Problems with my professor....HELP!

I say keep it short and to the point:

Please accept my sincerest apologies, as my intentions were not to offend you in any way. I did, however, submit my paper. Will it still count as a zero?

Sweetfacekay :grin:

ITA with this e-mail idea...based on what I read so far I could see your professor catching feelings off the part of your e-mail where you said you would take her comments into "practical consideration"
I say keep it short and to the point:

Please accept my sincerest apologies, as my intentions were not to offend you in any way. I did, however, submit my paper. Will it still count as a zero?

Sweetfacekay :grin:

This is great. It is quick and to the point. The one you suggested sweetface was defensive and still putting the professor at fault.
This is great. It is quick and to the point. The one you suggested sweetface was defensive and still putting the professor at fault.

Ok! I'll use queen_t's version...if thats ok :grin: Thanks for all the help!
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I don't see how your note was abrasive at all.


No offense, but she has a point. It was due at 12:00, and you submitted it at 12:02, making it late.

It seems that she sent a generic email to those students whose papers were not turned in right at 12:00.

For you to put in the line, "Did I receive a zero for being 2 minutes late?" seems a bit over the top, and I can see how she might have sensed a bit of attitude in that statement. I think it's generous of her to accept it after she sent that email.

I'm a Computer Science major, and all of my work is turned in using Blackboard's Digital Drop Box. Most due dates for assignments are 11:59 PM, and turning in anything even one minute late will result in a ZERO, regardless of how cool i am with a certain professor, or if there are technical issues with my computer, or what the reason was for turning it in late.

It took me a couple zeros for the point to sink in, seeing as though I used to be the Queen of excuses. :look:

This line from her note was completely out of line, though:
"If you want me to begin a lateness policy
specifically for you, please advise." . A completely uncalled for smart ass response. Not cool.:nono: If she does agree to meet with you, let her know that that was out of line.

I agree with the bolded Pookie and I hate Blackboard.
OP, your professor sounds like a trip. She could have taken your 2 minute comment wrong and I havent read the thread so Im not sure how you intended it to read. She can nail you on the 2 minute thing but I would go directly to whoever is over her if you think she's going to be giving you crap.
None taken! You are exactly right. I can see how the 2 minutes late comment can seem "smart" or sassy now after the fact. I really did want to know if that was why I received the zero. Should I even address this part when I talk to her? I really didn't mean to be sassy.

And how should I let her know that lateness policy comment was out of line without offending her again? I know these are a lot of questions but I honestly don't know how.

I would def apologize so she'd know it wasnt your intention.
Do you think she was actually trying to prove that just because you are a sista and she's a sista, you don't get extra favors? I've read where we are hard on our own just to show we don't show preferencial treatment. Just a thought......
Do you think she was actually trying to prove that just because you are a sista and she's a sista, you don't get extra favors? I've read where we are hard on our own just to show we don't show preferencial treatment. Just a thought......

I hope not...cause technically that's still special :yep: Not in a good way, but you see what I'm sayin?
Disclaimer: I haven't read the entire thread yet:

Your email wasn't abrasive but it seems like she is being a stickler for work being handed in on time. Send her an email stating that you would like to come to her office hours to discuss the matter. Bring with a print out of the time that you submitted your paper and explain to her that you work hard on your school work and that it won't happen again.

That's usually what profs want to hear anyway, 1. you will continue to work hard and 2. it won't happen again.

Good luck.

ETA: I would keep all correspondence with her by email to keep her honest. This way you create a paper trail just in case you have to appeal the grade at the end of the semester.
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Wow...She takes her job way too seriously. Sounds like she's on a power trip. Somone once told me "When your hand is in a lions mouth, take some time and draw it out." Give her what she wants and apologize, say you were wrong, won't do it again, show her what you meant about being late in the digital drop box, ask if she will accept the paper and keep it moving. She needs some love in her life...geez!:perplexed And document every convo like another poster said to cya.
I apologized for her perception of me being "unprofessional" and "abrasive." Yes, it killed me to do it, but it was a lose-lose situation....

This is an honest question sincere question.... What do you think I should have done? or What would you have done?
This line from her note was completely out of line, though:
"If you want me to begin a lateness policy
specifically for you, please advise.
" . A completely uncalled for smart ass response. Not cool.:nono: If she does agree to meet with you, let her know that that was out of line.

Please don't do this (the underlined), you will just be shooting yourself in the foot. Apologize, make any necessary amends and get out of her class with your dignity and a decent grade. Trust me. Right now I'm dealing w/ a student who is getting belligerent(not saying you are) over not meeting basic requirements for an assignment. His poor attitude is about to cost him his grade and a spot in my class.

