the last few days, and i thought i was going to be single again.
Re: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MEN: How We Become the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (FUN

OP I'm sorry to hear you're going through this and hope that the Chinese, Sitcom watching and company of your good friend helped you.

I've been through something similar 6 years ago. Thinking back, I must have been crazy to date this guy even before he did the dirty. When I found he was cheating I was pretty calm actually; I had already had enough, this was just stark confirmation I needed to move on and stop waiting for him to change his ways.

It's painful, but at least you found out this seedy nonsense before you'd married and you've seen his true colours before it's too late.