Problems with my professor....HELP!


Well-Known Member
First, my apologies for this thread being so long...but I really need help.

So...I think I messed up with my professor. She sent me an email stating I was receiving a zero on a paper. I emailed her back stating I turned in the paper and I'm not understanding why I was receiving a zero. She was offended by my email calling it "abrasive" and unprofessional.

Should I email her back, meet up with her in person, or what? I really was scared when I read the "zero" email and I guess I freaked out. I can not mess up this relationship because she is one of the few black professors at my university...please help.

here are the emails...

Her first email...
Hi. Due to the fact that I did not receive your EMA by 12:00 p.m. on March 3rd, you have chosen to accept the "zero" grade for 10% of your overall course grade.

Please contact me directly asap, if you have a different response or comments.

Thank you.

Go Heels,

My response

When can I meet with you about this? Here is a direct copy and past from the digital
drop box stating the date and time I added the EMA.

Posted on: Mon Mar 03 2008 12:02

Did I receive a zero for being 2 minutes late?


Here response...
Hi. Your note is rather abrasive. I suggest you improve your

My request was simply to confirm the lack of a submission of your EMA. If
you have the EMA completed, please forward the document immediately. If you
want to me with me as well, my office hours are posted and you can call me

I have no idea what you are referring to in regards to "being 2 minutes
late?" I expect students to arrive on time to avoid interruption of lecture
and your classmates learning. If you want me to begin a lateness policy
specifically for you, please advise. :perplexed


I have no clue what garnered her response. Was my email really all that abrasive? I just asked a couple of questions and provided proof that I turned in my assignment. However, this is not the first time she has misinterpreted my emails. Any ideas on how to improve this?

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I think there must be a misunderstanding. I didn’t see anything abrasive or unprofessional in your response. Did she receive the paper or NOT? You were only confirming by your copy/paste that you dropped it off at 12:02 pm but her response was she basically didn’t know what you were talking about and asked you to submit it immediately. So to me it reads that she didn't get it. Why did she jump at you like that? It doesn't make sense and she was very unprofessional in her response to YOU with that terse comment about time.

In the future I would pick up the phone or see her directly. Sometimes the tone of emails can be misinterpreted.
Wow. Her email was def abrasive. I didn't read anything offensive in your email. I really believe that you were wondering whether you were getting a zero since technically, your paper was late. She must have taken it as you "getting smart.":ohwell:
I agree with Honi in that I would talk to her directly. Although you have nothing to apologize for, I'd just apologize on GP and tell that you're soory if the tone or questions that you were asking was misinterpreted. I would keep all contact with her verbal.

Good luck.
Perhaps she's in a bad mood? From what I've read, the email did seem a little more casual than many professors would like. But there was nothing abrasive about your email! I'd meet with her.
I don't see how your note was abrasive at all.


No offense, but she has a point. It was due at 12:00, and you submitted it at 12:02, making it late.

It seems that she sent a generic email to those students whose papers were not turned in right at 12:00.

For you to put in the line, "Did I receive a zero for being 2 minutes late?" seems a bit over the top, and I can see how she might have sensed a bit of attitude in that statement. I think it's generous of her to accept it after she sent that email.

I'm a Computer Science major, and all of my work is turned in using Blackboard's Digital Drop Box. Most due dates for assignments are 11:59 PM, and turning in anything even one minute late will result in a ZERO, regardless of how cool i am with a certain professor, or if there are technical issues with my computer, or what the reason was for turning it in late.

It took me a couple zeros for the point to sink in, seeing as though I used to be the Queen of excuses. :look:

This line from her note was completely out of line, though:
"If you want me to begin a lateness policy
specifically for you, please advise.
" . A completely uncalled for smart ass response. Not cool.:nono: If she does agree to meet with you, let her know that that was out of line.
It seems you are both getting your wires crossed. That's the problem with written communication, it can be interpreted in several tones.

That being said, my first impression of your e-mail is not that it is abrasive. Have you crossed bad paths with her before? She seems a little aggressive like she's angry about something.

Go talk to her in person. You don't want to keep on having your e-mails misconstrued.

sometimes you have to suck it up. I had a teacher blow up at me once when I asked her why i always got B's. I talked to her in person, it was an english lit class, my mom was an english lit teacher herself and read all my papers. I felt I met the grade but I always got B's. I asked her, in person "I would really appreciate it if you would help me learn how to write better papers. I want to improve my writing but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I would appreciate help from you so that i can write A-papers." The woman said 'sure." The next day, she blew up at me in class in front of everyone saying I thought I was too good for B's, that I thought she was an unfair and bad teacher. I was like wtf? So I just sucked it up and apologized just for the sake of not having a teacher hate me.

Go meet with her, apologize. Say you are sorry you came off as abrasive because it certainly wasn't your intention.
It seems she thought you were talking about coming to class late, not submitting your paper 2 mins late. because she references interrupting lectures. Seems like she thought you were saying she failed you just because you were late to class and that you were being smart aleck-y about being late. Just go clear it up in person. Admit your paper was late by 2 mins, see if she's willing to let it go. If not, now you know to turn it in at least an hour before it's due.
I don't see how your note was abrasive at all.