I see you've gotten good advice. Your professor seems high strung, but not completely out of line (the assignment was late).
She seemed to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed - clearly SHE is overacting. I think your email is perfectly professional and NOT abrasive. Forgive her - she is probably going through something. I would simple send her back an email apologizing for the misunderstanding - take the back seat and play up to her ego. You never want to get on the wrong side of your professor since your grade could be at stake.

Off topic a bit but I wanted to share this. Tonight in class we dissected a pig. My partner asked the professor for help - he took the scalpel and started clearing the skin but he made a mistake and sliced the trachea in two. He immediately blamed my partner for cutting the trachea and she was getting hysterical and they were going back and forth until I told her to stop it and let it go - that is a battle she will not win. We laughed it off later on because we both know the professor was lying.
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I apologized for her perception of me being "unprofessional" and "abrasive." Yes, it killed me to do it, but it was a lose-lose situation....

This is an honest question sincere question.... What do you think I should have done? or What would you have done?

I think you should've found some way to appease her (and you did) so you can get a real grade and not that zero. I just didn't know *exactly* what you were apologizing for. I probably would've done the same.
Disclaimer: I haven't read the entire thread yet:

Your email wasn't abrasive but it seems like she is being a stickler for work being handed in on time. Send her an email stating that you would like to come to her office hours to discuss the matter. Bring with a print out of the time that you submitted your paper and explain to her that you work hard on your school work and that it won't happen again.

That's usually what profs want to hear anyway, 1. you will continue to work hard and 2. it won't happen again.

Good luck.

ETA: I would keep all correspondence with her by email to keep her honest. This way you create a paper trail just in case you have to appeal the grade at the end of the semester.

Hmmm...good thinking! Never thought about that. Well I definitely have the last two emails, so right now I'm just waiting on her next response! :yep:
Wow...She takes her job way too seriously. Sounds like she's on a power trip. Somone once told me "When your hand is in a lions mouth, take some time and draw it out." Give her what she wants and apologize, say you were wrong, won't do it again, show her what you meant about being late in the digital drop box, ask if she will accept the paper and keep it moving. She needs some love in her life...geez!:perplexed And document every convo like another poster said to cya.

Appreciate the advice!!! And I like that quote :yep: a lot!
She seemed to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed - clearly SHE is overacting. I think your email is perfectly professional and NOT abrasive. Forgive her - she is probably going through something. I would simple send her back an email apologizing for the misunderstanding - take the back seat and play up to her ego. You never want to get on the wrong side of your professor since your grade could be at stake.

Off topic a bit but I wanted to share this. Tonight in class we dissected a pig. My partner asked the professor for help - he took the scalpel and started clearing the skin but he made a mistake and sliced the trachea in two. He immediately blamed my partner for cutting the trachea and she was getting hysterical and they were going back and forth until I told her to stop it and let it go - that is a battle she will not win. We laughed it off later on because we both know the professor was lying.[/quote]

I have forgiven her...and you know what...I feel stronger for doing so!! For some reason reading everyone's response really put me at ease and made me think, rather than respond back to her out of anger :yep:. It felt good sending the email queen_t suggested :yep:.

And in the situation with the pig....I honestly don't know how I would have reacted. I probably would have laughed out of disbelief lol. Your partner was lucky to have you :yep:
First let me state I am a college instructor. I am the first one to acknowledge that sometimes professors take an e-mail in the totally wrong tone. I even had to put it in my syllabus that disrespectful e-mails and comments will result in a loss of points.
It does sound like she sent a generic e-mail to all students who were late irregardless of the time. But, she didn't need to go off. I thought her tone was much more abrasive than yours. That being said, late assignments and trying to collect them really do disrupt the timing of the class and really the whole class suffers from the professor's standpoint. She should have just answered your question and left out how she felt about your professionalism (it wasn't necessary and it was a little overboard).
Professors are sometimes weird people. PM me and I could tell you some stories.
Met her in her office hour to discuss the assignment, thus she can hear and feel your tone. If she still hates, then just turn in your assignments ahead of time and wait until the semester is over.

She responded back.

Her email:
Hi. Document received. I trust that you posted on time.

Happy Easter,


So, the kind, sincere, apology email did work! :clap::yay::cup:Thank You to everyone who responded. It meant A LOT! Really IT DID! I LOVE THIS FORUM! :meme::heart::grouphug2:

She responded back.

Her email:
Hi. Document received. I trust that you posted on time.

Happy Easter,


So, the kind, sincere, apology email did work! :clap::yay::cup:Thank You to everyone who responded. It meant A LOT! Really IT DID! I LOVE THIS FORUM! :meme::heart::grouphug2:

Awww..that's good. She even said Happy Easter, she is human afterall! :grin: