Preparation H?!?!?!?!? For Growth????


Active Member
Uhhhhh, please don't kill me for this!!!:blush:

Well just a few minutes ago a friend of mine's came by here to inquire about getting her friend's hair braided up. Well she had her friend with her, so we were conversing about prices, length of braids and such. Well, during that convo, I asked her if she'd mind if I touched her hair to see how much I would be working with for a price quote. Well she has several patches of baldness going on in her head with lil hairs coming in. So I proceeded to ask her what happened to those spots if she didn't mind me asking. She stated that her and her boyfriend got into a physical fight last week and he pulled some of her hair out. She told me she had to go to the doctor because her scalp was raw and bleeding. Well guess what?!!??
Doc told her to put PREPARATION H on her spots!!!! I even asked her HOW it was done, she says just put dots on the spots from the tube and rub it in. Uh is this hemorrhoidal cream the next version of hair growth?????? This is first time I ever heard this, but I wouldn't be surprised seeing that people use/used MN too. So what do you think of this???
Oh, great. Let's see: we got va-jay-jay juice, chicken grease, the Stinky Stuff (a.k.a. MTG) and now anus creams?:lachen:

Well, did she elaborate on how safe it was to use? :sekret:
:blush: Now!

I am cracking up at this. I cannot wait to see the posts!

I guess you know what the nickname for this one is going to be.

Here is the first on $httHead!:lachen:
Uhhhhh, please don't kill me for this!!!:blush:

Well just a few minutes ago a friend of mine's came by here to inquire about getting her friend's hair braided up. Well she had her friend with her, so we were conversing about prices, length of braids and such. Well, during that convo, I asked her if she'd mind if I touched her hair to see how much I would be working with for a price quote. Well she has several patches of baldness going on in her head with lil hairs coming in. So I proceeded to ask her what happened to those spots if she didn't mind me asking. She stated that her and her boyfriend got into a physical fight last week and he pulled some of her hair out. She told me she had to go to the doctor because her scalp was raw and bleeding. Well guess what?!!??
Doc told her to put PREPARATION H on her spots!!!! I even asked her HOW it was done, she says just put dots on the spots from the tube and rub it in. Uh is this hemorrhoidal cream the next version of hair growth?????? This is first time I ever heard this, but I wouldn't be surprised seeing that people use/used MN too. So what do you think of this???

isn't that an anti-inflamatory? Let me shut up....I use MN....and with great results. Im just trying to figure out how that would help to grow hair. (MN is an anti-fungal, so that makes since).hmmm
isn't that an anti-inflamatory? Let me shut up....I use MN....and with great results. Im just trying to figure out how that would help to grow hair. (MN is an anti-fungal, so that makes since).hmmm

:lachen::lachen::lachen:LOL!!! And I use MN too gurlie, I just don't know about this Preparation H though. I thought Preparation H was like for relief purposes you know. I don't even know the active ingredient in that.
I bow to wiki on a regular basis....

Preparation H products come in a variety of formulations. Some are water based gel; some are petroleum jelly based. They range from simple moisturizers with witch-hazel astringent to preparations containing pharmacological ingredients such as phenylephrine, pramoxine and hydrocortisone. Some also contain ingredients of uncertain properties such as aloe vera, shark liver oil and yeast extract.[2] Formulations available also vary with country.

An active ingredient in some Preparation H products is phenylephrine in a 0.25% concentration, a drug which constricts blood vessels. This drug is more commonly used as a decongestant in cold medications since restricting blood flow in the sinuses will reduce the amount of mucus they create. Since hemorrhoids are caused by inflamed blood vessels, this can reduce their size.
Preparation H with hydrocortisone has only hydrocortisone as its active ingredient, in a 1% concentration. A witch hazel medicated wipe is also available under the Preparation H brand.
The Canadian formulation of Preparation H includes a yeast extract called BioDyne which has been removed from the formulation sold in the United States. This yeast extract is believed by many to remove wrinkles from skin and heal dry, cracked, and irritated skin. Thus the Canadian formulation has acquired a market in the United States as a skin cream.

I don't see how any of that - esp. something that CONSTRICTS blood vessels, is gonna help grow hair - we want MORE blood flowing to the scalp, not less.
Hydrocortisone is a steriod, right? I wonder if that helps, any...

:look: We'd have to know what KIND she was using before making any judgements. And once again - was she rubbing it in? I really do think it's the inadvertant scalp massage making a difference.
I bow to wiki on a regular basis....

