Prettypuff's Relationship Series Question 2


New Member
So i now have a new question. I met someone.... YAY. I am equally excited because I can at least try somethings out. I want to know about the culture your SO/DH is in. Is it nessicarry that you two be of the same type. I mean liking the same things. I mean superficially, we are totally different. I am very girly feminine, into all things R&B and Hiphop( not that stuff that rapper two quarters makes), and he is very much so into the alternative music and that who sort of thing. But when i talk to him, it is something really different. I feel like i can talk about things that i have always wanted to say to someone and actually have them understand what i mean. I can talk to him about the philosophy class i took and some of the things we learned and not have him look at me like i grew a 3rd head... I am willing to learn about what he likes just as i think he is with me. But i just wanted to know how important is it for you and your partner to like the same things.