No offense, but she has a point. It was due at 12:00, and you submitted it at 12:02, making it late.

It seems that she sent a generic email to those students whose papers were not turned in right at 12:00.

For you to put in the line, "Did I receive a zero for being 2 minutes late?" seems a bit over the top, and I can see how she might have sensed a bit of attitude in that statement. I think it's generous of her to accept it after she sent that email.

I'm a Computer Science major, and all of my work is turned in using Blackboard's Digital Drop Box. Most due dates for assignments are 11:59 PM, and turning in anything even one minute late will result in a ZERO, regardless of how cool i am with a certain professor, or if there are technical issues with my computer, or what the reason was for turning it in late.

It took me a couple zeros for the point to sink in, seeing as though I used to be the Queen of excuses. :look:

This line from her note was completely out of line, though:
"If you want me to begin a lateness policy
specifically for you, please advise." . A completely uncalled for smart ass response. Not cool.:nono: If she does agree to meet with you, let her know that that was out of line.

None taken! You are exactly right. I can see how the 2 minutes late comment can seem "smart" or sassy now after the fact. I really did want to know if that was why I received the zero. Should I even address this part when I talk to her? I really didn't mean to be sassy.

And how should I let her know that lateness policy comment was out of line without offending her again? I know these are a lot of questions but I honestly don't know how.
My response

When can I meet with you about this? Here is a direct copy and past from the digital
drop box stating the date and time I added the EMA.

Posted on: Mon Mar 03 2008 12:02

Did I receive a zero for being 2 minutes late?


Here response...
Hi. Your note is rather abrasive. I suggest you improve your

My request was simply to confirm the lack of a submission of your EMA. If
you have the EMA completed, please forward the document immediately. If you
want to me with me as well, my office hours are posted and you can call me

I have no idea what you are referring to in regards to "being 2 minutes
late?" I expect students to arrive on time to avoid interruption of lecture
and your classmates learning. If you want me to begin a lateness policy
specifically for you, please advise. :perplexed

OH, i get it. You weren't clear in asking "Did I get a zero for being two minutes late". She thought you literally meant being late for class. Make sure to clarify that you meant to say, "Am I getting a zero for turning in this paper 2 minutes late?".

She probably didn't realize that you turned yours in late, because the first email she sent seemed automated. :yep:
It seems you are both getting your wires crossed. That's the problem with written communication, it can be interpreted in several tones.

That being said, my first impression of your e-mail is not that it is abrasive. Have you crossed bad paths with her before? She seems a little aggressive like she's angry about something.

Go talk to her in person. You don't want to keep on having your e-mails misconstrued.

sometimes you have to suck it up. I had a teacher blow up at me once when I asked her why i always got B's. I talked to her in person, it was an english lit class, my mom was an english lit teacher herself and read all my papers. I felt I met the grade but I always got B's. I asked her, in person "I would really appreciate it if you would help me learn how to write better papers. I want to improve my writing but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I would appreciate help from you so that i can write A-papers." The woman said 'sure." The next day, she blew up at me in class in front of everyone saying I thought I was too good for B's, that I thought she was an unfair and bad teacher. I was like wtf? So I just sucked it up and apologized just for the sake of not having a teacher hate me.

Go meet with her, apologize. Say you are sorry you came off as abrasive because it certainly wasn't your intention.
It seems she thought you were talking about coming to class late, not submitting your paper 2 mins late. because she references interrupting lectures. Seems like she thought you were saying she failed you just because you were late to class and that you were being smart aleck-y about being late. Just go clear it up in person. Admit your paper was late by 2 mins, see if she's willing to let it go. If not, now you know to turn it in at least an hour before it's due.

Wow! I can't believe your professor did that!

Yea, I agree talking to her in person is the best bet. But I honestly haven't crossed paths before. This professor is a soror and in person I invite her to a lot of our chapters events. She's never been though. But I don't know if she's connected my name to my face...but she will if we meet in person about this...
None taken! You are exactly right. I can see how the 2 minutes late comment can seem "smart" or sassy now after the fact. I really did want to know if that was why I received the zero. Should I even address this part when I talk to her? I really didn't mean to be sassy.

And how should I let her know that lateness policy comment was out of line without offending her again? I know these are a lot of questions but I honestly don't know how.

Just flat out apologize. Say you see how your comment is rude, that it wasn't your intention. That you really just meant to find out if you got a zero for a bad assignment/assignment not received or a late assignment and keep it at that. Then if that's the case, acknowledge that you've learned when she says 11.59 she means 11:59 and you dont expect special treatment.
Wow. Her email was def abrasive. I didn't read anything offensive in your email. I really believe that you were wondering whether you were getting a zero since technically, your paper was late. She must have taken it as you "getting smart.":ohwell:
I agree with Honi in that I would talk to her directly. Although you have nothing to apologize for, I'd just apologize on GP and tell that you're soory if the tone or questions that you were asking was misinterpreted. I would keep all contact with her verbal.