I don't see how any of that - esp. something that CONSTRICTS blood vessels, is gonna help grow hair - we want MORE blood flowing to the scalp, not less.
Hydrocortisone is a steriod, right? I wonder if that helps, any...

:look: We'd have to know what KIND she was using before making any judgements. And once again - was she rubbing it in? I really do think it's the inadvertant scalp massage making a difference.

On the bolded, she just said it was the preparation h cream she got from the local drugstore. And yes she states that all she does is put it on those spots and rub it in until it disappears. So your reasoning of the rubbing does make sense, since that's another way of massaging your scalp. BUT STILL!!! Preparation H???? I still don't get how it grows hair still. But she did have some hairs in the patches, but I can't say it came from that stuff. Is there anyone who perhaps got some of this lying around and can say what the main ingredient is? When she stated she was using that, I told her simply wait until those patches have cleared up and she's no longer using it before I do her hair. I just wasn't sure about this stuff.

Y'all are crazy. I can't talk because I've experimented too. HHG

This is a bit OT, but i once was told by a lady that urine can be used as a facial cleanser and improve the complexion. I don't plan on trying it though. The things people will do for beauty. :drunk:
On the bolded, she just said it was the preparation h cream she got from the local drugstore. And yes she states that all she does is put it on those spots and rub it in until it disappears. So your reasoning of the rubbing does make sense, since that's another way of massaging your scalp. BUT STILL!!! Preparation H???? I still don't get how it grows hair still. But she did have some hairs in the patches, but I can't say it came from that stuff. Is there anyone who perhaps got some of this lying around and can say what the main ingredient is? When she stated she was using that, I told her simply wait until those patches have cleared up and she's no longer using it before I do her hair. I just wasn't sure about this stuff.

*giggle* I think she could be using chicken fat, vaseline, or anything else slick and creamy, and if she rubbed that spot long enough to rub it in - it would stimulate her scalp and make her hair grow.....okay, maybe not Nair, but other than that.... I dunno....

Lurking around to hear ingredients....

Y'all are crazy. I can't talk because I've experimented too. HHG

This is a bit OT, but i once was told by a lady that urine can be used as a facial cleanser and improve the complexion. I don't plan on trying it though. The things people will do for beauty. :drunk:

WOW...thats a new one :nono:

Y'all are crazy. I can't talk because I've experimented too. HHG

This is a bit OT, but i once was told by a lady that urine can be used as a facial cleanser and improve the complexion. I don't plan on trying it though. The things people will do for beauty. :drunk:

Say what?????????????????:perplexed
*giggle* I think she could be using chicken fat, vaseline, or anything else slick and creamy, and if she rubbed that spot long enough to rub it in - it would stimulate her scalp and make her hair grow.....okay, maybe not Nair, but other than that.... I dunno....

Lurking around to hear ingredients....

LOL!!! I just don't know, but I'm curious can't ya tell! LOL:lachen:

Y'all are crazy. I can't talk because I've experimented too. HHG

This is a bit OT, but i once was told by a lady that urine can be used as a facial cleanser and improve the complexion. I don't plan on trying it though. The things people will do for beauty. :drunk:
OT: Yes, the things people wiill do for beauty and health too. Don't sleep on urine therapy--it really does work to heal and beautify the skin and body. I started a thread on this topic over 4 years ago and it's still active in the Health forum.

One of the ladies here started a thread last year in the Makeup forum--I'll be back with the links. :fan:

Here is the one I started in 2004 which focuses on beauty and health:
Has Anyone Tried Urine Therapy For Beauty, Health

Here is one a lady here started a year ago which focuses primarily on beauty:
My beauty secret

A few months ago, Dr. Oz (on Oprah) mentioned the healing benefits of using our own urine also, since it is highly sterile as well as filled with vitamins, minerals and hormones.

Back on topic: Maybe the doctor had her use Preperation H to stop bleeding and start the healing process. I heard some use this to reduce puffiness under the eyes (the Canadian one) but this is the first time I learned a doctor prescribed it for the scalp. Maybe it has another benefit we don't know about. :scratchch
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OT: Yes, the things people wiill do for beauty and health too. Don't sleep on urine therapy--it really does work to heal and beautify the skin and body. I started a thread on this topic almost 4 years ago and it's still active in the Health forum.

One of the ladies here started a thread last year in the Makeup forum--I'll be back with the links. :fan:

kind of off topic but, im glad I have nice skin!!
I'm going to play devils advocate here.

Lets suppose potion A is made to be a butt cream right? The ingredients are X,Y, and Z.

