Preparation H?!?!?!?!? For Growth????

i've heard of preparation H on the face around the eyes for crow's feet but never for hair. Sorry, won't be tryin it in my hair or my face.
No one? No one is going to comment about this woman's boyfriend pulling out her hair?! No? If this woman is being abused, I think growing her hair is the least of her worries. At least it puts things in perspective for me. I know, I know, it's a hair forum, but man! But I am glad someone posted about her being raw and bleeding. He's trying to heal her and make sure she ain't all bleeding and stuff first.

I was wondering who would go there first.:hide:
I'm going to play devils advocate here.

Lets suppose potion A is made to be a butt cream right? The ingredients are X,Y, and Z.

Lets say Potion B is made to be a hair stimulator and has the same ingredients X,Y,and Z.

Sooooooo why get all up in arms about the use of a thing when many products have multi uses?

If Potion A is called Preperation H and Potion B is called Fass Hur Gro, and they have identical ingredients, I dont see what the big deal is.

Just food for thought.

Yes, you have a point there NL, but I was trying to find out what exactly in it would make hair grow, since I had never heard of it being used on the hair/scalp myself.

Ladies, I have been lurking since last year and this is what made me subscribe... the Preparation H will not help your hair grow, the doc gave it to the girl bc her scalp was raw and bleeding. Somebody mentioned it constricts blood vessels. This helps stop the bleeding in the scalp or in the case of hemorrhoids the expansion of your veins in your behind. Repeat, it was not to help the hair grow, it was bc of the raw and bleeding scalp.

Hi Ekaette and welcome to LHCF! :) In response to your post, I had already asked her why would the doctor prescribe her Preparation H when it was readily available on the store shelves, no prescription required. But she stated the doctor gave her an antibiotic prescription for the raw and bleeding, but told her to purchase Preparation H to get her hair started back growing. I do understand where you're coming from here though. But those are the girl's own words that the stuff was making her hair grow, which is why I was asking about this product on the boards.

No one? No one is going to comment about this woman's boyfriend pulling out her hair?! No? If this woman is being abused, I think growing her hair is the least of her worries. At least it puts things in perspective for me. I know, I know, it's a hair forum, but man! But I am glad someone posted about her being raw and bleeding. He's trying to heal her and make sure she ain't all bleeding and stuff first.

I wasn't about to get all up in her business because this was someone I didn't even know. And I felt it would be a little rude of me to inquire about the "whys" and such. But my friend did tell me that it was the girl's fault because she grabbed her boyfriend by the neck when she thought he was trying to talk to another girl. But I don't think it was warranted for him to pull the girl's hair though. I just don't know, so I'm trying to stay out of that.

*****But above all else, I don't mean no harm or disrespect to anyone or anything, I just wanted to know what was up with the Preparation H and if anyone heard it actually grew hair is all. I use MN and it works great for me, so was just wondering, and knew that LHCF'ers would set me straight if it was possible or not. So I thank you all for that.*****
Ladies, I have been lurking since last year and this is what made me subscribe... the Preparation H will not help your hair grow, the doc gave it to the girl bc her scalp was raw and bleeding. Somebody mentioned it constricts blood vessels. This helps stop the bleeding in the scalp or in the case of hemorrhoids the expansion of your veins in your behind. Repeat, it was not to help the hair grow, it was bc of the raw and bleeding scalp.

Thank you for setting the record straight. I knew that! lolololol

Y'all are crazy. I can't talk because I've experimented too. HHG

This is a bit OT, but i once was told by a lady that urine can be used as a facial cleanser and improve the complexion. I don't plan on trying it though. The things people will do for beauty. :drunk:

yep,urine a search a lot of ladies on here swear by it. it was also used by ancestors.
Yes, you have a point there NL, but I was trying to find out what exactly in it would make hair grow, since I had never heard of it being used on the hair/scalp myself.

Hi Ekaette and welcome to LHCF! :) In response to your post, I had already asked her why would the doctor prescribe her Preparation H when it was readily available on the store shelves, no prescription required. But she stated the doctor gave her an antibiotic prescription for the raw and bleeding, but told her to purchase Preparation H to get her hair started back growing. I do understand where you're coming from here though. But those are the girl's own words that the stuff was making her hair grow, which is why I was asking about this product on the boards.

I wasn't about to get all up in her business because this was someone I didn't even know. And I felt it would be a little rude of me to inquire about the "whys" and such. But my friend did tell me that it was the girl's fault because she grabbed her boyfriend by the neck when she thought he was trying to talk to another girl. But I don't think it was warranted for him to pull the girl's hair though. I just don't know, so I'm trying to stay out of that.

*****But above all else, I don't mean no harm or disrespect to anyone or anything, I just wanted to know what was up with the Preparation H and if anyone heard it actually grew hair is all. I use MN and it works great for me, so was just wondering, and knew that LHCF'ers would set me straight if it was possible or not. So I thank you all for that.*****
I wasnt directing my post at you. I see a lot of negativity about certain products like MN so I just thought I would put that out there.
I wasnt directing my post at you. I see a lot of negativity about certain products like MN so I just thought I would put that out there.

I wasn't trying to start anything negative either, I just felt like I should say something before like 50 people went to buy it and make it into a challenge
I know how fast these bandwagons start, I've watched quite a few begin :grin:
I know we are talking about preparation H, but since we are talking about hair growth, I have to admit something... my child just not too long ago was sick and stuffed up. Tell me why yesterday I kept glancing at that Vicks Vaporub? :sekret: Then I got up to read all of the ingredients. Then I got my other hair products and compared things they had in common or did not have in common. Dont Worry Though! Things did NOT go any further. I didn't want to put to use it and end up :couchfire: ...but a girl can wonder, can't she? I just told myself to stick with what Im doing and have patience but I was curious. :scratchch
ok I bumped this because the title struck me as funny! But reading thru this a lil now,its not so funny!

I have heard of this being used for puffy eyes though :yep:

did anyone ever try this? erm juss askin even though I doubt it

what about it would make your hair grow though I wonder :confused:

and a doc said it? :eek2: wow
I know we are talking about preparation H, but since we are talking about hair growth, I have to admit something... my child just not too long ago was sick and stuffed up. Tell me why yesterday I kept glancing at that Vicks Vaporub? :sekret: Then I got up to read all of the ingredients. Then I got my other hair products and compared things they had in common or did not have in common. Dont Worry Though! Things did NOT go any further. I didn't want to put to use it and end up :couchfire: ...but a girl can wonder, can't she? I just told myself to stick with what Im doing and have patience but I was curious. :scratchch

lol@Christa eyeballing the Vicks Vaporub! I guess that might be soothing though?
I'm going to play devils advocate here.

Lets suppose potion A is made to be a butt cream right? The ingredients are X,Y, and Z.

Lets say Potion B is made to be a hair stimulator and has the same ingredients X,Y,and Z.

Sooooooo why get all up in arms about the use of a thing when many products have multi uses?

If Potion A is called Preperation H and Potion B is called Fass Hur Gro, and they have identical ingredients, I dont see what the big deal is.

Just food for thought.

Very wise observation :yep:.