Aloe for hair growth and thickening...

I went to whole foods and they had an aloe vera of sorts, but none were organic they had several other ingredients and on average were about 85% aloe vera and all were the gelly type.

I wish I would have found because the ups guy is starting to think I'm running some sort of trafficing business from my home.

I'm getting packages everyday it seems.

I think my ups guy finally grew tired, I was tracking a package that was to be delivered on Tuesday, when I got home it wasnt there so I went online and there was an exception stating a road was out and "I" requested the package be held until further notice:drunk:?

Needless to say I contacted the vendor - then UPS and they guy delivered (w/other package :look:) the next day...he kinda threw it on the front stoup.

I felt like saying if you don't like your job I CAN do business with companies that utilize DHL or FedX???

How bout that :grin:
:blush:he has some nerve u should complain to his employer about him.. lol thats his job I dont care if he has to delivery to u every day
That's why I get the dietary supplement - it doesn't smell ( some of them have a chemical or menthol smell) and it's dietary quality, so anything they add in there won't kill you. And I figure if I can ingest it it's probably fine to put in my hair - that rule doesn't apply to EVERYTHING, but most fruits, nuts, berries, and vegetables you buy can be mashed up and slapped on your scalp. :lachen:

I like that mine is a liquid, b/c I can get it out of a spray bottle with no problems, and it mixes easily w pretty much anything.
:yep: Yeah me to and I also take it internally now
You need to contact UPS headquaters with that. I deal with them everyday. I send and recieve everyday and my packages are date sensitive. I got tired of the lies. That they rang my bell no one is home when i have been home in pjs waiting all day. Since calling headquaters its been smooth sailing. Specially the time i got them to send a manager to pick up my packages at 10PM. My words were "I don't give a F how it gets picked up, plane, pigeon or donkey you are picking it up tonight and they will get it 10am tomorrow and if my client loses their home, Im suing and they are suing.. Now its service with a smile. The UPS guy even drops by to see if have packages.
I did the scalp massage with pure aloe vera gel yesterday. Even today my new growth is SO soft and smooth, it's giving me HIH disease! I love how it feels... and I love knowing that it doesn't have any wierd chemicals in it. The kind I got (from Puritan's Pride) is pesticide free, and is meant to be taken internally. But I heard it tastes horrible... :barf:They have aloe vera supplements in pill form... has anyone taken these before? What were the benefits/drawbacks?
Classic UPS "I rang the bell" :spinning:

I was thinking this guy doesn't drop by until 7:30PM anyway so someone is home during time of evening.

I'll admit the "road was out" was original, but hey, "I'm not out in the boonies, so what 'bridge/road' was he talking about?"

My guess - he forgot about me or plans he had for the evening so :ohwell: she's just outta luck today.

You need to contact UPS headquaters with that. I deal with them everyday. I send and recieve everyday and my packages are date sensitive. I got tired of the lies. That they rang my bell no one is home when i have been home in pjs waiting all day. Since calling headquaters its been smooth sailing. Specially the time i got them to send a manager to pick up my packages at 10PM. My words were "I don't give a F how it gets picked up, plane, pigeon or donkey you are picking it up tonight and they will get it 10am tomorrow and if my client loses their home, Im suing and they are suing.. Now its service with a smile. The UPS guy even drops by to see if have packages.
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Puritan's Pride has the gallon size of dietary aloe vera gel for 8.57, plus $1 for shipping! This is good for people who don't shop at Wal-mart, or whose WM does not carry the gel.
Have you noticed the feel of your hair since using AV?

I did, and knew instantly that AV is a protein!

I just purchased a product from a Health food place, my hands were full with oils so I asked the guy about Aloe Vera gel he grabbed this one off the shelf for me it's called George's Always Active Aloe gel without reading the ingre- I asked if it was all aloe vera he looked on the bottle and said 100% natural and aloe vera.