Lets say Potion B is made to be a hair stimulator and has the same ingredients X,Y,and Z.

Sooooooo why get all up in arms about the use of a thing when many products have multi uses?

If Potion A is called Preperation H and Potion B is called Fass Hur Gro, and they have identical ingredients, I dont see what the big deal is.

Just food for thought.
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Uhhhhh, please don't kill me for this!!!:blush:

Well just a few minutes ago a friend of mine's came by here to inquire about getting her friend's hair braided up. Well she had her friend with her, so we were conversing about prices, length of braids and such. Well, during that convo, I asked her if she'd mind if I touched her hair to see how much I would be working with for a price quote. Well she has several patches of baldness going on in her head with lil hairs coming in. So I proceeded to ask her what happened to those spots if she didn't mind me asking. She stated that her and her boyfriend got into a physical fight last week and he pulled some of her hair out. She told me she had to go to the doctor because her scalp was raw and bleeding. Well guess what?!!??
Doc told her to put PREPARATION H on her spots!!!! I even asked her HOW it was done, she says just put dots on the spots from the tube and rub it in. Uh is this hemorrhoidal cream the next version of hair growth?????? This is first time I ever heard this, but I wouldn't be surprised seeing that people use/used MN too. So what do you think of this???

Ladies, I have been lurking since last year and this is what made me subscribe... the Preparation H will not help your hair grow, the doc gave it to the girl bc her scalp was raw and bleeding. Somebody mentioned it constricts blood vessels. This helps stop the bleeding in the scalp or in the case of hemorrhoids the expansion of your veins in your behind. Repeat, it was not to help the hair grow, it was bc of the raw and bleeding scalp.
Ladies, I have been lurking since last year and this is what made me subscribe... the Preparation H will not help your hair grow, the doc gave it to the girl bc her scalp was raw and bleeding. Somebody mentioned it constricts blood vessels. This helps stop the bleeding in the scalp or in the case of hemorrhoids the expansion of your veins in your behind. Repeat, it was not to help the hair grow, it was bc of the raw and bleeding scalp.

Welcome to the site. I'm new here too. That makes alot of sense. Thank you for the clarification.
Ladies, I have been lurking since last year and this is what made me subscribe... the Preparation H will not help your hair grow, the doc gave it to the girl bc her scalp was raw and bleeding. Somebody mentioned it constricts blood vessels. This helps stop the bleeding in the scalp or in the case of hemorrhoids the expansion of your veins in your behind. Repeat, it was not to help the hair grow, it was bc of the raw and bleeding scalp.
Welcome aboard!!!! :wave:

I remember wanting to find out what MTG was is what made me subscribe.
I would think it'd ease the bleeding and decrease any inflammation she was having and depending on which kind she got also ease any pain she was having rather than as a hair growth helper.

I've used it on occasion for undereye puffiness and it works really well. But you can't use it long term because it will thin the skin.
Ladies, I have been lurking since last year and this is what made me subscribe... the Preparation H will not help your hair grow, the doc gave it to the girl bc her scalp was raw and bleeding. Somebody mentioned it constricts blood vessels. This helps stop the bleeding in the scalp or in the case of hemorrhoids the expansion of your veins in your behind. Repeat, it was not to help the hair grow, it was bc of the raw and bleeding scalp.

ITA! I'm glad you posted this before I could, lol! This was my first thought...
Oh no, not ass cream! Why:nono:?!?

:lachen::lachen::lachen: i was bored and quiet. i came online and i was :grin: in no time.

BTW - Urine, sounds kinda gro-tesque but hey, those spas that come out with their own concotions and GREEEAATT body and facial cleaners and deep cleaners and the like, putting all sorts of stuff in their mixes (we don't know all) and we enjoy them. a little of your own urine to help heal messed up skin ain't too bad. IMO
Uhhhhh, please don't kill me for this!!!:blush:

Well she has several patches of baldness going on in her head with lil hairs coming in. So I proceeded to ask her what happened to those spots if she didn't mind me asking. She stated that her and her boyfriend got into a physical fight last week and he pulled some of her hair out. She told me she had to go to the doctor because her scalp was raw and bleeding.

No one? No one is going to comment about this woman's boyfriend pulling out her hair?! No? If this woman is being abused, I think growing her hair is the least of her worries. At least it puts things in perspective for me. I know, I know, it's a hair forum, but man! But I am glad someone posted about her being raw and bleeding. He's trying to heal her and make sure she ain't all bleeding and stuff first.