Good luck.

Yea...I see now how all this could have been prevented verbally...
OH, i get it. You weren't clear in asking "Did I get a zero for being two minutes late". She thought you literally meant being late for class. Make sure to clarify that you meant to say, "Am I getting a zero for turning in this paper 2 minutes late?".

She probably didn't realize that you turned yours in late, because the first email she sent seemed automated. :yep: are exactly right.....I should have done that. :spinning:
Just flat out apologize. Say you see how your comment is rude, that it wasn't your intention. That you really just meant to find out if you got a zero for a bad assignment/assignment not received or a late assignment and keep it at that. Then if that's the case, acknowledge that you've learned when she says 11.59 she means 11:59 and you dont expect special treatment.

Thanks for the advice. This sounds really good. :yep:
:lachen: :lachen:

Fa' real!
Get a lil' authority and dont know how to ack... :nono:


You were NOT out of line.You were actually pretty nice about it...

Exactly. You should respond saying that you were not abrasive, you innocently asked a question regarding her reply. Definitely follow up on that zero...
I see no abrasiveness or unprofessional tone to your email at all. :nono:

I've received much worse from my students where it's like WTH? :perplexed

It sounds like she's being a stickler for the class policy, which 2 minutes late equals late and zero credit.
It seems to me like she was looking for you to beg for a grade. She wants to feel like she's in control, while in your email you made her feel like she's your counterpart or the student teacher, not a professor. She probably thinks your using the fact that she's black to slack on your work.

Or she could just be PMSing.......
She needs to work on her professionalism. Stooping to your perceived level is no way to maintain respect and control of the class.

Now, you need to work on your tone. I would never email a professor without addressing them by name in the salutation. I would also have immediately begun pleading my case instead of responding with a deadpan statement about being two minutes late.

I'm the type to give you a zero for not turning something in on time.
your response was not "abrasive". i personally think she just needs to remove that ferret up her arse...:look::perplexed

maybe she's pissed that you "dared" question her authority as a lecturer/professor.
I didn't see anything wrong with your reply to her. You have been given some great advice thus far.

I would probably remove your professor's information from your original post though, you never know who is reading.:look:
I didn't see anything wrong with your reply to her. You have been given some great advice thus far.

I would probably remove your professor's information from your original post though, you never know who is reading.:look:

Oh you are right. Good looking out.
She needs to work on her professionalism. Stooping to your perceived level is no way to maintain respect and control of the class.

Now, you need to work on your tone. I would never email a professor without addressing them by name in the salutation. I would also have immediately begun pleading my case instead of responding with a deadpan statement about being two minutes late.

I'm the type to give you a zero for not turning something in on time.

Wow. I guess I responded to her email so quick that I didn't even think about formatting the email correctly, or atleast with more respect. :wallbash:
your response was not "abrasive". i personally think she just needs to remove that ferret up her arse...:look::perplexed

maybe she's pissed that you "dared" question her authority as a lecturer/professor.

Yea, but in her first email she said to email if you had a "different response or comments".....did she not mean it??
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Yea, but in her first email she said to email if you had a "different response or comments".....did she not mean it??

Maybe she felt like you were calling her out on the two minutes. Reply to her, be very apologetic. Tell her you did mean to be abrasive. Thank her for the feedback and let her know that you will try to tone your e-mails down in the future.

I know you didn't mean anything by it but I don't think this is a battle you want to fight...
Ok I need help with formatting this apology email. I'll also meet with her in person too.

Dear Dr. Stroman,

I apologize if you misunderstood the content or intent of my message. I was simply inquiring into how stringent your late policy is. If turning my assignment in 2 minutes late is what warranted a zero, then that's completely okay - you did say it had to be in by 12. I just wanted to make sure you were clear on the fact that I did submit it.

Again, I apologize wholeheartedly and will take your suggestion concerning my professionalism into practical consideration.


How does that sound??
Ok I need help with formatting this apology email. I'll also meet with her in person too.

Dear Dr. Stroman,

I apologize if you misunderstood the content or intent of my message. I was simply inquiring into how stringent your late policy is. If turning my assignment in 2 minutes late is what warranted a zero, then that's completely okay - you did say it had to be in by 12. I just wanted to make sure you were clear on the fact that I did submit it.

Again, I apologize wholeheartedly and will take your suggestion concerning my professionalism into practical consideration.


How does that sound??

I say keep it short and to the point:

Please accept my sincerest apologies, as my intentions were not to offend you in any way. I did, however, submit my paper. Will it still count as a zero?

Sweetfacekay :grin:
I say keep it short and to the point:

Please accept my sincerest apologies, as my intentions were not to offend you in any way. I did, however, submit my paper. Will it still count as a zero?

Sweetfacekay :grin:


I actually like that. It's short enough so that she can't interpret it any other way but what it's actually saying.