Okay, I have read through the responses, and decided to address both perspectives on the topic (since I feel that I can see both sides). At first, I wasn't going to respond, but after consulting the Lord, I felt that shedding some light on this topic would give a different perspective.
As a Christian woman and a lawyer to be (I'm studying for the bar now),here's my take on the subject. And no, these don't make me a walking oxymoron.
Overall, I don't personally like prenups. However, I'm not completely against them, and I will consult the Lord if and when the time comes for me. I'm still in my 20's now. I do believe that they can have a purpose, and yes, I don't think that in all circumstances they are unGodly or unbelieving. Like doctors and lawyers, they do have their place in this world. They can be like a will, which I don't think most Christians believe is unGodly.
I believe that before deciding whether to get a prenup, the first place you must always go is to the Lord (He is the highest counselor, higher than any lawyer, psychiatrist, minister, etc.).
I believe Proverbs is the greatest book in the bible to discuss the importance of discernment and preparation, and I also personally find that book to be a key to how we as Christians should be wise stewards in the financial area, and in some instances, I do believe this can include prenuptial agreements.
Prenuptial agreements aren't always Black and White. They don't have to always be a "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours situation." It can be partial, like the example I will give below, so that any assets you attain in the marriage would be fair game for either spouse if, God forbid, you do divorce.
Here's an example: If you were marrying someone, and you had a family business, or a family home (i.e. property, a summer home, etc.), those can be instances where a prenuptial agreement can be an important way to protect not just your personal interest, but the interest of your blood relatives and children. Let's say your parents left you a summer home when they died, and later you divorce your spouse. Technically, w/o a prenup, your spouse can try to lay claim to this, even if it's a "family" home (or at least your interest in the house). The same is true for family businesses. I'm exaggerating, but there are instances like this.
However, prenups can be a disaster too, and I think this is what many of you are referring to. Look at the many people who entered a marriage in their 20's with little or no assets, and one spouse gets extremely wealthy, and when they divorce, the prenup says "go our separate ways" and one spouse ends up with little or nothing and the other ends up with a lot. However, family courts CAN in some instances re-interpret even prenuptial agreements, b/c they know that people are doing this, and
I think this matters, b/c it's important to know this. Of course
as Christians we MUST ALWAYS TRUST GOD. However, God has blessed us with various means to protect ourselves from harm, things He has placed on this earth, and I'm not even specifically saying that's a prenuptial agreement, but He has given us "tangible" resources to work with.
God will always protect us as someone said, and I have seen situations where people were left with nothing, and yes, God can rebuild us in our valley times (Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married?" addressed this topic in a comical way). However, I also believe that God does want us to be intelligent. I believe that God works through us, and gives us these resources. In some instances, that will mean not marrying a person. In others it may mean taking other precautionary steps. It may not even be your spouse, it could be others you have to be guarded against (like relatives. sad but true).
I have to use this as an analogy (and it's gonna be a sensitive one).
There are unfortunately a lot of women (Christian and non-Christian) who find themselves infected with diseases like AIDS or other incurable STD's from husbands they believed were faithful, good men. They really believed that they were safe, and in some instances (I know not in all
), the women had no idea, or very little. God has blessed us with various ways to know how the disease is spread and how to protect ourselves, and stay safe, and that can (and has) protected some women. God does want us to be safe and protected from the ills of this world.
Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world, and the consequences of that will manifest in our lives at times. I do believe God always wants us to do all things with our eyes wide open, so first, second, and always, consult, consult, consult your Heavenly Father!
Sorry this post is soooooooooo long, but I just had to give light to both sides, b/c I see them both so well, and I felt that I could minister on this topic!
Last little note: There are other ways to protect assets besides prenups. It's just one channel!