I just got home putting my stuff away decided to pull this thread up to see if anyone else had this brand I decided to read the label the ingredients are:
Aloe Vera Distilate(anthrquinone free), Sodium Carbamer, Methyl Parabens.
I remember reading once on this board that parabens were bad for you I did a search it shows up that parabens causes Cancer I am taking this stuff back!
I wonder if 100% pure aloe vera is more affective then the regular aloe vera gel.

Aubrey's Organics makes 100% pure aloe vera gel (its a liquid not a gel although it says gel) for topical use and the only other ingredients are citrus seed extract, vitamins A, C and E to preserve it. You dont have to refrigerate it after opening if u dont want to but it says u can refrigerate for better results.

Im thinking this is the best way if u didnt want to go get a plant and its probably more affective since u dont have all those other ingredients that most gels have which may have a small percentage of the actual aloe vera.

I wonder too, but I think 100% pure aloe vera is more effective. I just bought 100% pure aloe vera ( it is a liquid ), I'm going to start using it next month. I'm going to put it in a bottle spray and use it daily since I have a weave now.
Have you noticed the feel of your hair since using AV?

I did, and knew instantly that AV is a protein!


really!?!? I did not know this. thanks for sharing. I had plans to use it as a leave in/detangler in the moisture spritz posted on the hari recipe forum.
In my case, the feel of my hair had to do with the type of aloe vera I used. When I used the 100% aloe vera gel, it made my hair hard and because it is a protein, that is what I attributed the hardness to, although my hair loves protein. When I started my own personal challenge in early January to use aloe vera more frequently and consistently to see what kind of results I could achieve, I used the same gel and juice/drink (Puritan's Pride or Swanson Health brand) that I mix with my goji and acai juices, the food-grade stuff. The AV I use and take internally has purified water (in both the drink/juice and gel) and does not make my hair hard at all. I have used it every night on my hair and scalp since January and my hair just absolutely loves it. My hair is much lusher, stays moisturized throughout the next day and hangs down rather than goes out. I am a person who always likes to try new things and, after a few weeks, I go on to the next best thing, but I have not moved on from aloe vera and do not ever plan to.
Thank you for sharing, this sounds very encouraging. I'm going to look into Puritan's Pride or Swanson Health brand
I've been using aloe vera gel in my hair for a while. A few weeks ago I started drenching my hair in it (after I drenched it in glycerin) at night and then baggying. I already have thick hair and the aloe seem to be making it thicker, but in a good way. Not thick hard hair, but nice luscious hair. I have lots of friends who wear dreads and they use it all of the time. They also use cactus. I guess I'll keep using it.
I couldn't get to the health store after work, so I went to Stop & Shop and bought their FOTE 99.9% aloe juice. The .1% is acidic for preservatives.

Anyhoo, I plan to try it tonight and spritz it in my hair for tomorrow's CW.

I use Aussie's texturizing gel to slick my hair back. Does anyone use aloe gel for this w/ success? I hate to have hair on the top and sides of my hair frizzing up and not slick.
I bought some aloe vera gel at the end of January from and have been putting it in my DC, my body lotion, and my hair moisturizers. My roots are thickening really well and to be honest, I need as much thickness as I can get. I had to put it in the refridgerator until I need to use it again. I noticed that they also carry the aloe vera oil and I will be ordering that next as it does not have to be refrdgerated and I don't have to worry so much about bacteria growing in it.
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I forgot to add to my earlier post how well it detangles. It detangles like a dream and I have not had to deal with tangles or mats or knots in the last two months since using AV on my hair -- lots lof slip, too.
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I used the FORTE 99.9% aloe juice from stop and shop. I don't think this is going to do anything for me alone. I warmed some vatika oil and put it in the spray bottle w/ the aloe and while some parts of my hair the 3b/3c works fine with it, the other parts 4a just seems as dull as ever. It's the 4a parts of my hair that give me the most trouble.

I am still waiting for my smooth & shine Xtra dry gel, perhaps I need aloe mixed w/ glycerin to see some sought of results?

I'm beginning to think those parts of my hair aren't going to react to any product the way I want it to.